5E: Fifth Edition Monster Variants Inspired by Fourth Edition Sources

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Okay, a few minor corrections.

The Magic Resistance is needs capitalisation of "resistance".

It's got Spellcasting wording instead of Innate Spellcasting and the save DC is a point too high, it should be:

Innate Spellcasting. The chaos savant's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). The chaos savant can innately cast the following spells, requiring only verbal components:​

The Sunlight Sensitivity is missing the capitalisation of "sensitivity" and "wisdom (perception)".

Upon rereading it, I realized the New Condition: Dancing Mad is better with "(i.e. its Speed does not increase by one third)" rather than "(i.e. its Speed does not increase by 10 ft.)" so have updated it.

I think that's everything.

Casimir Liber

Now for my world I need an interesting Vampiric Mist - and I stumbled across the 4e one (p42 of Dungeon #221 in adventure "Vainglorious") and liked its mechanics enough to import it to 5e. I have a vague idea I saw it somewhere else too but can't remember where now. The one from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes is pretty vanilla (is CR3 but looks pretty lame for CR3 TBH), and the Crimson Mist (CR6) from 5e SRD is okay-ish, though would be better if it could do more than one action a turn.


Now for my world I need an interesting Vampiric Mist - and I stumbled across the 4e one (p42 of Dungeon #221 in adventure "Vainglorious") and liked its mechanics enough to import it to 5e. I have a vague idea I saw it somewhere else too but can't remember where now. The one from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes is pretty vanilla (is CR3 but looks pretty lame for CR3 TBH), and the Crimson Mist (CR6) from 5e SRD is okay-ish, though would be better if it could do more than one action a turn.

The 4E version from Dungeon #221 is a bit more mechanically interesting than the earlier versions (or the later 5E versions for that matter) so I'd be game for writing one up.

The earlier versions of the Vampiric Mist are vaporous living creatures, not undead, and date back as far as 1985 when the Vampire Mist appeared in Baltron's Beacon (1985).

They were preceded by a way more powerful relative, the Crimson Death from the Monster Manual II (1983).

Guess the first question is, do you prefer making this an insubstantial monstrosity like the earlier editions or will it be an incorporeal undead like the 4E Vainglorious version?

Second question is, roughly what Challenge are we aiming for?

The 4E version is a Level 9 Skirmisher, which isn't that powerful in terms of that ruleset.

That's about CR 3 in 5E terms, same as the Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes Vampiric Mist.

Casimir Liber

I like the idea of using it as a significantly more powerful and more dynamic vampiric mist (so might be used as a boss monster with some CR3 vampiric mist - so maybe CR 6 or so. I will stat up something in an hour or so and post

Casimir Liber

Actually coming out as more CR 7 I think....


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Actually coming out as more CR 7 I think....

Presumably this is the more powerful CR 6+ one and the "more dynamic" CR3 reimagining of the regular Vampiric Mist comes later.

Will these two misty foes going to be greater and lesser versions of the same creature, like a Vampire and a Vampire Spawn, or will they be two similar but different monsters?

Not sure about the name "Blood Mist" for the more powerful version. It just seems a bit, well, generic. Why not call the mightier version a Crimson Death like the Vampy Mist's mighty predecessor? Guess you could mix it up and call it a Death Mist or Deathly Mist, but that sounds a bit generic too!

Come to think of it, will we be calling the weaker version a "Vampire Mist" like the Baltron's Beacon original or a "Vampiric Mist" like later versions?

Voidrunner's Codex

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