5E: Fifth Edition Monster Variants Inspired by Fourth Edition Sources


Ok. I am wary of copy-pasting even a brief precis for copyright reasons I guess so need to craft a very short summary in own words...

Is this summary supposed to be a description of a bog standard Ettin? Why would it need that in the Description.

Rather than copying part of the 5E Monster Manual text on the Ettin, I was proposing we state it's the same as regular Ettin apart from being "X," with X probably being a brief explanation as to it being a bit bigger and highly skilled in combat (for an Ettin).

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"Ettin marauders are ettins of prodigious size and have a fair degree of cunning and battle-savviness."

Not keen on the "and have a fair degree of cunning and battle-savviness" since (a) I'd prefer "with a" to "and have" and (b) the Marauder has the same INT, WIS and CHA as a regular Ettin, suggesting it has the same degree of mental development.

How about:

Ettin marauders are ettins of prodigious size with greater combat skill and battle-savviness than is normal for these two-headed giants. They often lead bands of regular ettins or work as mercenaries for powerful evil creatures, particularly other giants. Some ambitious marauders rule conquered tribes of orcs or similarly savage humanoids.

Casimir Liber

I went looking for a gnoll shaman build in 4e, found the Chosen of Yeenoghu in MM3 and adapted it. Just called it "Chosen" - it controls hyena spirits so can imagine it ordering ghuuna on quests too I guess....

Also made hyena spirit - just reskinned the hyena statblock as insubstantial (from ghost) with necrotic damage - their flimsy hit points mean they sorta like minions


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  • hyenaspirit.jpg
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I went looking for a gnoll shaman build in 4e, found the Chosen of Yeenoghu in MM3 and adapted it. Just called it "Chosen" - it controls hyena spirits so can imagine it ordering ghuuna on quests too I guess....

Also made hyena spirit - just reskinned the hyena statblock as insubstantial (from ghost) with necrotic damage - their flimsy hit points mean they sorta like minions

Shouldn't it have some ability to control/compel Ghuuna.

Wasn't that the point of you creating a Gnoll Shaman for D&D Beyond?

Casimir Liber

I got sidetracked. I looked at these and noted that Dave hadn't done them and I thought they had a really cool game mechanic - and felt for playability then make it in the ghuuna statblock that any gnoll shaman like figure - including these and the fang of yeenoghu or any other one created by a GM could do this questing thing.


Could substitute the titles the Monster Manual gives Yeenoghu, namely "Gnoll Lord" and "Beast of Butchery" as they aren't IP.

Chosen of the Gnoll Lord has a bit of a clunkey ring to it though?

Maybe Chosen of the Beast? The Beast's Chosen? Gnoll Beast Shaman?

Voidrunner's Codex

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