D&D 5E 5e "raw" spell data?

Wulf Ratbane

Tinkering with various caster builds, I quickly recognized I'd like a quick way to categorize spells-- school, class availability, cantrip or not, ritual or not, higher slots or not, type of save/attack roll, damage type, etc.

1) Does anything like this exist yet? If so, where?

2) If not, would anyone be interested in it, if I compiled it?

3) And would ENworld host a file like that?

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Ari made an excel sheet that has all the spells, level, class, school in it. It is floating around somewhere and while it doesn't have all the info you want it would be a great starting point.

Wulf Ratbane

Got it, thanks, Ari.

I'll see if I can find some time tonight to expand it, and if so, I'll email something back to you.

Otherwise I may just wait for your next update. :)


First Post
I put together a Google Docs spreadsheet; it currently lacks the path/order/domain spells, but does provide which base classes get the spell, what level and school it is, whether it's a ritual, and which page its description starts on.


I put together a Google Docs spreadsheet; it currently lacks the path/order/domain spells, but does provide which base classes get the spell, what level and school it is, whether it's a ritual, and which page its description starts on.

I am still waiting for the PHB to be available here in Oz, but I noticed this in the Basic Rules - spells seem to be only of one level now?

In d20 days a spell could be 3rd level Wizard, but a 5th level Cleric spell. In 5e that no longer seems to be the case?

I think I will be making a 5e spell database similar to my 3e database, just need to see the spell structure for spells available in PHB to see if it differs from the Basic Rules.

For those doing spell work in Excel, that is something to possibly consider - source. Is the spell in both the Basic Rules and PHB, or only PHB, etc?


First Post
I am still waiting for the PHB to be available here in Oz, but I noticed this in the Basic Rules - spells seem to be only of one level now?

In d20 days a spell could be 3rd level Wizard, but a 5th level Cleric spell. In 5e that no longer seems to be the case?
That's correct. Every class that gets a spell gets it at the same level. No more getting hold person a level late if you're a wizard.


First Post
Hey Ari, your speadsheet is Awesome! If you plan on updating it again, adding a collumn for Save? (N/A /None/Str/Dex/Con/Int/Wis/Cha) would be rediculously useful.

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