D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XIII: Warlock)


A suffusion of yellow
Archfey 20
Celestial 22
Fathomless 22 - best Jack Palance imperdonation
Fiend 20
Genie 18
Ghost in the Machine 11
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 22
Lurker in the Deep 18
Raven Queen 19
Seeker 18
Undead 23
Undying 12
Undying Light 7

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D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Archfey 20
Celestial 22
Fathomless 22
Fiend 20
Genie 18
Ghost in the Machine 11
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 23
Lurker in the Deep 18
Raven Queen 19
Seeker 18
Undead 23
Undying 12
Undying Light 5


Dusty Dragon
Archfey 20
Celestial 22
Fathomless 22
Fiend 20
Genie 19
Ghost in the Machine 9

Great Old One 21
Hexblade 23
Lurker in the Deep 18
Raven Queen 19
Seeker 18
Undead 23
Undying 12
Undying Light 5


Archfey 20
Celestial 22
Fathomless 22
Fiend 20
Genie 19
Ghost in the Machine 9
Great Old One 21 - 2 = 19 Lovecraft, be GONE!
Hexblade 23 +1 = 24 Choose excellence. Choose stabbing.

Lurker in the Deep 18
Raven Queen 19
Seeker 18
Undead 23
Undying 12
Undying Light 5


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Archfey 21
Celestial 22
Fathomless 22
Fiend 20
Genie 19
Ghost in the Machine 9
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 23
Lurker in the Deep 18
Raven Queen 19
Seeker 18
Undead 21
Undying 12
Undying Light 5


I don’t think I voted yet, but correct me if I’m wrong!


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Archfey 21
Celestial 22
Fathomless 22+1=23
Fiend 20
Genie 19
Ghost in the Machine 9-2=7
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 23
Lurker in the Deep 18
Raven Queen 19
Seeker 18
Undead 21
Undying 12
Undying Light 5


Follower of the Way
Archfey 21
Celestial 22 + 1 = 23 Decent blaster+healer. If Blade had Hexblade's +Cha-to-hit, this could be my favorite.
Fathomless 23
Fiend 20
Genie 19
Ghost in the Machine 7
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 23
Lurker in the Deep 18
Raven Queen 19
Seeker 18
Undead 21
Undying 12 - 2 = 10 Frankly, I feel like most of its interesting features should be pact-agnostic invocations.
Undying Light 5


Archfey 21
Celestial 23-2 = 21 - the Divine Soul won the Sorcerers. Do we really need another divine-themed arcanist to win? The answer is no.
Fathomless 23
Fiend 20
Genie 19
Ghost in the Machine 7
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 23+1 = 24 - Blood and souls! Blood and souls for my Lord Arioch!
Lurker in the Deep 18
Raven Queen 19
Seeker 18
Undead 21
Undying 10
Undying Light 5

Archfey 21
Celestial 21
Fathomless 23
Fiend 20
Genie 20
Ghost in the Machine 7
Great Old One 21
Hexblade 24
Lurker in the Deep 18
Raven Queen 19
Seeker 18
Undead 21
Undying 8 -- this pact is like buying a lemon
Undying Light 5

Voidrunner's Codex

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