5e Tomb of Annihilation - OCC


I'm the DM for the Tomb game that players are talking about. Welcome to PBP. It's a lot of fun, but I gotta warn you: It takes a LONG TIME. I have estimated that playing a FULL version of a WotC hardcover will take EIGHT YEARS. The Tomb of Annihilation game has been going since August of 2017, and we just finally STARTED the first level of the Named Tomb, and I've had very dedicated players (relatively to many PBP games - I have lost a few, to be sure).

I don't mean to discourage you! In fact, I wouldn't mind playing! I just think it's worth warning you - it might be best to plan for a "piece" of one of those adventures, and then continue with a sequel if that goes well. (For example, the Nightstone bit out of Storm King's Thunder, but please don't do that actual one, because I've played it twice!)

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So I spent the bus ride to and from work reading up on the adventure, getting an ideal of the over all campaign. And I returned here to see a lot of interest in playing a game(which is great). Also I came home to see a bunch of D&D books about my desk and bed opened to various monsters, magical items, and spells. Feels good to see the organized chaos of being a DM once more.

So I think the group starts out looking like this:

Steve Gorak - cleric or druid (answer to your question is starting lvl 1)
VLAD the Destroyer - ranger
Leatherhead - paladin or rogue
Neurotic - warlock

Reserve and alt players:
Kobold Stew - First spot next non ToA game

I was thinking that the hired party of investigators (the PCs) would have been in Port Nyanzaru for a week, getting a lay of the land, setting up a homebase, and getting use to the weather. This will allow me to post up some of the area and hand out some of the rumors you all might have gathered.

I'm going to let all of you form the party as you wish, and I'll give you some info based off your background choice and backstory. Speaking of backstory, I have an ideal that each of the characters was summoned to a special meeting of interested parties wishing to find and end the Death Curse. You may add in anything about that meeting and your boat trip to Chult that you wish. So who knows who before meeting up in Port Nayanzaru is all up to you.

For now we just need to make PC and get them equipped and ready to explore. Have fun.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Wow, filled up in a day! There's a lot of interest in playing, and so am I. Can I be on that reserve list? (Not that I've got a lot of chance with three reserves before me, but who knows? ;) )

Steve Gorak

So I spent the bus ride to and from work reading up on the adventure, getting an ideal of the over all campaign. And I returned here to see a lot of interest in playing a game(which is great). Also I came home to see a bunch of D&D books about my desk and bed opened to various monsters, magical items, and spells. Feels good to see the organized chaos of being a DM once more.

So I think the group starts out looking like this:

Steve Gorak - cleric or druid (answer to your question is starting lvl 1)
VLAD the Destroyer
Leatherhead - paladin or rogue

Reserve and alt players:
Kobold Stew - First spot next non ToA game

I was thinking that the hired party of investigators (the PCs) would have been in Port Nyanzaru for a week, getting a lay of the land, setting up a homebase, and getting use to the weather. This will allow me to post up some of the area and hand out some of the rumors you all might have gathered.

I'm going to let all of you form the party as you wish, and I'll give you some info based off your background choice and backstory. Speaking of backstory, I have an ideal that each of the characters was summoned to a special meeting of interested parties wishing to find and end the Death Curse. You may add in anything about that meeting and your boat trip to Chult that you wish. So who knows who before meeting up in Port Nayanzaru is all up to you.

For now we just need to make PC and get them equipped and ready to explore. Have fun.
Yay, thank you for this!

Going for outlander druid, likely wood elf but also tempted by forest gnome.

Question for you @FrontLine MeatShield : can we use the optional rule in Tasha's that we can replace proficiencies/tools? It's nothing major, but I'd love to swap out The elve's proficiency in short and long swords for something more relevant, like woodworking & leatherworking tool proficiency. Its a better fit for my druid. Not minimaxing, just trying to get a better fit.

I'm also tempted by the forest gnome, and was also wondering if we could use the custom ability score rule from Tasha's (i.e. you can put your bonuses where you want, and in this case, it would obviously be Wis and Dex or Con). I'm leaning more towards wood elf though.

Also, do you have any recommended/relevant languages? I need to pick one, and the default will be sylvan

Finally, do you recommend any backstory hook to make my character (wood elf druid) better fit in the story?
I'm looking forward to this game!


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