5e Tomb of Annihilation - OCC

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Steve Gorak

FYI, I'm tempted to go with the standard array + 1 uncommon magic item. Headband of intellect on a druid could be funny, and nice for nature checks, and I like the idea of Pipes of Haunting for crowd control. I'm open to other suggestions; anything that can support the druid concept & the group as a whole is fair game.


edit: the pipes also make the musical tool proficiency from outlander a bit more relevant...

Tasha's book is new to me so I think we'll allow those options to see how they work. Need to learn by trying I guess. Just be sure to note the changes on the character sheet so its easy for me to follow, thanks.

As a background hook for your wood elf druid I think your character could have been singled out due to their ability to live off the land. A mentor or older druid may have recommended them to be a part of the expedition due to the potential they sense in them. Your motivations are all your own and could range from wanting to prove yourself in the wilds or wanting to find a special Circle of druids said to dwell in the jungles. This being D&D the skies the limit, so go in any direction you wish and I'll roll with it.

Also to help with backstory I'll let everyone know what my opening scene is coming together slightly. So far I've thought that the group will already be together and in Port Nyanzaru (PN from here on out), and have arrived together or separate, all depending on how the players wish to play it out. I will post you all being summoned to a Merchant Prince's home to meet your patron in the area. I'm hoping for a bit of RP to start and them giving your characters the motivation they need to go exploring the jungle.

So you've arrived in PN gotten use to the rain and heat, and saw your first dinosaur race. I'll post the city map and key off location you might have ventured to so you have some names and places to reference during the game.

Steve Gorak

Also to help with backstory I'll let everyone know what my opening scene is coming together slightly. So far I've thought that the group will already be together and in Port Nyanzaru (PN from here on out), and have arrived together or separate, all depending on how the players wish to play it out. I will post you all being summoned to a Merchant Prince's home to meet your patron in the area. I'm hoping for a bit of RP to start and them giving your characters the motivation they need to go exploring the jungle.

So you've arrived in PN gotten use to the rain and heat, and saw your first dinosaur race. I'll post the city map and key off location you might have ventured to so you have some names and places to reference during the game.
Starting together will help not wasting 2-4 weeks of real time awkwardness! Imho ;-)


So from what I have seen in other threads is the following: please correct any mistakes.

1) I need to make an RG thread (here in the Talking the Talk area); so players can post up their character concepts and have a place to edit/lvl up their characters.
2) Next I'll need to make a Story or IC (In Character) thread over in Playing the Game; this is where the characters will meet and most of the gaming will take place. Note: I am nowhere near ready for this, maybe around this time next week or by the 1st.
3)After that this thread will become the OOC (Out Of Character) thread for our game.

Did I get all that correct I think that is how it works, I must have lurked around here for two weeks before my first post, trying to learn the ropes.

So my question is this? Where do you put the world info?? I'm thinking the first couple levels will be spent in PN and I want to post a map with names and location for people to reference for their posts. And then there's the huge map of the isle that comes with the book.

Not sure we will do much hex crawling, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I'm having fun none the less, don't let my confusion fool you.


Possibly a Idiot.
I'm currently at 60% confidence.

Option A: A one-horned teifling Paladin of Lathander . Nicknamed "Rhino". Abandoned by his parents at birth he grew up in an orphanage where he studied anthropology and travels in hopes of finding a place where he could truly fit in.

Option B: A high elf Rogue and self proclaimed Treasure hunter. An anthropologist who doesn't care much for people, wields a machete (Scimitar) or a whip and acts like a less scrupulous Indiana Jones.

I'm leaning more A than B right now but I kind of want to see how the rest of the party shapes up.
Kargadan.jpgValanthe Moon screenshot (1).png
So my question is this? Where do you put the world info?? I'm thinking the first couple levels will be spent in PN and I want to post a map with names and location for people to reference for their posts. And then there's the huge map of the isle that comes with the book.
You could dedicate the entire first post of the IC thread to it. Or post it in the OOC thread, depending on when you want us to have the information.

Voidrunner's Codex

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