5e Tomb of Annihilation - OCC

Steve Gorak

@Steve Gorak So my character was going to be an outlander as well. Wanted to see if you wanted to have a character connection? Perhaps we are from the same group. My ranger could have been sent to watch after your Druid or something like that?
Hey @VLAD the Destroyer , I was thinking, perhaps I can let you be the outlander, and can go for something like Noble. There could be an interesting tie in there (for ex: your ranger could be from the same religion/kingdom, and was tasked to protect mine). What race were you thinking of?

Alternatively, our two characters can be outlanders without any issue, just a bit of overlap, which could be good for the help action (can you imagine, finding tracks with help + guidance ;-)
Let me know what you think.


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Need to work on my character background but here is my sheet so far.

Name: Braiden Masterson
Race: Male V. Human
Background: Outlander
Class: Ranger
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Inspiration: No
Spent HD: none

Strength:10 (+0)
+Athlethics: +2​

Dexterity:16 (+3)
Acrobatics: +3
Sleight of Hand: +3
+Stealth: +5​

Constitution: 14 (+2)

Charisma:8 (-1)
Deception: -1
Intimidation: -1
Performance: -1
Persuasion: -1
Passive Perception: 16
Initiative: +3
AC: 16
Speed: 30 ft
Hit Dice: 1d10
HP: 12/12

Intelligence:12 (+1)
Arcana: +1
History: +1
+Nature: +3
Investigation: +1
Religion: +1​

Wisdom:14 (+2)
+Animal Handling: +4
Insight: +2
Medicine: +2
+*Perception: +6
Survival: +4


Initiative: +3


To Hit
1d6+3 (p)
1d6+3 (s)
1d8+3 (p)
Finesse, light
Finesse, light
Ammunition, heavy, two-handed
Strength: +2
Intelligence: +1
Dexterity: +5
+Wisdom: +2
Constitution: +2
+Charisma: -1

Proficiencies and Languages
Languages: Common, Draconic, Sylvan, Halfling, Elven
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Armor: Light, Medium
Tools: Flute
Race: V. Human
+1 Dex and +2 Int​
Speed: 30 ft​
Size: Medium;​
Skills: I gain proficiency in one skill of my choice.
Feat: I gain one feat of my choice.​
Background: Outlander
Skills: Medicine, Religion;​
Wanderer: I have an excellent memory for maps and geography, and I can always recall the general layout of terrain, settlements, and other features around me. In addition, I can find food and fresh water for myself and up to five other people each day, provided that the land offers berries, small game, water, and so forth.
Class: Ranger
Favored Foe: (in place of Favored Enemy.) [+1d4 damage, Proficiency Bonus per long rest] When I hit a creature with an attack roll, I can mark it as my favored enemy for 1 min I deal extra damage to it when I mark it and the first time I hit a marked on my turn. Keeping a creature marked as favored enemy requires me to concentrate, like on a spell.​
Deft Explorer: (in place of Natural Explorer.) Canny (Ranger 1, TCoE 56) [extra benefits at 6th and 10th level] I learn two languages and gain expertise with one skill I'm proficient with.​

Dual Wielder: I can use two-weapon fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons I'm wielding aren't light. I can draw or stow two one-handed weapons when I would normally be able to draw or stow only one. +1 AC while wielding separate melee weapons in each hand.​

Equipment Weight:
Winter Blanket
Herbalism Kit
Backpack, with:
-Mess kit
-50 ft Silk Rope
Traveler's clothes
Hunting trap
Trophy from animal
Belt pouch (with coins)
Studded Leather armor
Arrows x 20
11 gp

Carrying Capacity:
Carried: 81.7 lbs
Carrying Capacity: 150 lbs
Push, Drag, Lift: 151-300 lbs


Race: V. Human
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 198 lbs
Hair: Long red-brown
Eyes: Blue


Traits: I'm driven by a wanderlust that led me away from home. I'm always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them.

Ideal: Change: Life is like the seasons, in constant change, and we must change with it. (Chaotic)
Bond: I suffer awful visions of a coming disaster and will do anything to prevent it.
Flaw: There's no room for caution in a life lived to the fullest.

Hey @VLAD the Destroyer , I was thinking, perhaps I can let you be the outlander, and can go for something like Noble. There could be an interesting tie in there (for ex: your ranger could be from the same religion/kingdom, and was tasked to protect mine). What race were you thinking of?

Alternatively, our two characters can be outlanders without any issue, just a bit of overlap, which could be good for the help action (can you imagine, finding tracks with help + guidance ;-)
Let me know what you think.


I am fine with whatever, you can change if it fits your backstory. I am also fine with both being outlanders. I was going to be variant human.


I was posting up the RG and thought about putting it in there for easy finding. Seems just 5 character posts is a waste of a thread. But thank you for the suggestions.

I have felt the same way regarding RG threads. I've been putting NPC info there, and I wish I'd thought to put more setting stuff as well. I suggest you go for that. Either way, the RG thread won't get too busy to find stuff, which is good. Give it a shot.


I'm currently at 60% confidence.

Option A: A one-horned teifling Paladin of Lathander . Nicknamed "Rhino". Abandoned by his parents at birth he grew up in an orphanage where he studied anthropology and travels in hopes of finding a place where he could truly fit in.

Option B: A high elf Rogue and self proclaimed Treasure hunter. An anthropologist who doesn't care much for people, wields a machete (Scimitar) or a whip and acts like a less scrupulous Indiana Jones.

I'm leaning more A than B right now but I kind of want to see how the rest of the party shapes up.
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You could dedicate the entire first post of the IC thread to it. Or post it in the OOC thread, depending on when you want us to have the information.

I love that Rhino idea!

No, no Let's just say that the list in XGtE is already approved, but if you have something from another source or what not let me know what your thinking and we can discuss it.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Extra points or Pact of the rod keeper...decisions decisions... :) Everything's done except this minor part...

What ancient languages are available?

Voidrunner's Codex

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