5e Tomb of Annihilation - OCC

Steve Gorak

Hey guys,

My character's up in the RG. I decided to go nature cleric instead of Druid, mostly because I didn't lile the idea of having to learn all those animal stats. I also like the expanded spells known from cleric, and I wanted to see if the Nature cleric really does suck like everyone says; I actually think this is a pretty well rounded character!

I picked a magic item that would benefit the group, and took some liberties with the equipment I didn't need, but used the funds mostly for religious symbols, so i didn't think it was a big problem.

Anyways, feedback is welcome., and I'll format + find a nice pic soon.


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Steve Gorak

Hey guys,

My character's up in the RG. I decided to go nature cleric instead of Druid, mostly because I didn't lile the idea of having to learn all those animal stats. I also like the expanded spells known from cleric, and I wanted to see if the Nature cleric really does suck like everyone says; I actually think this is a pretty well rounded character!

I picked a magic item that would benefit the group, and took some liberties with the equipment I didn't need, but used the funds mostly for religious symbols, so i didn't think it was a big problem.

Anyways, feedback is welcome., and I'll format + find a nice pic soon.

Last tweak, went with high elf for booming blade + shillelagh. I can't believe I didn't think about this at first ;-)


Steve Gorak

Hey Folks,

I’m looking for spell selection advice: I’ve currently picked shillelagh and booming blade for my character’s free Druid and wizard cantrips, but I’m not sure it’ll fit the role of a support character. My character is a dex build, so no crazy AC, so I’m not sure I’ll want him to front-line often.

I’m also tempted by thorn whip for the battlefield control + maybe prestigitation for the utility (I think the cooling effect will be useful to avoid exhaustion for those using heavy armor + putting out fires and staying clean in the jungle will be cool).
I’m essentially a insure whether the 2 cantrips are worth the few points of additional damage vs battlefield control + utility.
What do all y’all think?



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Thorn whip for normal fight, shillelagh if you have to close in.
Thaumaturgy or whatever the druid version is or prestidigitation (not sure you can cool people, but endure elements will be god sent)
Resistance/guidance/stabiize or other such support cantrio

Steve Gorak

Thorn whip for normal fight, shillelagh if you have to close in.
Thaumaturgy or whatever the druid version is or prestidigitation (not sure you can cool people, but endure elements will be god sent)
Resistance/guidance/stabiize or other such support cantrio
Thanks! I decided to go nature cleric, so I get 3 cleric cantrips (guidance, mending and sacred flame), and the question was for the 1 bonus druid cantrip + wizard one from High Elf.

So the question is Shilelagh + booming blade, or for more utility & control: thorn whip + prestidigitation. one of the listed benefits of Prestigitation is • You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of nonliving material for 1 hour. by chilling 3x 1 cubic foot, I'm pretty sure a combattant in heavy armor can stay comfortable. What do you think @FrontLine MeatShield?


I'm sure no one will complain about a light frost about the rim of their shield or armor. Especially if it might give them advantage on a save.

If your trying to figure out your role in combat, I think you might want to discuss this as a group. Since your a cleric your support to be sure. So you need to think how you'd like to play out your role. Side by side with Rhino in the front where you can reach out and touch him, or behind a bit - bow in hand and a healing word on your lips? Or are you harrying opponents to give Lizzy some extra rogue dice?

All and all the vibe I get from your character is he'll be the welcome sight after the fight. So one of your cantrips could be mending for making minor repairs to items, clothes, and equipment. I'd take the combat cantrips when you get one at a higher level, like sacred flame. But in answer to your question, I'm not to sure both combos have their perks, but when in doubt always choice your role over the rolls. DMs usually reward that. I know I do.


Possibly a Idiot.
In the long run, I think Thorn Whip is better. You can use it as your melee attack (though it doesn't do as much damage as a real melee weapon), but the real benefit is keeping the enemy where you want them, which is a bigger deal than 3ish damage per hit.

As for me, I am debating on if I want to use a spear or Longsword. Spears just feel like a "Rhino-y" kind of weapon, but longswords are technically better.

Steve Gorak

In the long run, I think Thorn Whip is better. You can use it as your melee attack (though it doesn't do as much damage as a real melee weapon), but the real benefit is keeping the enemy where you want them, which is a bigger deal than 3ish damage per hit.

As for me, I am debating on if I want to use a spear or Longsword. Spears just feel like a "Rhino-y" kind of weapon, but longswords are technically better.
Have you thought about pikes? They have more oomph…

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