D&D 5E 5th edition should most resemble?


6] BECMI with unified, d20 mechanics, would be acceptable to me. There are a lot of advantages to this, especially if you want a simple base.

I'd prefer [4] AD&D: 1st or 2nd edition with unified, d20 mechanics, though. I like a little more complexity, so long as the cost (regarding elements such as balance) isn't too high.

In either case, I would want it informed by [8] 4th Edition: including Essentials and other games derived from it. 4e wasn't perfect, but it had a lot of good ideas.

([MENTION=8313]cperkins[/MENTION] - As far as I know, you can't edit it to add in a poll. You could start a new poll thread, and ask the mods to merge or delete this one.)

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Bobbum Man

No level drains? Not even an ability points off drain option? How am I meant to make players scared of the undead? :)

And what? Have to readjust all of their crap in the middle of combat? Those abilities are a 1040a form waiting to happen.

Level drain and ability score damage could stick around, but they need to find an easier way of doing it. Hell just apply a flat penalty to rolls or something until the character gets a restoration spell without having to retroactively calculate hit points, base attack bonus, feats, etc. But for the love of boobies, can we please just finally agree to excise these needlessly cumbersome and fiddly bits from the game?


And what? Have to readjust all of their crap in the middle of combat? Those abilities are a 1040a form waiting to happen.

Level drain and ability score damage could stick around, but they need to find an easier way of doing it. Hell just apply a flat penalty to rolls or something until the character gets a restoration spell without having to retroactively calculate hit points, base attack bonus, feats, etc. But for the love of boobies, can we please just finally agree to excise these needlessly cumbersome and fiddly bits from the game?

You have a point about slowing play down, but just as a fallen Paladin should have his spurs chopped off in front of the chapter house, so too should an undead creature strike fear and trepidation into PCs' hearts. :cool:

If this raising of the stakes extends into the meta-game and lasts - due to a lack of Restoration at 4th level - that only adds to the rep of the undead.

A player that loses a level, but kills the undead has a story to tell. And, yes, I have no problem with the GM making a slurpy noise as a Mind thingy extracts my PC's brain.


4] AD&D: 1st or 2nd edition with unified, d20 mechanics

But if it does not I will just keep playing AD&D/PF and Wizards will not get my money. No big deal

Bobbum Man

You have a point about slowing play down, but just as a fallen Paladin should have his spurs chopped off in front of the chapter house, so too should an undead creature strike fear and trepidation into PCs' hearts. :cool:

If this raising of the stakes extends into the meta-game and lasts - due to a lack of Restoration at 4th level - that only adds to the rep of the undead.

A player that loses a level, but kills the undead has a story to tell. And, yes, I have no problem with the GM making a slurpy noise as a Mind thingy extracts my PC's brain.

Awwww...here's the rub...

Ideally, people want the game to emulate the kind of stories wherein the heroes face seemingly insurmountable odds, yet somehow manage to eke out a victory despite all probability.

The problem is that D&D is a game, and not a story and this concept is untenable because...welll...that's how probability works. If the system consistently stacks the odds in favor of the opposition, then you can be reasonably sure that the PC's will nearly always be on the losing side.

As for the specific problem of level drain and ability score decreasing or increasing effects, I agree that these things have a place in the game, but that the classical implementation of them needs to be streamlined.

This D&DN experiment haslofty goals...some would say unachievable..but it will never, ever actually work if people aren't willing to open their minds up to new ways of doing old things.

Bobbum Man

Give me a B/E retroclone with some of the more archaic rules modernized and streamlined and I will be thrilled.

This would be my ideal D&D game.

If they do have online support for the new game, I hope it is A) Not necessary, and B) Friendly to houseruling. I have yet to run a game completely be the rules as written. Ever. I doubt 5E will be any exception.

Voidrunner's Codex

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