A Candlekeep Mystery (IC)

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Crock Jon looks at Kaliban, and whispers. "I'm not looking for a conflict, but perhaps it makes sense to keep watch from here? Ensure they keep their distance?" He looks over his shoulder -- is their firelight visible from here? "I'm happy to stay here until they bed down."

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Steve Gorak

As the group plans the watches, Ethian says: “Hawthorne, if you accept, let’s do the watch together. I will be able to allow you to see in the dark for a bit”

OOC: recall that Ethian has “super” night vision with an extended range of 300 ft. He can share this for 1h (eyes of the night)
He also has Vigilant Blessing, giving 1 person advantage on initiative, so if applicable, he’ll also give this to Hawthorne


Ruznami Warmaker
Mountain Road
Day 23/Night
Round 0

“Eh? He seemed nice enough,” Ruznami said, as the others all got super suspicious when Dolman left. “Archimedes doesn’t need sleep,” the dwarf noted. “Archie, go on with Crock Jon,” he instructed the owl.

The small owl took to the night sky, following the others to look over the other fire. The owl fluttered silently closer to the edge of the firelight to see if he could overhear.

Meanwhile, Ruznami tunelessly whistled as he went around the twenty foot area of camp with some thread and other ritual materials, placing an alarm spell that would awaken them noisily if they were disturbed by anyone.

Ritual cast: Alarm

Perception: 2D20.HIGH(1)+3 = [2, 15]+3 = 18


Free Object Interaction:

Bonus Action:
Reaction: Opportunity Attack, Absorb Elements, Shield
  • Opportunity Attack:


Initiative: +2
Perception: +0
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 26/26 HD: 4/4d6+2

Archimedes (Owl familiar)
Initiative: +1
Perception: +3 Advantage, Darkvision 120
Speed: 60 (fly); 5 (walk)
AC: 11
HP: 1

Prepared Spells
Blade Ward, Booming Blade, Fire Bolt, Lightning Lure
1) 4/4 Absorb Elements, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield
2) 3/3 Arcane Lock, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray
Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Identify
Absorb Elements, Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Identify, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield
(2) Arcane Lock, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray

Leave flowers on the grave of Lukas Grosvenor’s wife Lorna.
Look for Lorna’s necklace in the hollow tree.

Hawthorne Grandview - male Human rogue inquisitive
Kaliban - male deep gnome psi-warrior


Crock Jon and Kaliban chose to stay watching Dolman and his gang as the (likely) bandits made camp a half-mile down the mountainside from the Black Dragon Agents' own camp. They were soon joined by Archemedes, as the little owl familiar happily flitted back-and-forth between all three locations as the night wore on (only stopping once to catch a vole that had ventured out into the night; now dead and saved for later in one of Ruznami's pockets.)

In this way, Ruznami was able to determine that Dolman had indeed given off any idea of robbing the agents and planned to head down toward Maerin the following morning. The consensus in his camp was that the agents would certainly meet their doom in the mountains. Kaliban and Crock Jon kept an eye on them for a time, until they turned in for the night, and then returned to join the others. Ethian, who was on watch, spotted them far before it even seemed possible (having earlier confirmed that no one else was out there).

Ruznami's alarm allowed them through. They slept in shifts, with doubled watch, still reluctant to let their guard down, even with the magic alarm. No one invaded the camp that night, but Shedrick awoke suddenly with a loud cry. He had been mumbling in his sleep for some moments before, and afterward, all he could recall was an acute sense of having been buried alive. Others too, had a restless sleep, but the details were fuzzy.

In the morning, they packed the camp and moved on, thankful that they expected to find the ruined village by the afternoon.


Ruznami Warmaker
Mountain Road
Day 24/Morning
Round 0

The night passed uneventfully. No bandits attacked them. So Ruznami packed up his bedroll, finding Archimedes’ dead vole among his things. He let the little owl have his breakfast, though as a spirit, he didn’t actually have to eat, but form often dictated function, so the owl still behaved as such. Packed up and ready to go, he dug out his spellbook to prepare for the day while the others finished breaking camp.


Free Object Interaction:

Bonus Action:
Reaction: Opportunity Attack, Absorb Elements, Shield
  • Opportunity Attack:


Initiative: +2
Perception: +0
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 26/26 HD: 4/4d6+2

Archimedes (Owl familiar)
Initiative: +1
Perception: +3 Advantage, Darkvision 120
Speed: 60 (fly); 5 (walk)
AC: 11
HP: 1

Prepared Spells
Blade Ward, Booming Blade, Fire Bolt, Lightning Lure
1) 4/4 Absorb Elements, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield
2) 3/3 Arcane Lock, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray
Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Identify
Absorb Elements, Alarm, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Identify, Magic Missile, Protection from Evil and Good, Shield
(2) Arcane Lock, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray

Leave flowers on the grave of Lukas Grosvenor’s wife Lorna.
Look for Lorna’s necklace in the hollow tree.

Hawthorne Grandview - male Human rogue inquisitive
Kaliban - male deep gnome psi-warrior

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Crock Jon wakes, stretches, and goes to find a tree to pee behind. He wipes his rough hands on his trousers as he returns, and helps pack the tent and take whatever supplies he can to lighten the load of the adventurers.


The morning was brisk but clear. The group made their way further northward, heading up into the higher peaks. Around noon, they had stopped near a stream that tumbled down over the rocks, creating a cold spray on the face as they filled their waterskins. Finally, in the early afternoon, what was left of the old road widened into the main street of the abandoned mining village. They had found what remained of Vermeillon.

The village was eerily quiet. Plants and wildlife had overtaken the crumbling houses. Leafless vines climbed rotting walls. Birds and other small creatures nested in the exposed rafters, and gnarled trees protruded from the fallen roofs of a few of the buildings. The sky, now overcast, added an air of oppression that seemed to envelop the village in a melancholic haze.

Directly ahead, the road split into two trails as they wound around either side of a hill upon which stood a grand two-story brick house. The manor had fallen prey to time and the elements like the rest of the village, but it remained in better shape than many of the smaller houses. Heavy wooden double doors were flanked by dark windows, and chimneys anchored the building at each corner; their masonry crumbling.

In front of the house at the 'V' in the road, loomed a wide, leafless tree. Its gnarled branches reached toward the clouds like twisted fingers, and its rough bark was pockmarked with large knots and beetle holes.


OOC: You'll start at the bottom middle, on the road.

Kaliban gathered around the others and surveyed the village. It had seen better days. Kaliban kicks at a couple pebbles and loosens his sword in it's scabbard. He looks to Hawthorne.

"So what should we do first? I know the mine is your priority but doing a quick search of the town might be prudent."


Hawthorne nods in response to Kaliban's statement, and he looks out across the ruined village, upon which he spies the old leafless tree standing in front of the old manor house. "No rush to get to the mine, as far as I'm concerned. Especially considering the rumors of ghosts and spirits... a search of the town would probably do us good just to see what's still here. But I'd recommend that everyone be very up front about anything they experience, though... if you think you see something out of the corner of your eye but it vanishes or whatnot, don't keep it to yourself. We're going to need to keep up on all the visions we experience, in order to hopefully put things to rest."

He takes a few steps forward on the main path heading into Vermeillon, and motions to the large tree while turning to their dwarven wizard. "Ruznami... you were asked to look for a tree by somebody, weren't you? That one there seems to have the most presence in the village, right there in the middle. You think that's the one you want?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Crock Jon walks up the central road, and places the bags he is carrying beside the old, impressive tree.He'll stay with the supplies unless instructed to go elsewhere, or if he hears a commotion.

Voidrunner's Codex

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