A Candlekeep Mystery (IC)


It was early afternoon when the group was ready to venture forth toward the mine. The prisoner was secured to a stake in the manor's garden (now a grass-and-weed-covered field) and Ruznami and Shedrick had a good view of it from one of the manor's upper windows. The manor house had been thoroughly searched. Nothing of particular interest had been found, but in spite of general wear, the manor would make a fine base of operations while the Agents were in Vermeillon.

The day was clear and a brisk wind blew from the north-east, directly into their faces as they travelled toward the mine. Pink-cheeked and squinting, a half-hour later, they found a gaping hole in the mountainside that marked the entrance to the platinum mine. Several carts sat outside the enterence cavern. One was filled with rock and dirt that had long ago been pulled from the mine, while the others were piled with large beams of wood - new supports that should have been, but were never installed, after the unfortunate collapse.


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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tyimng down the meenlock is an unpleasant task for Crock Jon It's not clear what the creature feels -- and he knows well enough the ways that evil dissembles -- but at the same time, it seems an awkward stopgap. For all they knew there were a dozen more within the house, and surely they wouldn't tie so many of these things here in the open. Watching them would be a full time job.

He's thinking about the orders he's likely to be given, though, when an all-clear is given from the house. Okay, not a dozen more, he realizes. And there are others willing to watch this one. He pulls the knots tight, as best he can, and he leaves to see if anyone needs some water carried. The meenlock's screaming still echoes in his ears.


Standing outside the mine, the brisk winds blowing past all of them making chills run through them... Hawthorne takes a moment to take in his exploratory party. A burly and muscular halfork that follows orders more readily than anyone he has ever had the pleasure to work with... a svirfneblin of extreme cunning and intellectual prowess whose mental capabilities far outshines anyone back home... a devout and calming high elf that binds people together as well as the greatest team leaders his parent company could ever hope of employ... and the more charismatic and charming young woman whose feats of magic just overpowered you with strength, grace, and awe. Four better people Hawthorne could not ask for on this mission. And this doesn't even include the most extraordinary wizard and his devout footman back at the manor house keeping an eye on things.

"All right everyone. Here we are. As always... this is about gathering information, not being heroes. We may need to fight our way through things down there, and we have no idea the spirits or creatures that have caused this place to be abandoned for so long... so keep your eyes and ears open, pass on anything notable you sense no matter how inconsequential you think it might be, and let's get going."

He looks at his team... several of whom are either heavily armored, immensely strong, or who had eyesight more than suited for underground perception... and he motioned to lead them forward. "Who wants to take the lead and usher us forward? We are at your leisure." And as they begin moving, Hawthorne's hand pulls out his crossbow from its holster, and he loads and cocks it, preparing to shoot at anything that might try and take on his team.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: all caught up. character to follow soon if you'd be so kind to just pause so I don't have to be introduced inside the belly of some beast :p

Kaliban looks at Hawthorne and steps forward. He pulls his shield from his back and draws his blade.

"I'll take the lead." He then looks at Hawthorne. "Do you want a torch or other light? I don't need it but it will be dark down there."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Crock Jon will go where he's told. He carries no weapons and is there as a porter, but he sees in the dark pretty well.

Steve Gorak

OOC: all caught up. character to follow soon if you'd be so kind to just pause so I don't have to be introduced inside the belly of some beast :p
Before we go in, I’d like to examine the carts. If we can get one of them to roll, I believe it would be wise to bring some of these beams, in case we need to secure some shafts.”

Ethian looks at the carts and beckons Crock Jon “What do you think, could we rely on this one? I can do some minor repairs with magic.”

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Crock Jon looks and the carts, but doesn't have much to offer -- "never really spent much time in a mine," he confesses. "Sorry".

OOC: Investigation w/advantage for land vehicles = 6 UGH.


"Do you want a torch or other light? I don't need it but it will be dark down there."
"I'll probably need some bit of light, unless Ethian's divine abilities are available again. But I have no idea how long we will be down there, so I don't wish to tax him unnecessarily."

"Ethian, what do you think?"
Hawthorne calls, looking over to where the high elf had been... only to now notice he and Crock Jon examining the mine carts. He walks over to where they are, and having grown up around mining equipment all his life and with his keen eye of detail... he instantly picks out a handful of issues he sees with it.

"Axle's bent a bit there... the guide pin looks to be missing... there's two bolts that have fallen out from the bucket here and here... and based upon the rust build-up, these cotter pins are going to snap at any moment and then the wheels are going to come right off."


While Croc Jon and Ethian followed Hawthorne's advice on how best to get a mine-cart repaired so that they could take along some extra support beams, Argenti sensed a kindred spirit nearby. An elemental energy was manifesting itself in a pile of dirt and rocks, which began to quiver and form into a squat humanoid shape.

Voidrunner's Codex

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