A New D&D Book in 2019: Acquisitions Incorporated Dungeon Manual!

Penny Arcade is Releasing an Officially Liscensed Third Party D&D Book Apparently, Penny Arcade is releasing a fully licensed book about Acquisitions, Inc. https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/01/18/dungeons-and-dragons-penny-arcade-acquisitions-inc-dungeon-manual/


? Because?

Because like a large amount of comedy, a lot of it hasn't "aged well" as they say. And some people are less inclined to give them a pass for it.

Their prerogative, and no fault if they don't. They usually have some valid points which even the PA folks have copped to over the years. But as is always the case in these situations, everyone has to continue living past it and thus each person has to decide whether to turn away or carry on carrying on. And you can't fault folks for whichever direction they turn.

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Because like a large amount of comedy, a lot of it hasn't "aged well" as they say. And some people are less inclined to give them a pass for it.

Their prerogative, and no fault if they don't. They usually have some valid points which even the PA folks have copped to over the years. But as is always the case in these situations, everyone has to continue living past it and thus each person has to decide whether to turn away or carry on carrying on. And you can't fault folks for whichever direction they turn.

What does all that even mean?
Is AI some kind of risque comedy troupe?

Okay, I think the bottom row from left to right are Documancer, Occultant, and Cartographer. Any idea what positions the top row are? One would assume they are, in some order, Decisionist, Hoardsperson, and Loremonger, but perhaps there are still other roles.
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What does all that even mean?
Is AI some kind of risque comedy troupe?

No, probably more to do with Penny Arcade, their main web comic.

Personally, I gave up on it years ago not for the content of the comics themselves but for their reaction to fans who called them out on some jokes. I haven’t followed them for years, and I certainly don’t think they are awful and the worst thing out there. Just, for me personally, their reactions soured me on them at the time, and since then there’s so much other great stuff being created, I don’t have time to follow it all, so I don’t miss it. *shrug* No idea if there’s been any particular other big situations, but I get the feeling that, especially with Penny Arcade and that community, they push some boundaries that are fine with some people and not with others.

I do wish them well with this book and am interested to hear more, although it’s likely not in my area of interest. The incident that turned me away was years ago, and I’m sure they’ve matured and learned since then and they seem like decent fellas who do great charity work.

As for Aquisitions Inc, however, seems that it is absolutely NOT problematic like that. Haven’t watched them all, but what I saw was light hearted, silly but still action oriented D&D based around an adventuring corporation. Never heard of any problems with AI and I doubt Chris Perkins and Jeremy Crawford would DM them if there were. Just outside of AI and with Penny Arcade, they have rubbed some people the wrong way. *shrug*
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Immortal Sun

WotC has finally discovered that branching out to things outside of D&D can be successful for D&D!? This just in: Pigs are flying, cats and dogs living together, MADNESS!

Anyway, I know very little about AI. I know slightly more about PA from way back.

Probably not my kettle of fish, but opening up the brand to new ideas is usually a healthy move.

What does all that even mean?
Is AI some kind of risque comedy troupe?
It means old comedy can make modern people gasp and grasp their pearls. We used to joke about things that are considered abhorrent and indefensible now. And future generations will no doubt look at what we do today and think of us as intolerant savages.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
It looks like this will be a third party rules sourcebook on how to run an adventuring corporation in a D&D home campaign. Not a WotC D&D release, but like the Goodman Games books officially licensed as D&D books.

Oh, that sounds pretty relevant to my interests.

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