A New D&D Book in 2019: Acquisitions Incorporated Dungeon Manual!

Penny Arcade is Releasing an Officially Liscensed Third Party D&D Book Apparently, Penny Arcade is releasing a fully licensed book about Acquisitions, Inc. https://comicbook.com/gaming/2019/01/18/dungeons-and-dragons-penny-arcade-acquisitions-inc-dungeon-manual/

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It means old comedy can make modern people gasp and grasp their pearls. We used to joke about things that are considered abhorrent and indefensible now. And future generations will no doubt look at what we do today and think of us as intolerant savages.

As well they should.

There's a reason why minstrel shows stopped being a thing.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
The irony is the Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik have been rather progressive and proactive with their anti-harassment policies and procedures at their PAX trade shows. But as they evolved from two guys making a gaming-themed web cartoon to multi-million dollar media and event-planning corporation they find that as founders and top executives their words and actions are under far greater scrutiny. Web comic creators and comedians will and probably should push the boundaries of good taste from time to time. As a public face and executive of a media and event-planning company--not a great idea.

This article from the Financial Post does a good job discussing the situtation: https://business.financialpost.com/...enny-arcade-needs-to-fix-its-krahulik-problem

I've never been a fan of the Web comic. Not because I'm offended by the content. I just find it boring. As someone who doesn't care much for video games I suppose most of the humor is lost on me. But I appreciate what these guys have done for the hobby and I am a fan of their live Acquisition Incorporated games (I just watch the PAX games, I don't have the time or interest in the weekly streams).

Much of the controversy has been overblown but Mike has said some things that are, at best, incredibly tone deaf. He also seems to hold unpopular opinions about trans-gendered people, which I disagree with. He certainly has a right to express his opinions, but as a businessman, might want to keep those opinions to himself and close friends and off twitter.

Much of the controversy has been overblown but Mike has said some things that are, at best, incredibly tone deaf. He also seems to hold unpopular opinions about trans-gendered people, which I disagree with. He certainly has a right to express his opinions, but as a businessman, might want to keep those opinions to himself and close friends and off twitter.

As I understand it he said some stuff out of ignorance rather than malice, and apologized once a trans friend explained things to him. So while Mike and Jerry may put their foots in their mouths on occasion, they do seem like guys who are willing to be educated.


The article link MN linked was from 2013. So 5+ years ago he put his foot in his mouth, nothing since it seem? If not, is it worth dudging it up again if it’s a case where he apologized and grew out of it and hasn’t made the same mistake again?

Can we focus on the product coming out and not crud from the past that mike grew from? Most of us would be consider idiots based on thing
s we’ve said or done while in high school/college and adult life until we learned better.

If you’re someone who, like me, runs a home brew world (or any world that isn’t Forgotten Realms) but is interested in using this book, how would you go about it? Just have AI be from whatever setting you use instead? Or set up an offworld franchise? Or something else entirely?

I like to stick to official lore as much as possible, so I’m going with the second option. I’m currently leaning towards first contact via crashed spelljammer.

If you’re someone who, like me, runs a home brew world (or any world that isn’t Forgotten Realms) but is interested in using this book, how would you go about it? Just have AI be from whatever setting you use instead? Or set up an offworld franchise? Or something else entirely?

I like to stick to official lore as much as possible, so I’m going with the second option. I’m currently leaning towards first contact via crashed spelljammer.

I'll be doing a cross-planar franchise: the first Acquisitions Inc franchise in Eberron. Or maybe in a Spelljammer setting, since those are my two most-often run settings these days.


I wonder if we’ll get stats for the various Acq Inc characters, including Aoefel and maybe Binwin but I’m doubtful that Binwin makes it in now since he’s as a character isn’t part of the organization. Kinda excited by it now to see what will be in it.

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