A New World of Kulan PbP Game! (Recruitment [Full])


In lieu of a convention background & description for Sarten (kobold warmage) I offer this vignette:

Sarten gave his usual series of knocks at the cabin door. On this occasion he wasn't wearing his armor, just a dark red robe to complement his rusty brown scales. Ordan opened the door and let Sarten in. Soon after they were enjoying dinner along with Ordan's sorceress mate Londra and son Jermi.

Sarten said "I understand, Ordan, my old friend. You deserve it, and Jermi needs a safe place to grow up. I like to think that we were more than just mercenaries. Stopping that demonic cult, for example, might have saved the city from chaos! Of course, it'll be hard on me. There aren't a lot of other kobolds around here. I might have to work with some of the big hairy folk."

Ordan asked him "Well, why not come south with us? I know you're not ready to retire, but I'm sure there's plenty of action to be had there, too. There will be kobold towns, and maybe even our cousins the dragons, and a warmer climate!"

Sarten replied "I'm tempted, of course. One day, I'll do just that. But not yet. I still have clients and friends here, but besides ... I think there's truth to that rumor of kobolds being used as slaves. I haven't given up on investigating it. Such injustice to our people must not be allowed to stand."

As Londra sipped her wine, Sarten could see by her tail flicks that she was agitated. She said "Perhaps you are right. For our familiy, this is the right move. But if you find your lead, send word. Ordan and I would share in that fight, as we have so many others with you."

Jermi looked on, wide-eyed, saying nothing.

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Rough draft of character - pending approval.

Name: Borya Dima Grisha Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Cleric (Mokosh)
Spell Domains: Community, Earth
Alignment: NG
Level: 7th-level

AC: 20 (10 = Armor +5, Shield +2, Magic +1, Dex +2); Flat Footed 18; Touch 12
HP: 45

Str 15 +2
Dex 14 +2
Con 15 +2
Int 15 +2
Wis 18 +4
Chr 21 +5

1. Improved Turning, Empower Turning
3. Extra Turning
6. Quicken Turning

Skills (40 skill points)
Concentration 12 = 10 + 2
Diplomacy 16 = 10 +4 +2
Heal 14 = 10 +4
Knowledge 12 = 10 + 2

Special Abilities:

Destruction/Heal checks: 12/day
Destruction to the undead: 8d6*1.5 hp to Air Elementals, Undead; Will DC 22; 30 foot radius
Heal Earth Elementals: 8d6*1.5 hp; 30 foot radius;
Spontaneous Casting (Healing)
use calm emotions as a spell like ability 1/day
+2 bonus on diplomacy check.

Item GP
Starting Gold: 19,000
Elven chain +1 5150
Shield, heavy wooden 7
Heavy Mace 15
Light Crossbow 35
20 bolts 2
Cloak of Charisma +2 4000
Ring of Sustenance 2500
Boots of the Winterlands 2500
Periapt of Wisdom +2 4000
Acid Flasks (10) 100
Alchemists Fire (10) 200
Holy Water (4) 100
Smokestick (2) 40
War Pony (Trained) 100
Riding 10
Guard Dog 25
Saddlebags 4
Feed (10 days) 0.5
Cleric Vestiments 5
Traveler's Clothes (2) 1
Healer's Kit 50
Flint and Steel 1
Bedroll 0.1
Tent 10
Rope, hempen (50 ft.) 1
Lantern, hooded 7
Lamp oil (5) 0.5
10 foot pole 0.2
Sack (empty) 0.3
Holy Symbol (2) 2
Waterskin 1

Total 18867.6
Difference 132.4

0th 5 15
Create Water
Detect Magic

1st 5+1 16
Blessed Aim
Divine Favor
Entrophic Shield
Protection from Evil
Bless (+1)

2nd 4+1 17
Close Wounds
Divine Insight
Ghost Touch Armor
Hold Person
Status (+1)

3rd 3+1 18
Dispel Magic
Magic Circle Against Evil
Mass Resist Energy
Prayer (+1)

4th 2+1 19
Divine Power
Mass Shield of Faith
Tongues (+1)

Books used: PHB, Complete Divine, MIC, SComp

Treating the central casting roles as color text only.

Cultural Background: Primitive: Primitives do not normally read and write their own language and do not form significant permanent settlements. The chief industry of Primitives is the procurement of food, usually by hunting and gathering. They do not work metal and organized farming is rare. Political units are the family and the clan. Rulers are the most powerful hunters of the group. The elderly are revered for their wisdom.
Character was not taught to read and write.

Social Status: Poor:
Money: 50% of normal starting money.

Birth: Legitimate birth. Birth Date - October 17 @ 19:51, in a hospital or healers guild hall.


Extended family, including mother and father, 1 grandparents, and 2 aunts/uncles and cousins.
1 Illegitimate Siblings: Younger brother, 2

Legitimate Siblings: Older brother, Younger Sister.

Head of Household:
Head of household has one occupation: Shaman (a religious leader, often feared and quite powerful within the clan)


Character starts to learn Head of Household's occupation.
All public assistance is terminated because the country is at war. This causes bloody riots in the poorer sectors of towns and villages. Character's family is very much involved in these uprisings against the ruling class.

All public assistance is terminated because the country is at war. This causes bloody riots in the poorer sectors of towns and villages. Character's family is very much involved in these uprisings against the ruling class.

Something good happens to Character: Character acquires a companion - Who: A stranger (Monster (Mythological (unicorns, griffins, hippogriffs, pegasi, phoenix, sphinxes))).

An exotic event occurs. The god asks Character to become its agent on earth and Character accepts.

All public assistance is terminated because the country is at war. This causes bloody riots in the poorer sectors of towns and villages. Character's family is very much involved in these uprisings against the ruling class.

Character has a romantic encounter. Character marries his/her beloved. Beloved is unfaithful. The romance ends painfully. The beloved inspires Character to greater accomplishments.

Character has a religious experience. Deity: Mokosh. How the experience began: An inner need. Character feels he/she must seek out the god's religion. Event 1: In a vision, the god asks Character to perform a sacred, but dangerous mission.

Character saves someone's life. This person becomes Character's companion. Who: A Sibling.

Lightside Traits (4): Enthusiastic, Teetotaller, Respectful, Forgiving.

Neutral Traits (5): Immature, Foppish, Hedonist, Romantic, Dependant.

Darkside Traits (0).
Exotic Personality Traits (1): Vengeful.

Alignment: Good (Chaotic or Lawful)
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World of Kulan DM
Regarding the months of the year, for the Western Lands of Kanpur, we will be using the Roman names of the months on the old Roman calendar. The countries and city-states of the northern lands primarily use the Calendar of Numa while the more southerly lands (and the lands around the Iliadis Sea use the older Calendar of Romulus.) Like Earth, Kulan has 365 days in a year.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Shrough d'Aringeir

Elvin wizard/fighter/eldrich kight 5/1/1
[B]STR[/B] 16 +3 [B]Level[/B]:  7  [B]XP[/B]:
[B]DEX[/B] 13 +1 [B]BAB[/B]:    +3 [B]Dam Red[/B]: --- 
[B]CON[/B] 14 +2 [B]Grapple[/B]:+7 [B]Spell Res[/B]: --- 
[B]INT[/B] 20 +5 [B]Speed[/B]:  30 [B]Spell Save[/B]: +2 vs Ench spells/effects; immune to sleep
[B]WIS[/B] 15 +2[B] Init[/B]:   +1 [B]Spell Fail[/B]: ?%
[B]CHA[/B] 14 +2 [B]ACP[/B]:    -? 
level adj: 4th: +1 to str

HP: 3d4+21d10+1d6+2*5= 28/28

        Armor      Base Dex Size Nat Misc Total Touch FF     Notes[/U][/B]
Mithral chain shirt  +4  +1  +0  +1   +0   17   13    16     [1 cloak]

[B][U]Save Base Mod Misc Total  notes[/U][/B]
Fort  +5   +2  +1 = +8    [2 fgt; 2 E.K.; 1 wiz][1 cloak]
Ref   +1   +1  +1 = +3    [0 fgt; 1 wiz] [1 cloak]
Will  +3   +2  +1 = +6    [0 fgt; 3 wiz] [1 cloak]

Racial abilities
- +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, –2 Strength, –2 Constitution. 
- Humanoid (Elf)
- Medium:</em> As Medium creatures, gray elves have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size. 
- Gray elf base land speed is 30 feet. 
- Immunity to magic sleep effects, and a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells or
- Low-Light Vision: A gray elf can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and 
  similar conditions of poor illumination. She retains the ability to distinguish color and detail 
  under these conditions. 
- Weapon Proficiency: Gray elves receive the Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the longsword, rapier, 
  longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) as bonus feats. 
- +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks. A gray elf who merely passes within 5 feet of a 
  secret or concealed door is entitled to a Search check to notice it as if she were actively looking for it. 
- Automatic Languages: Common and Elvin. Bonus Languages: Draconic, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, 
  and Sylvan. 
- Favored Class: Wizard. A multiclass gray elf’s wizard class does not count when determining whether 
  he takes an experience point penalty for multiclassing. 
- Level Adjustment: +0 

Mage abilities
- Spells
- Familiar
- Scribe Scroll
- Bonus Feats
- SpellBook

proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armor and shields except tower shields
bonus feats at level 1, 2 and every even level beyond.

Eldrich Knight
Requium: proficient with all martial weapons; Spells: Able to cast 3rd level spells
bonus feat at level 1

Feats [w,w,w,w,w,f,E]
Human: Point blank shot - +1 att/dam w/in 30 ft of target
cl1: Combat casting - +4 to concentration check
fighter 1: precise shot - no penalty when firing into melee
EK 1: Weapon focus - Long Sword
cl 3: Brew potion
cl 6: Blind fight
W 5: meta magic: silent spell +1 level adjust to spell
Possibles: wpn specialization; create wondrous item

Skills [2+5]*4+[2+5]*4= 56 
[U]Name                      ranks abil  misc  total[/U]
Appraise (Int)              0     5    0     5
Balance (Dex),              0     1    0     1
Bluff (Cha),                0     2    0     2
Climb (Str),                3     3    2     8 climbing kit
Concentration (con)         5     2    4    11 feat 
Craft (Int),                0     5    0     5 
Decipher Script (Int),      1     5    0     6 
Diplomacy (Cha),            0     2    0     2
Disable Device (Int),       0     5    0     5
Disguise (Cha),             0     2    0     2
Escape Artist (Dex),        0     1    0     1
Forgery (Int),              0     5    0     5
Gather Information (Cha),   0     2    0     2
Handle animal (Cha)         0     2    0     --
Hide (Dex),                 0     1    0     1
Intimidate (Cha),           0     2    0     2
Jump (Str),                 1     1    0     2
Knowledge (Int), 
Arcane                      5     5    0    10
Arch/Eng                    3     5    0     8
Dungeoneering               3     5    0     8
Geography                   1     5    0     6
History                     1     5    0     6 
Local                       1     5    0     6
Nobility/Royalty            1     5    0     6 
Religeon                    3     5    0     8 
The planes                  1     5    0     6
Listen (Wis),               0     2    0     2
Move Silently (Dex),        0     1    0     1
Open Lock (Dex),            0     1    0     1
Perform (Cha),              0     2    0     2
Profession (Wis),           1     2    0     3 
Search (Int),               0     5    0     5 
Sense Motive (Wis),         1     2    0     3
Sleight of Hand (Dex),      0     1    0     1 
Spellcraft (Int),           5     5    2    12 syn: K-Arcane
Spot (Wis),                 0     2    0     2
Swim (Str),                 1     3    0     4
Tumble (Dex),               0     1    0     1
Use Magic Device (Cha),     0     2    0     2
Use Rope (Dex).             0     1    0     1
Mithral Chain Shirt +1 2100.0  Gp   12.5 Lb
LongBow, Comp           400.0  Gp    3.0 Lb  Mighty +3
Longsword +2           2315.0  Gp    4.0 Lb 
Quarterstaff              ---  Gp    4.0 Lb
Efficient Quiver       1800.0  Gp    2.0 Lb
Haversack              2000.0  Gp    5.0 lb 
Amulet nat armor +1    2000.0  Gp    --- Lb 
Cloak res +1           1000.0  Gp    1.0 Lb 
pearl of power x3      3000.0 Gp     --- Lb
Anti toxin x2           100.0  Gp    --- Lb 
Bedroll                   0.1  Gp    5.0 Lb 
Blanket, Winter           0.5  Gp    3.0 Lb 
Candle, Meditation X 10   0.1   Gp   --- Lb  duration: 1 Hour each
Climber's Kit            80.0  Gp    5.0 Lb 
Crowbar                   2.0  Gp    5.0 Lb 
Flint and Steel           1.0  Gp    --- Lb
Grapple  hook             1.0  Gp    4.0 Lb 
Holy water x2            50.0  Gp    2.0 Lb 
Ink Pen                   0.1  Gp    --- Lb 
Ink                       8.0  Gp    --- Lb 
Paper x 20                8.0  Gp    --- Lb 
Piton x 20                2.0  Gp   10.0 Lb 
Trail rations x 20       10.0  Gp   20.0 Lb 
Silk Rope x 100 Ft       20.0  Gp   10.0 Lb
Spellbook                 ---  Gp    3.0 Lb
Spell Cmp pouch           5.0  Gp    2.0 Lb
Sunrod x10               20.0  Gp   10.0 Lb
Water Skin                0.1  Gp    4.0 Lb
Whet Stone                0.01 Gp    1.0 Lb

14,913.91 Gp          ?? Lb 
starting cash: 19000 

spell book costs: 
level 1: 625
level 2: 1400
level 3: 1350
level 4: 

gp: 10
sp: 10
cp: 9

physical description: 
Age: 144  
[sblock=Spell book]

cost to write: 100 gp/page+scroll cost
1. spellcraft dc 15+level [decipher scroll]
2. spellcraft: dc 20+level [comprehend writing]

1st 100+ 25
2nd level: scroll = 150gp, 2 pages = 200
3rd level 375
4th level 700

Level 0:
19 pages
Acid Splash: Orb deals 1d3 acid damage.
Arcane Mark: Inscribes a personal rune (visible or invisible).
Dancing Lights: Creates torches or other . . . . . . . .
Daze Humanoid creature of 4 HD or less loses next action
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or small object.
Disrupt Undead: Deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
Flare: Dazzles one creature (–1 on attack rolls).
Ghost Sound: Figment sounds.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mage Hand: 5-pound telekinesis.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Message: Whispered conversation at distance.
Open/Close: Opens or closes small or light things.
Prestidigitation: Performs minor tricks.
Read Magic:Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Ray of frost: Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
Touch of Fatigue: Touch attack fatigues target.

Level 1 [5x 125 = 625]
9 pages
Burning Hands: 1d4/level fire damage (max 5d4).
Feather Fall: Objects or creatures fall slowly.
Identify M Determines properties of magic item.
Mage Armor: Gives subject +4 armor bonus.
Magic Missile: 1d4+1 damage; +1 missile per two levels above 1st (max 5).
Shield: Invisible disc gives +4 to AC, blocks magic missiles.
Shocking Grasp: Touch delivers 1d6/level electricity damage (max 5d6)
Tenser’s Floating Disk: Creates 3-ft.-diameter horizontal disk that holds 100 lb./level.
Unseen Servant: Invisible force obeys your commands.

Level 2 [6 x 350 = 2100]
20 pages
Acid Arrow: Ranged touch attack; 2d4 damage for 1 round +1 round/three levels.
Bull’s Strength: Subject gains +4 to Str for 1 min./level.
Cat’s Grace: Subject gains +4 to Dex for 1 min./level.
Fox’s Cunning: Subject gains +4 Int for 1 min./level.
Invisibility: Subject is invisible for 1 min./level or until it attacks.
Locate Object: Senses direction toward object (specific or type).
Mirror Image: Creates decoy duplicates of you (1d4 +1 per three levels, max 8).
Scorching Ray: Ranged touch attack deals 4d6 fire damage, +1 ray/four levels (max 3).
Spectral Hand: Creates disembodied glowing hand to deliver touch attacks.
Spider Climb: Grants ability to walk on walls and ceilings.

3rd-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells [4 x 675 = 1350]
30 pages
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance: Hear or see at a distance for 1 min./level.
Dispel Magic: Cancels magical spells and effects.
Flame Arrow: Arrows deal +1d6 fire damage.
Fly: Subject flies at speed of 60 ft.
Haste: One creature/level moves faster, +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves.
Lightning Bolt: Electricity deals 1d6/level damage.
Magic Weapon, Greater: +1/four levels (max +5).
Tiny Hut: Creates shelter for ten creatures.

4th-Level Sorcerer/Wizard Spells
8 pages
*Black Tentacles: Tentacles grapple all within 20 ft. spread.
*Summon Monster IV: Calls extraplanar creature to fight for you.


Familiar: Red Fox
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World of Kulan DM
Rough draft of character - pending approval.
Most of it seems fine with me.

However, please drop the whole virgin birth thing in the PCs background. After all, the PC has an older sibling.

Cultural Background: Primitive: Primitives do not normally read and write their own language and do not form significant permanent settlements. The chief industry of Primitives is the procurement of food, usually by hunting and gathering. They do not work metal and organized farming is rare. Political units are the family and the clan. Rulers are the most powerful hunters of the group. The elderly are revered for their wisdom.
Character was not taught to read and write.

Social Status: Poor:
Money: 50% of normal starting money.

Birth: Legitimate birth. Birth Date - October 17 @ 19:51, in a hospital or healers guild hall.

Birth Occurrences
Character's mother was reputed to be a virgin. No reasonable explanation is ever given for this.

Extended family, including mother and father, 1 grandparents, and 2 aunts/uncles and cousins.
1 Illegitimate Siblings: Younger brother, 2

Legitimate Siblings: Older brother, Younger Sister.

Head of Household:
Head of household has one occupation: Shaman (a religious leader, often feared and quite powerful within the clan)


Character starts to learn Head of Household's occupation.
All public assistance is terminated because the country is at war. This causes bloody riots in the poorer sectors of towns and villages. Character's family is very much involved in these uprisings against the ruling class.

All public assistance is terminated because the country is at war. This causes bloody riots in the poorer sectors of towns and villages. Character's family is very much involved in these uprisings against the ruling class.

Something good happens to Character: Character acquires a companion - Who: A stranger (Monster (Mythological (unicorns, griffins, hippogriffs, pegasi, phoenix, sphinxes))).

An exotic event occurs. The god asks Character to become its agent on earth and Character accepts.

All public assistance is terminated because the country is at war. This causes bloody riots in the poorer sectors of towns and villages. Character's family is very much involved in these uprisings against the ruling class.

Character has a romantic encounter. Character marries his/her beloved. Beloved is unfaithful. The romance ends painfully. The beloved inspires Character to greater accomplishments. Improve 1 skill by one rank.

Character has a religious experience. Deity: Mokosh. How the experience began: An inner need. Character feels he/she must seek out the god's religion. Event 1: In a vision, the god asks Character to perform a sacred, but dangerous mission.

Character saves someone's life. This person becomes Character's companion. Who: A Sibling.
That a lot to take in. Is this your starting point of the PCs background? Are you going to mesh it all together. As is, it is a bit disjointed.

The only major issue I have is the part I underlined. Is that a bonus skill point given by the generator you used? If so, you need to leave it off until I decide whether I'm going to let everyone else have a bonus skill point as well. (Maybe.)

Also, the country at war stuff is interesting and might mesh well with Torassia. If you'd rather have it refer to another country, there could be a land "in anarchy" in between Torassia and Nilvah.

Easy enough to remove the virgin birth.

Most of this was created with the click of a button thanks to that central castings generator.

Remove whatever you see fit to make it more streamlined. I'm not including any crunch it suggests unless it fits the motif.

currently, the visual I see for the character is what happens when you mix Uncle Iroh with Rasputin. :D

So, poor, had a vision and wanders around the wilderness helping/annoying people he meets.

It's easy enough to start in torassia and end up in your russian analogue as he grows until he's 7th level and ready to adventure :)


World of Kulan DM
I'm torn between bard and wu jen for my kenku. When do you expect the characters to be finished?
I still have to finish reading the adventure I've selected, so you have time. I'm hoping to be ready to go by the weekend or early next week. Appointments today and a writing class/workshop tomorrow.. I'd say shoot for Sunday.

Voidrunner's Codex

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