A New World of Kulan PbP Game! (Recruitment [Full])

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
So you are on Mountain time, right?

Just so you know, I am on central time with access between noon and 10 pm [11 and 9 pm for you] If I do not respond, it means I am away from internet access and not ignoring the story. I noted some rolls made for Quinn in the other game while I was I that dreaded place "reality-land", so be patient. I do not have web access at home as I am too poor.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
question about familiars

I usually do not have a familiar and forgot how limited the list was. how possible is it that he has a gray wolf for a familiar? What effect would he gain for such a critter as that?


World of Kulan DM
Just so you know, I am on central time with access between noon and 10 pm [11 and 9 pm for you] If I do not respond, it means I am away from internet access and not ignoring the story. I noted some rolls made for Quinn in the other game while I was I that dreaded place "reality-land", so be patient. I do not have web access at home as I am too poor.
Whenever you can post is fine. There isn't a set schedule. Form time to time, the games will slow down. Right now, I've had a lot of energy for the Crow God game and Bluffside game (on The Piazza). However, I'm sure there will be slowdowns again. Actually, I can guarantee it will happen at some point.

If you feel I'm putting pressure on you to post more, I can say to you that I'm not trying to be that way. Often, I just get excited when the story moves forward.


World of Kulan DM
I usually do not have a familiar and forgot how limited the list was. how possible is it that he has a gray wolf for a familiar? What effect would he gain for such a critter as that?
There is a feat called Improved Familiar.

I think a wolf might to be to large to be used as a familiar unless it is at a higher level. All the familiars listed under the feat are small sized. Maybe instead of wolf, a smaller lupine animal -- a fox perhaps.

BTW, what will be Shrough's final levels for wizard, fighter, and eldritch knight?
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World of Kulan DM
[MENTION=49929]Scott DeWar[/MENTION],

The Improved Familiar feat was originally presented in the DMG. It was reprinted in Complete Warrior (CW). In that book, it gives Worg as an option for 3rd-level arcane spellcasters, so I would say that Shrough could have a wolf as long as his caster level is 3rd-level or higher, and he has a BAB of +3 or more (as per the table in CW).

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
His eventual progression will be wizard for 2 more levels, then E. knight for ten, then probably round it off with more wizards at the way upper levels.

Voidrunner's Codex

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