A New World of Kulan PbP Game! (Recruitment [Full])

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Scott DeWar: You might want to consider this.

You know, I like that, a lot actually, but I will stick with it as what it says at the bottom of the critter from knightfall. I have never seen what it says there because I actually don't paruse the critters and beasties stats.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
It appears tat I got hit with the corrupted post effect. Sometimes if a post gets edited and saved, but there is a disruption during the save, you get this weird code splatted everywhere, and it takes a while to clean it up. So it will be a bit of a time to fix it.


World of Kulan DM
It appears tat I got hit with the corrupted post effect. Sometimes if a post gets edited and saved, but there is a disruption during the save, you get this weird code splatted everywhere, and it takes a while to clean it up. So it will be a bit of a time to fix it.
Don't worry about a timeline for the game. I'm a little burnt out right now. Too many really late nights and busy days has caught up with me. Tomorrow will likely be a day of exhaustion. Sleep and relaxation. :yawn:

I'll check in here again on Monday or Tuesday.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Got my character written down, full crunch, but typing it decently will be tomorrow. Not near a regular computer at the moment (I'm typing this on my old tablet).

I love the potential roleplaying between my birdman (kenku bard) and the catfolk... :)


Could we get a new, clean Rogues' Gallery? OOC discussion didn't belong there. One post per player, and hide long stat blocks or descriptions in spoiler blocks so we can easily scroll down to find a particular character.

Voidrunner's Codex

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