A New World of Kulan PbP Game! (Recruitment [Full])

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Got my character written down, full crunch, but typing it decently will be tomorrow. Not near a regular computer at the moment (I'm typing this on my old tablet).

I love the potential roleplaying between my birdman (kenku bard) and the catfolk... :)
Sylvester and tweety byrd?

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Ok so I found a photo of Caldrin. Sly and keeps to himself.

[sblock]ooc your distracting attack will go good with my sneak attack. We need to
Have our pc's learn this in battle![/sblock]

Excellent. I was hoping for a flanking buddy. Nice pic.


Since you've already made the character, we'll just run with it. The main race list was not meant to be "this and nothing else" list.

If you'd asked for catfolk, I probably would have suggested my homebrewed rakasta (yet the ECL for that race is so high, it would be problematic). I might have suggested goatfolk as an alternate too sicne it has an LA of +1 as well. However, the official version isn't on the D&D wiki, so you'd have to have a copy of MM3.

You also have the option of using the catfolk traits and playing the race as a rakasta. It's no big deal. It's not like you picked a race that only found on another continent. (And even that wouldn't have been a big deal if JustinCase had chosen to play a Fallenlanden kenku instead of a regular kunku.)

Just come up with a cool background and you're set. He could be another ex-slave. The group already has two of those. Heh. :p

I'll try to get the creative juices flowing this evening and add a few final details like spell selection and a bit more equipment. Looks like an interesting group.


World of Kulan DM
Could we get a new, clean Rogues' Gallery? OOC discussion didn't belong there. One post per player, and hide long stat blocks or descriptions in spoiler blocks so we can easily scroll down to find a particular character.
I do have moderator status for my World of Kulan forum, so I can go through and delete the extra posts if you truly feel that its to distracting the way it is.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
I tawt I taw a putty cat!

Lol you picked the same heirloom as me

Yeah, let's both jump down a cliff together! :p Seriously, I think a kenku would be terrified of falling down and getting killed that way. The loss of wings is a painful memory, so this sort of makes up for it.

Edit: Just to make things clear, my heirloom is a Ring of Feather Fall. I just realizes the above makes no sense if one does not know that. ;)
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I do have moderator status for my World of Kulan forum, so I can go through and delete the extra posts if you truly feel that its to distracting the way it is.

I don't think deleting posts is a good solution. Why not do as I suggested and start a new thread for it?


World of Kulan DM
I don't think deleting posts is a good solution. Why not do as I suggested and start a new thread for it?
It turns out that doing that is unnecessary. I also have the permission to move posts from one thread to another, so I moved the extra posts to the Campaign Guide. The Rogues Gallery now only has the PCs in it and the other posts aren't lost.
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