A non white male middle class British Doctor?

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It's already been established that Time Lords can change gender when they regenerate so I'd be fine with that. I could also go with different race or region, though the show might lose some of its Britishness.


Staff member
Personally, I'd love to see the next transition go chaotic for an episode or two.

By that I mean that- for some reason- he regenerates, but his form is unstable, and he continues to change his physical form every...15m to 1 hour of in workd story time.

That way, you get to see a bunch of likely & unlikely sorts- Bill Bailey, Kenneth Brannagh, Helen Mirren, Brian May, Ardal O'Hanlon, Idris Elba- in the role if only for a few minutes of screen time until his regeneration stabilizes.

Could be AWESOME!

Imagine- Bill Bailey could become the Doctor after the Helen Mirren Doctor goes into a large public rest room...

Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
I was cool with the idea of Judi Dench as a Doctor incarnation well before that became a meme but I've also put forth Thandie Newton as a possible candidate. She'd be English, Middle class-esque, and right around 40 years of age, plus cute as a button, and her eyes have an air of mystery and cleverness about them. I'd be quite keen to see that.


To me, the Doctor needs to remain a white British male - anything else is straying too far from "core" for my interests.

Middle class, though, I don't really care - I don't consider Pertwee's Doctor to have been middle class. That said, I'd prefer the Doctor to be middle class or higher, not lower. (Although Troughton's Doctor, the "cosmic hobo," could be construed to have been lower class, and I enjoyed what I saw of his run.)



First Post
To me, the Doctor needs to remain a white British male - anything else is straying too far from "core" for my interests.

Agreed. I'd no more want to see a black (or hispanic or whomever) doctor than I would a white Shaft*.

* Any euphemisms are strictly coincidental.


BFP had 8 stories of Doctor Who Unbound, which were alternate ideas
What if the Doctor had never left Gallifrey?
What if the Doctor was not the Renegade Timelord imprisioned on 20th century earth?
What if The Doctor committed a totally immoral crime?
What if the Valeyard had been the one to escape from the Matrix after the trial?

And, finally, the relevant point: What if the Doctor had regenerated into a woman. This was done as a comedy, and is the worst product I've run into of the entire Big Finish line. The Female doctor, to hide from the Timelords, works at a Tescos grocery, gets drunk, and vomits. Repeatedly. Repeatedly. And once again. The sonic screwdriver is used to help pensioners get their coins out of jammed trolley cart locks.

That said, I like the idea of the unstable regeneration running through multiple actors/bodies. After all, Romana got to try several possibilities.

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