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A Paid Trip to Spellhold [D&D 4e]


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"Blackmailed..." tells the shifter without surprise. "That's the way this city work. Either you are a player, a pawn, or just worthless and expendable. You seem the second. I'm the last. But that also mean I'm poor. My chapel have been robbed and vandalized, and I have tried to give it back some dignity, but people doesn't believe in sacrifice for a cause in this land. So I'm poor and I need some gold to do the reparation that are needed. I could sell my armor, but it is the only thing that keep thieves and robbers away from the chapel."

The shifter takes the scroll. "So I'll put it in use instead, and become the second kind the time to get some gold." He rolls the scroll and turn toward the two. "You are welcome to share my meal. The chapel is just down the street, over there." The shifter points a small stone building that seems small compare to the surrounding shops and house. "By the way, my name is Cliff."

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Mithalor Shand, bewildered by the number of people obviously interested in this Shadow Thief, stands aside and waits for one of them to take action. He figures why bother sticking his neck out if others are willing to do it?

Ashaera is disappointed.

Walking Dad

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Thurinar looks obviously agitated by the chatter, Taran, open the door. The elf is obviously ignoring everything outside of capturing a shadow thief, even going so far as to skip his own pleasantries...

*I'll count to five before breaking it in myself, 1...2...3...*

"Uhm, what. This door?" Taran asks still confused. Then his eyes become cat-like slits as understanding hits him. In seconds he becomes what looks mostly like a feypanther. "Are the ones who have taken my brother behind the door?" it (?) snarls.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 21 Insight: 14 Low-Light Vision
AC 16 Fortitude 12 Reflex 14 Will 15
Hit Points: 31/31 Bloodied: 15
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 7 Surges per day: 9/9
At-Will Powers: Wild Shape, Swarming Locusts, Grasping Claws, Flame Seed
Encounter Powers: Elven Accuracy, Cull the Herd
Daily Powers: Summon Giant Toad


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Holding his hands up in a non-threatening manner, Daven attempts to calm everyone down. Hold on there, friends, he starts. We don't know who or what is behind that door. We can't just go charging in their, unless you all want to wind up in the Athkatlan prison cells, or worse. He looks around, hoping he's getting through to the others. I know that wasn't part of my plan for this business venture.


I aim to misbehave
Izera, Female Githzerai Avenger

"Employment would be satisfactory . . . nurishment moreso," Izera offered, returning her gaze to the shifter before her. "I am called Izera, here, as I mentioned to the one beside me," she added as she glanced back to the dragonborn.


First Post
"Here? So you have a different name elsewhere. Might be a good thing to have a new name I this city. Many organization here like to gather as much information on you to be able to manipulate you. It seems to be the case for her." replies Cliff, nodding at the dragonborn with his last sentence.


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Thurinar Male Elf Seeker (Controller)


Thurinar steps back, then closes the distance between himself and the door, charging shoulder first!


6 hoping it's a wooden door... ;)


Voda Vosa

First Post
Mithalor, Daven, Thurinar, Taran. At the dark alley and the bandit's hideout.

The elf bounces painfully off the door, and lands not very softly on his bottoms. The door seems to be reinforce from behind. After the time it took Thurinar to stand up, the four men heard some noises from withing the building. Footsteps and some speaking, but not loud enought to understand.

OOC: Waiting for Theroc...


I aim to misbehave
Izera, Female Githzerai Avenger

"Izera seems to work best here . . . it is the easiest to pronounce, and though who are here would only shorten it to Izera . . . or less, if given a chance," Izera explained calmly. "In fact, a several individuals a few streets down were calling me . . . Red. I do not know who they were, or why they would call me that."

Voidrunner's Codex

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