D&D 5E A sidebar I'd like to see in the 5E PHB


So, with all the talk of keeping the character rules modular, and yet somehow keeping it balanced enough to play at the same table, I'd like to see a sidebar in the PHB listing each edition of the game and which rules modules you would use to emulate that style of play.

I suppose you might need one in the DMG as well- although it is too early to tell since we haven't really heard anything about encounter, monster, or adventure design, and therefore don't really know how modular those rules elements would be.

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Are there any other things you would like to see along these lines? Other ways they can help unify very diverse playstyles?

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I think that kind of sidebar would make all the sense in the world. Since it's just a sidebar (and thus would take up probably all of 1/3rd of a single page), it would lend credence to what they hope to accomplish by giving a concrete example of how it could be achieved.


The EN World kitten
I think that's a really great idea! Of course, it'd probably cover first through fourth editions, leaving people who want a greater degree of specificity somewhat cold (e.g. no BECMI entry).

For what it's worth, I think that they could get away with making this an entire appendix, discussing why what modular rules work towards what earlier editions, but in all honesty I think we'd be lucky to get even the sidebar.


So, with all the talk of keeping the character rules modular, and yet somehow keeping it balanced enough to play at the same table, I'd like to see a sidebar in the PHB listing each edition of the game and which rules modules you would use to emulate that style of play.

I suppose you might need one in the DMG as well- although it is too early to tell since we haven't really heard anything about encounter, monster, or adventure design, and therefore don't really know how modular those rules elements would be.

Would you like to see this?

Are there any other things you would like to see along these lines? Other ways they can help unify very diverse playstyles?

That would make a damn-fine free DDi article! Not sure you could fit it in the core books though...


Sidebar hell, it needs to be reiterated in every major rule component discussion.

Generating a character? Here's how you make a AD&D character. A 2e character. A 3.5 character. Use these options.

Creating an encounter for the party? etc.



Good idea

This idea world work for me. I might really buy the books if i can use them for 'any' game.

Now we just need:

Very, very tiny type.

A more 'text book' look then the 'ye old tome of secrets', so no fancy fonts or swiggly lines or such.

No art work! Yes, art work is nice...but it takes up too much space. Just flip through a book and think 'gosh, what could they have put on this full page of art.' Worse, is when they break up a nice article/paragraph/block of text just to have some art.


Registered User
I don't.

If you need such a sidebar, then either the designers failed or the players' memories of their favorite game edition failed.


First Post
Definitely yes. Not just for organizational purposes. It might also allow for easy labels:

Bob: Hey Jim, want to join our game?
Jim: What system?
Bob: 5E
Jim: Ya, but what variation?
Bob: In the sidebar, they call it "basic low-fantasy" except I add the "grid combat" for the boss battles
Jim: Sounds good!

Voidrunner's Codex

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