A Tournament of Cosmic Propotions! (Immortal's Handbook Rules)


First Post
[MENTION=7178]Bug[/MENTION]gi: Thank you for pointing that out, I'm not entirely sure what I was thinking with that one. I could make the defense that my setting has an extremely tightly-controlled list of spells that exist in it, but... I made the abilities before I made that spell list. >_>

Anyway, that was all I had for epic spell thoughts, told you Neo I wasn't very good at this sort of thing.

[MENTION=4139]Neo[/MENTION]: I'd consider using spell points *very* carefully. They have a lot of implications, and it was only after much deliberation I decided they would fit my campaign world's flavor. Buugi can probably explain better than I can, as I just woke about 3.5 minutes ago. >_>

I can try to help out with this new epic spell system if you guys go ahead with it, though.
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First Post
I prefer Vancian casting to spell points, but there's nothing inherently broken about them, assuming you limit the number of SP spent in the same way as psionics. High level psions usually have effectively infinite pp, but I've never seen an Epic caster actually run out of spells (my current game is running nine or ten encounters per day, with the Sorcs burning five or six high level spells per encounter, and the only thing that forces them to stop and rest is running out of Turn Attempts to power their Divine Metamagic), so it doesn't really matter whether or not you have spell slots or spell points.

The same could be said for your meldshaping epic feats my good man, but that is all minor tweaks and tinkers that we can do at a later date. :)

If there were any infinite action loops (or other 'utterly destroy the game'-level exploits) in those feats, I'd appreciate it if you told me what they were, even if they require hax to get into a game. I usually pride myself on being able to spot potential abuses like that immediately. Unless it involves Totemist melds, since I've basically ignored the Totemist every time I've made a meld shaper.

This is a splendid idea my friend! I am thrilled at the very prospect of it because it adds a new element of balance to the spell system. In order for the damage reduction to scale very well I imagine it would have to be multiplicative in order to scale with damage at higher levels, but that begs the question... multiplicative based upon what factors?

Durations are generally linear with caster level, so it should just scale with HD. Sure, you can get quadratic duration increases by stacking Extend Spell over and over, but you have to trade off effectiveness and save DC to get that, so it's probably fine. I suspect you'd need rules for sub-round durations to make it work though, to deal with the fact that combat is short at Epic.


Durations are generally linear with caster level, so it should just scale with HD. Sure, you can get quadratic duration increases by stacking Extend Spell over and over, but you have to trade off effectiveness and save DC to get that, so it's probably fine. I suspect you'd need rules for sub-round durations to make it work though, to deal with the fact that combat is short at Epic.

I concur with the above notion. I think part of the reason why Epic combat is often so short is because with a great many abilities across standard 3.5 D&D (By standard I mean specifically material published by WotC directly, not side companies like Mongoose Publishing, AEG, and of course Eternity Publishing.) which have a dreadfully broken mis-usage of the concept of a free action. This I think is why in 3.5 there was a clear distinction between "free", "swift" and "Immediate. For purposes of this tournament 3.5 D&D also has a fourth action type. This action type is called of course, a "reactive" action. Meaning it can only be done in response to another action that transpires during game-play.

When writing rules my friends, one must remember to keep in mind the distinctions between the above action types.

And speaking of Eternity Publishing... I wonder if our good friend Upper_Krust has anything to contribute to this thread we have woven here. Perhaps he would like to aid us in the tremendous act of transforming this thread into a tapestry?
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I kind of doubt that, Neo, as...


I see.

So he really is just a cowardly sell-out after all? Hmmph. I am disappointed, here I thought he might actually be a man. Maybe even own his own set of testicles, but it seems I was mistaken. Very well.

Craig Cochrane you are a theif and a coward. Rot in the Nine Hells for all of Eternity Publishing.

*Smashes craig in the face with his Banhammer*


Funny you should say that - you've just earned a 7 day ban for this vitriol - Plane Sailing, ENworld admin
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I see.

So he really is just a cowardly sell-out after all? Hmmph. I am disappointed, here I thought he might actually be a man. Maybe even own his own set of testicles, but it seems I was mistaken. Very well.

Craig Cochrane you are a theif and a coward. Rot in the Nine Hells for all of Eternity Publishing.

*Smashes craig in the face with his Banhammer*


Hi! Welcome to the internet. Try not to attract too much attention to yourself.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
I see.

So he really is just a cowardly sell-out after all? Hmmph. I am disappointed, here I thought he might actually be a man. Maybe even own his own set of testicles, but it seems I was mistaken. Very well.

Craig Cochrane you are a theif and a coward. Rot in the Nine Hells for all of Eternity Publishing.

*Smashes craig in the face with his Banhammer*


Funny you should say that - you've just earned a 7 day ban for this vitriol - Plane Sailing, ENworld admin

Turns out that after returning from his ban he made it clear that he didn't want to be involved with ENworld anymore - so you won't be seeing him around here again.

I hope that the rest of you guys can get back to your interrupted discussion now.



Turns out that after returning from his ban he made it clear that he didn't want to be involved with ENworld anymore - so you won't be seeing him around here again.

I hope that the rest of you guys can get back to your interrupted discussion now.


Darn. I was hoping to read his heartfelt praise for me!

Voidrunner's Codex

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