Tournaments come in all shapes and sizes. Everything From basic Combat, To Archery, To The Magical, Psionic or even Sublime ways is tested in combat of which both luck and skill may be required to succeed. Tournaments always bring out the best in their competitors, with failure equating to dishonor and a few scars at best, and painful death or worse if things do not go well for a given competitor. What if in one tournament in particular one could literally obtain Ultimate power? To become the Paragon of Paragons or "Amidah" or "Ultimate One" in common one must slay the Amidah.
The Amidah of my Universe, for there can be only one, has recently challenged a tournament to all the gods of the realms (not just the Faerun pantheon either) to a tournament of death where only one can remain victorious. The Amidah himself, a Legendary Five Millennium old God-slayer by the name of Alabaster (see page 26 of the Immortals Handbook: Beastiary Vol. 1 for more info on Alabaster), has offered himself as the prize of any who can win a 32 Combatant tournament 1v1, five round tournament. The tournament is single elimination and the Amidah himself will only fight the winner and should the winner slay Alabaster in combat they will become the new Amidah.
Don't have the immortal's handbook? Not much of a problem as every single character entry in this thread will also contain fairly detailed explanations of their abilities and how they function.
Now the whole purpose of this thread is to be an open discussion regarding whom you think would be a good combatant to enter into this tournament. I've already got about a dozen or more combatants whom I think could pose a challenge to Alabaster. Tempus Foehammer, Boccob, Corellon Larethian, Gruumsh, and a few other Homebrewed powerful NPCs just to name a few. Now before you go spouting off names of who should fight alabaster take a look at his stat Block.
It should be noted that this Vampire is not the vampire in the 3.5 D&D monster manual. Rather he is made using a combination of Dicefreaks d20 vampire template:
Dicefreaks d20 Community • View topic - Dicefreaks Vampire Template
He is also made using rules from the IH- Beastiary and many many of these rules have been heavily revised. Wherever a character uses rules that were revised by myself or one of my associates I shall explain details of that revision in the character entry after the main statistics.
Alabaster, The Godslayer, The Amidah
Alabaster, Male Human Primal Vampire Amidah, "The Ultimate One"
Medium Chaotic Evil (Neutral Tendencies on the Evil Axis) Undead (Human, Dark Minded, Vampire)
Hit Dice: 117d100 + 6,084 (17,784 HP)
ECL: 117 class levels (97 Fighter/ 20 Godslayer) + 8 primal vampire + 111 Amidah = 236 (CR 157)
Initiative: +128 (Always acts first with steel hydra)
Speed: 900 ft.
AC: 10 + 6 profane + 52 deflection + +60 luck + 37 natural + 60 dexterity = 225 flat footed 165, touch 188
Auras: Eldritch Curse, Godblight & Atheist Paroxysm(su.) 1050 ft, Aura of Desecration 3120(ex.) ft. Evil Eye(ex.), 5080 ft.
BAB/Grapple: +69/+211
Attack: 69 + 60 luck + 4 weapon focus +67 strength +15 prowess = 215 + enhancement bonus
Full Attack: Steel Hydra - +304/+304/+299/+299/+294/+294/+289/+289 (20d10 + 220 17-20/x3 critical) Godsend - +315/+310/+305/+300 (135d10 + 231 15-20/x4 Critical) Sword of a Thousand Names - +363/+358/+353/+348 (20d10 +275 17-20/x3 Critical) The Undersword - +165/+160/+155/+150 Only requires a touch attack to hit (81 points of Permanent damage, 17-20/x10 critical) The Were-sword - +290/+285/+280/+275 Unerring (20d10 + 206 17-20/x3 Critical) Dark Nemesis – Special See Text Unarmed Slam – 90d10 + 127 (20 / x2 critical)
Space/Reach: 5/5
Special Attacks: Blood Drain(3d6 + 6 con), Children of the Night (180 HD worth of creatures), Create Spawn, Domination, (DC 10 + 58 + 60 + 52 = 180)
Special Qualities: Alternate Form, DR 175/ Epic, Cursed, Good & Silver, Evil Eye, Fast Healing 148, Gaseous Form Immune to Cold, Fire & Electricity, Acid & Sonic Resistance 20, Luck, Spider Climb, Turn Resistance 132 Undead Traits, Vampire Abilities, Vampire Weaknesses
Fortitude: 60 base + 60 luck + 52 profane = 172
Reflex: 54 base + 60 luck + 60 dex + 52 profane + 4 feat= 230
Will: 54 base + 60 luck + 47 wis + 52 profane = 213
Strength: 145 | + 67 (10 VSCs from strength, 5 VSCs from being a Primal vampire, but these apply only to slam)
Dexterity: 130 | + 60
Intelligence: 104 | +47
Wisdom: 104 | +47
Charisma: 115 | +52
Skills: 120 + ability mod + 60 + synergy/feat if applicable (+8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive & Spot checks)
Feats: Alertness*, Blind-fight, Combat Reflexes*, Dodge*, Dark Speech, Evil Brand, Greater Two-weapon fighting, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative*, Improved two-weapon fighting, Lightning Reflexes*, Vile Martial Strike
* = bonus feat from vampire rules
Fighter Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Spec., Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Two-Weapon Fighting, Whirlwind Attack
Bonus Feats: Armor Skin (X3), Great Dexterity (X7), Improved Sunder
Epic Feats: Armor Skin (X10), Epic Prowess (X15), Epic Reflexes*, Fast Healing (X6) Improved Combat Reflexes*, Superior Initiative*, Two-weapon Rend
Epic Fighter Feats: Improved Critical Multiplier, Improved Critical, Devastating Critical, Dire Charge, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Spec, Great Strength (X15), Great Dexterity (X8), Greater Three-weapon Fighting, Improved Three-weapon fighting, Improved Critical Multiplier, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect – Three Weapon Fighting, Perfect Two Weapon-fighting, Three Weapon-Fighting, Three-weapon Mastery, Two-weapon Mastery
Class Features: Anathema Cloak, Anti-divinity, God Hunter +40, Divine Spell Resistance 207, Smite Immortal 10/day, Eldritch Curse 2/day, Atheist Paroxysm 2/day, God-slaughter, God-blight
Salient Vampire Abilities: Aura of Desecration, Bloodthirsty, Command Undead, Dark Blessing, Godless, Hypnotic Vapor, Stain on Nature (DC 180)
Godslayer Presitige Class
Base Attacks Bonus: +45
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 63 Ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 63 Ranks
Feats: Evil Brand, Vile Martial Strike, Dark Speech
Special: The character may not possess Divine Rank.
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Points: 4+ Intelligence Modifier
Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (The Planes), Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Track
1 Anathema Cloak, Antidivinity, God Hunter +4
2 Divine Spell Resistance, Smite Immortal 1/day
3 God Hunter +8
4 Smite Immortal 2/day
5 God Hunter +12, Eldritch Curse
6 Smite Immortal 3/day
7 Atheist Paroxysm, God Hunter +16
8 Smite Immortal 4/day
9 Godslaughter, God Hunter +20
10 Godblight, Smite Immortal 5/day
Anathema Cloak: (Ex.) A Godslayer is a void upon the divine matrix that underlies the Multiverse. This ability is identical to the Apocrypha Divine Ability.
Antidivinity: (Ex.) A Godslayer knows the cosmic secrets that fuel a deity’s power and is resistant to their inherent divinity. He gains resistance to Divine Damage equal to his Godslayer level x10.
God Hunter: (Su.) A Godslayer knows how to kill Immortals and excels at fighting them. He gains a +4 to attack and damage rolls against divine beings, including the Proxies or Avatars of a deity. This also allows him to qualify for the Bane of Enemies (Immortals) and Death of Enemies (Immortals) Epic Feats, even if he has no other favored enemies. These bonuses increase by +4 for every 2 Godslayer levels beyond 2nd.
Divine Spell Resistance: (Ex.) A Godslayer is preternaturally inured to divine magic thanks to his despicable training. He gains a Spell Resistance of 10+his Hit Dice+his Godslayer level against all spells cast by Immortals.
Smite Immortal: (Su.)A Godslayer can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies 1/day at level 2, when using this ability, he gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his opponent’s Divine Rank and deals extra Permanent Damage on his Damage Rolls equal to his Godslayer class levels x his opponent's Divine Rank against any Immortal. He gains one extra use of this ability per day every two levels beyond 2nd.
Eldritch Curse
Su.) Once per day, starting at 5th level, a Godslayer may generate a Dead Magic Zone for 1 round per Godslayer level. This zone extends 100 ft. from the Godslayer, plus an additional 50 ft. per Class Level. The Godslayer himself is unaffected by this ability. A Godslayer receives an extra use of this ability at every 10 levels beyond 5th.He must still succeed on a sucessful dispel check to dispel divine abilities and Artifacts.(Caster level 167). Immortals may take a seperate will saving throw for each individual artifact they posess. Extraordinary Divine Abilities,Cosmic Abilities & Higher continue to function normally. The Save DCs are 10 + Godslayer Level + Cha Mod (+60 luck bonus for Alabaster) (WILL SAVE DC 142 negates). Non-epic spells and effects do not get a save, nor do 9th level and lower spell-like abilities. Psionics & psi-like abilities continue to function normally.
Atheist Paroxysm: (Su.) Once per day, a 7th level Godslayer can emit an inhibitive sphere of apostasic energy. This field emanates from the Godslayer and extends 100 ft. from the Godslayer, plus an additional 50 ft. per Godslayer level. This ability functions as the Divine Nullification Transcendental Ability and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Godslayer’s class level. A Godslayer gains an additional use of this ability for every 10 levels beyond 7th. Immortals may take a seperate will saving throw for each supernatural divine ability they posess (Will save DC 142 negates in alabaster's case)
Godslaughter: (Ex.) A 9th level Godslayer is so mightily steeped in the lore of deicide that he can openly defy and challenge divine entities as can no other mortal. He possesses an Divine Rank equal to his Godslayer Class Level for purposes of overcoming an opponent’s Cosmic String.
Godblight: (Su.) At 10th level, a Godslayer becomes a true bane of the divine, a theological nightmare that warps the nature of Divinity itself to aid the Godslayer in battle.The Godslayer emanates an aura of anti-divinity with a radius of 100 ft plus 50 ft. per class level, any immortals caught in the radius are affected by the ability with no save. The Godslayer gains a Profane Bonus to AC, Attack rolls, checks, DCs, Initiiative, Saving Throws & Spell resistance equal to Double the Divine Bonus of the most powerful Immortal affected by this ability. Once an Immortal Leaves the radius of this ability, the Godslayer may retain his Profane bonus for 1 round per Godslayer level,thereafter, but it soon dissapates should the god not return to his aura..
Saving Throws for all Sailent Vampire Abilities = 10 + 1/2 hit dice + cha mod + age catagory of the Vampire + luck bonus = DC 186
Aura of Desecration (Su)
The vampire's unholy presence bolsters undead, and has ill effects on holy items, plants, and water nearby.
Prerequisites: Eminent or older, Godless, Stain on Nature, Cha 21+.
Benefits: The vampire's presence has all the affects of a nightshade's desecrating aura. However, it extends for 10 ft. times their rank times their Charisma modifier. In addition, all holy symbols within this radius combust, melt, shatter, bend in half, or are otherwise somehow destroyed, rendering them useless for turn attempts, as spell foci, or other uses. If a holy symbol was enchanted, it is entitled to a Fortitude save to avoid this effect (. All non-sentient plants within the radius wither and die; sentient ones must make a Fortitude save or die. All water within this radius freezes solid. This evil aura frightens animals; untrained animals flee if possible or attack if cornered, while trained animals are skittish and unresponsive. All Handle Animal checks within the aura's radius suffer a -10 penalty.
Bloodthirsty (Ex)
The vampire's bite is more draining than most.
Prerequisites: Young or older
Benefits: The vampire deals an additional point of Con damage per rank on a successful blood drain attempt. This salient ability can be taken more than once.
Command Undead (Su)
The vampire can force lesser undead into subservience.
Prerequisites: Wis 21+.
Benefits: The vampire may rebuke/command undead as an evil cleric of its HD.
Dark Blessing (Ex)
The vampire is utterly evil, and its ties to the negative energy plane protect it.
Prerequisites: Elder or older, Cha 21+.
Benefits: The vampire may add its Charisma modifier to all saving throws. This does not stack with the blackguard ability of the same name.
Godless (Ex)
The vampire can ignore the effects of holy items.
Prerequisites: Wis 21+.
Benefits: The vampire may now physically attack someone displaying a holy symbol. It takes half damage from the touch of holy symbols or holy water, and its turn resistance is doubled. Once it reaches the eminent age category, it takes only one point of damage from holy symbols or holy water, and its turn resistance is tripled rather than doubled.
Hypnotic Vapor (Su)
The vampire's gaseous form has hypnotic powers.
Prerequisites: Cha 21+.
Benefits: The vampire can use its dominate ability while in gaseous form. To the target, the gaseous vampire appears to roil in a soothing, hypnotic pattern, while colors shimmer in its nebulous, misty form. Only the target perceives these changes in the vampire's gaseous form. All the normal rules for the domination power apply.
Stain on Nature (Su)
The vampire's mere existence is harmful to plants.
Prerequisites: Elder or older
Benefits: The vampire's presence slays all non-sentient plants within 20 feet. It is no longer affected by white roses, garlic or wolfsbane. Sentient plant creatures must make a Fortitude save or suffer Constitution drain equal to the vampire's blood drain each round they remain within range. Success on the Fortitude save reduces the ability drain to hit point damage.
Artifacts' Carried.
Probably by far the most famous of all six of Alabasters' blades is the Legendary Godsend. This unassuming coppery blade is permanently stained with the blood of it's creator. The Epic ritual that created this blade included the ritual suicide of a greater power who forever turned itself into a weapon against the gods, to be used in the hands of the Ultimate One. It has been said by immortal scholars that this blade is responsible for slaying more deities than probably any other. This longsword functions as a +100 pure Orichalcum longsword that deals an extra 1d20 points of bane damage to any immortal it strikes, per point of their divine bonus. Furthermore, on a successful critical hit the sword will sunder a god from their divinity creating an appropriately sized quintessence elemental. The quintessence elemental will be created with a number of Hit dice equal to the sundered divinity templates' level adjustment. The created quintessence elemental will be completely under the control of Alabaster, unless it succeeds on a will save equal to the DC of his Dominate Monster effect.
Steel Hydra:
This polished longsword has a pommel shaped like a Cometary Dragon biting it's own tail. The Blade is constantly vibrating visibly even to the naked eye. Rumors say that Alabaster stole this blade from a god of time he slew in ages past, who now lies buried in his Graveyard of Swords. This weapon functions as a +88 Sonic Blast Everdancing Longsword made of ordinary Steel. This weapon always acts first in combat unless it is against a being who has the Perfect Initiative divine ability, or similar ability, in which case initiative is rolled normally. It doubles the number of attacks made with it per round, and upon scoring a successful critical hit will steal an attack from an opponent. (In the following round, the foe loses one attack and Alabaster gains one attack)
The Were-Sword:
This weapon has two appearances, the first, witnessed only by day is a glassteeled Longsword. The second form which is used in Alabasters' statistics assumes it's after dark and the sword becomes a demonic looking jagged red blade. The weapon retains it's +75 and everdancing properties in either form.
By Day, the weapon seeks to protect the bearer at all costs. The bearer can only be struck by a natural roll of "20". This ability is counter-acted by an immortal with the Inner eye cosmic ability, but otherwise functions normally. Furthermore, when an opponent strikes the bearer, they suffer half the damage they just dealt. The wielder can also sacrifice a number of attacks with this weapon to block a like number of attacks from an opponent.
By Night, the blade thirsts for blood, both the opponents' and the wielders.In this form the blade only ever requires touch attacks to hit. When it scores a hit upon an opponent, it will heal the wielder for half that amount. The wielder can also choose to sacrifice an amount of hit points no greater than 1/ECL and deal this as additional damage to an opponent.
The Version used in Alabaster's stat-block assumes it's after dark.
The Undersword:
This legendary blade of Byss is sometimes called "The Unsheathable Blade of Finality." The blade is a small crack in the dimension of Entropy and it has been dubbed the Undersword because all of it's previous wielders have been put in their graves by the blade.
This blade functions as a -50 Everdancing Cursed Longsword and deals no base damage. For Alabaster However, it's positives far outweigh any potential negatives. It only ever requires touch attacks to hit and deals permanent damage which ignores all damage reduction and hardness. It also nullifies the most powerful property possessed by an opponents' weapon. It ignores immunity to critical hits and has a critical multiplier of x10.
Any wielder who does not deal a positive amount of damage suffers an amount of permanent damage equal to the negative penalty.
The Sword of a Thousand Names:
The Sword of a Thousand Names... and all of them spell death, or so the legends say. The sword seems to change with the mood of the bearer and never stays the same for long. The more agitated the bearer becomes, the more threatening the weapon looks.
This steel Longsword Carries an enhancement bonus of +158 but it can manifest any special ability known to the wielder by sacrificing +2 points of enhancement bonus for every +1 point of special ability manifested.
Dark Nemesis:
This blade appears to be cut from the night sky, with a hilt made of Death Knight Bones. This weapon duplicates the special properties exactly of any one opponents' weapon. Furthermore, it has the terrifying ability to summon the single most powerful NPC ever faced by the opponent before, from beyond the grave if necessary. The summoned creature will fight for the bearer of the blade for 13 rounds. Only one such creature can be summoned at a time, and only one per day.
When the wearer of this ring slays an immortal, all of their quintessence is absorbed into the ring.
The wearer of this ring gains a apostasaic bonus "divine template" eaqual to an immortal of the quintessnce trapped in the ring*. Furthermore, the wearer also gains the apostasy cosmic ability.
He also gains the benefit of the double Deicide portfolio with a divine status eaqual to an immortal of the same trapped quintessence.
*The virtual divine template functions as follows. He gains all the benefits of an immortal equal to appropriate divine status of how much quintessence is currently contained within the ring. Alabaster begins combat with enough quintessence to make him a greater deity. He gains +32 anti-divine bonus to ability scores, 16 divine abilities, And all the abilities from the double deicide portfolios. He does not gain any further natural armor, spell like or any other abilities from being a divine being. He loses these benefits if the ring is ever sundered completely (reduced to 0 HP) it is a fine object with hardness 170 and 1700 HP. Alabaster may repair the ring and slay a new immortal to regain these benefits. The virtual divine levels cannot exceed Alabaster's HD.
True Perfection:
The wearer of this ring may always take the highest possible dice rolls. It also bestows a moral penalty on enemy saves and attack rolls eaqual to the wearers' charisma modifier.
These boots grant alabaster the benefits of the Sixth Sense making it virtually impossible to catch Alabaster Flat-footed. He can only be caught flat footed by opponents whose ECL exceeds his own by at least 4. Furthermore, Al gains a single changeable divine ability and may ignore the pre-requisites for any divine ability. Lastly, Alabasters' Slam VSCs from being a Primal vampire also apply to his feet, should he decide to kick an immortal square in the face...hence the name.
Alabaster is also in possession of Robes of The Almight, but for unknown reasons they provide no benefit for wearing them. Alabaster is simply in posession of them so that they might be offered as a reward to anyone who can slay him.
The following was done almost entirely by one of my friends who has helped me to a great degree on this project. I believe his name is Belzamus on these forums but on Dicefreaks he was known as SpectreOfEschaton.
Dicefreaks d20 Community • View topic - A tournament of cosmic proportions!
That's the original forum and thread where we first started our revisions to some of the rules on D20. Warning it's an ENOURMOUS wall of text so reading the whole thing may take an hour or two so you might want to skip over some of the idle chatter. Unfortuneatly I got into a bit of a spat with one of the Moderators of the dicefreaks and I'm no longer a member of their community and I had all but scrapped this project when I decided to retrieve it from the grave and start work once again.
Now that all that has been said, who wants to help me? Possible even design some competitors for the tournament? In spite of what you may read in the old thread I've decided to more or less clear the roster and there's more than 20 spots open. Suggestions anyone?
The Amidah of my Universe, for there can be only one, has recently challenged a tournament to all the gods of the realms (not just the Faerun pantheon either) to a tournament of death where only one can remain victorious. The Amidah himself, a Legendary Five Millennium old God-slayer by the name of Alabaster (see page 26 of the Immortals Handbook: Beastiary Vol. 1 for more info on Alabaster), has offered himself as the prize of any who can win a 32 Combatant tournament 1v1, five round tournament. The tournament is single elimination and the Amidah himself will only fight the winner and should the winner slay Alabaster in combat they will become the new Amidah.
Don't have the immortal's handbook? Not much of a problem as every single character entry in this thread will also contain fairly detailed explanations of their abilities and how they function.
Now the whole purpose of this thread is to be an open discussion regarding whom you think would be a good combatant to enter into this tournament. I've already got about a dozen or more combatants whom I think could pose a challenge to Alabaster. Tempus Foehammer, Boccob, Corellon Larethian, Gruumsh, and a few other Homebrewed powerful NPCs just to name a few. Now before you go spouting off names of who should fight alabaster take a look at his stat Block.
It should be noted that this Vampire is not the vampire in the 3.5 D&D monster manual. Rather he is made using a combination of Dicefreaks d20 vampire template:
Dicefreaks d20 Community • View topic - Dicefreaks Vampire Template
He is also made using rules from the IH- Beastiary and many many of these rules have been heavily revised. Wherever a character uses rules that were revised by myself or one of my associates I shall explain details of that revision in the character entry after the main statistics.
Alabaster, The Godslayer, The Amidah
Alabaster, Male Human Primal Vampire Amidah, "The Ultimate One"
Medium Chaotic Evil (Neutral Tendencies on the Evil Axis) Undead (Human, Dark Minded, Vampire)
Hit Dice: 117d100 + 6,084 (17,784 HP)
ECL: 117 class levels (97 Fighter/ 20 Godslayer) + 8 primal vampire + 111 Amidah = 236 (CR 157)
Initiative: +128 (Always acts first with steel hydra)
Speed: 900 ft.
AC: 10 + 6 profane + 52 deflection + +60 luck + 37 natural + 60 dexterity = 225 flat footed 165, touch 188
Auras: Eldritch Curse, Godblight & Atheist Paroxysm(su.) 1050 ft, Aura of Desecration 3120(ex.) ft. Evil Eye(ex.), 5080 ft.
BAB/Grapple: +69/+211
Attack: 69 + 60 luck + 4 weapon focus +67 strength +15 prowess = 215 + enhancement bonus
Full Attack: Steel Hydra - +304/+304/+299/+299/+294/+294/+289/+289 (20d10 + 220 17-20/x3 critical) Godsend - +315/+310/+305/+300 (135d10 + 231 15-20/x4 Critical) Sword of a Thousand Names - +363/+358/+353/+348 (20d10 +275 17-20/x3 Critical) The Undersword - +165/+160/+155/+150 Only requires a touch attack to hit (81 points of Permanent damage, 17-20/x10 critical) The Were-sword - +290/+285/+280/+275 Unerring (20d10 + 206 17-20/x3 Critical) Dark Nemesis – Special See Text Unarmed Slam – 90d10 + 127 (20 / x2 critical)
Space/Reach: 5/5
Special Attacks: Blood Drain(3d6 + 6 con), Children of the Night (180 HD worth of creatures), Create Spawn, Domination, (DC 10 + 58 + 60 + 52 = 180)
Special Qualities: Alternate Form, DR 175/ Epic, Cursed, Good & Silver, Evil Eye, Fast Healing 148, Gaseous Form Immune to Cold, Fire & Electricity, Acid & Sonic Resistance 20, Luck, Spider Climb, Turn Resistance 132 Undead Traits, Vampire Abilities, Vampire Weaknesses
Fortitude: 60 base + 60 luck + 52 profane = 172
Reflex: 54 base + 60 luck + 60 dex + 52 profane + 4 feat= 230
Will: 54 base + 60 luck + 47 wis + 52 profane = 213
Strength: 145 | + 67 (10 VSCs from strength, 5 VSCs from being a Primal vampire, but these apply only to slam)
Dexterity: 130 | + 60
Intelligence: 104 | +47
Wisdom: 104 | +47
Charisma: 115 | +52
Skills: 120 + ability mod + 60 + synergy/feat if applicable (+8 racial bonus on Bluff, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive & Spot checks)
Feats: Alertness*, Blind-fight, Combat Reflexes*, Dodge*, Dark Speech, Evil Brand, Greater Two-weapon fighting, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative*, Improved two-weapon fighting, Lightning Reflexes*, Vile Martial Strike
* = bonus feat from vampire rules
Fighter Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus, Greater Weapon Spec., Mobility, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Focus (Longsword), Weapon Specialization (Longsword), Two-Weapon Fighting, Whirlwind Attack
Bonus Feats: Armor Skin (X3), Great Dexterity (X7), Improved Sunder
Epic Feats: Armor Skin (X10), Epic Prowess (X15), Epic Reflexes*, Fast Healing (X6) Improved Combat Reflexes*, Superior Initiative*, Two-weapon Rend
Epic Fighter Feats: Improved Critical Multiplier, Improved Critical, Devastating Critical, Dire Charge, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Spec, Great Strength (X15), Great Dexterity (X8), Greater Three-weapon Fighting, Improved Three-weapon fighting, Improved Critical Multiplier, Overwhelming Critical, Perfect – Three Weapon Fighting, Perfect Two Weapon-fighting, Three Weapon-Fighting, Three-weapon Mastery, Two-weapon Mastery
Class Features: Anathema Cloak, Anti-divinity, God Hunter +40, Divine Spell Resistance 207, Smite Immortal 10/day, Eldritch Curse 2/day, Atheist Paroxysm 2/day, God-slaughter, God-blight
Salient Vampire Abilities: Aura of Desecration, Bloodthirsty, Command Undead, Dark Blessing, Godless, Hypnotic Vapor, Stain on Nature (DC 180)
Godslayer Presitige Class
Base Attacks Bonus: +45
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 63 Ranks, Knowledge (The Planes) 63 Ranks
Feats: Evil Brand, Vile Martial Strike, Dark Speech
Special: The character may not possess Divine Rank.
Hit Dice: d10
Skill Points: 4+ Intelligence Modifier
Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (The Planes), Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Track
1 Anathema Cloak, Antidivinity, God Hunter +4
2 Divine Spell Resistance, Smite Immortal 1/day
3 God Hunter +8
4 Smite Immortal 2/day
5 God Hunter +12, Eldritch Curse
6 Smite Immortal 3/day
7 Atheist Paroxysm, God Hunter +16
8 Smite Immortal 4/day
9 Godslaughter, God Hunter +20
10 Godblight, Smite Immortal 5/day
Anathema Cloak: (Ex.) A Godslayer is a void upon the divine matrix that underlies the Multiverse. This ability is identical to the Apocrypha Divine Ability.
Antidivinity: (Ex.) A Godslayer knows the cosmic secrets that fuel a deity’s power and is resistant to their inherent divinity. He gains resistance to Divine Damage equal to his Godslayer level x10.
God Hunter: (Su.) A Godslayer knows how to kill Immortals and excels at fighting them. He gains a +4 to attack and damage rolls against divine beings, including the Proxies or Avatars of a deity. This also allows him to qualify for the Bane of Enemies (Immortals) and Death of Enemies (Immortals) Epic Feats, even if he has no other favored enemies. These bonuses increase by +4 for every 2 Godslayer levels beyond 2nd.
Divine Spell Resistance: (Ex.) A Godslayer is preternaturally inured to divine magic thanks to his despicable training. He gains a Spell Resistance of 10+his Hit Dice+his Godslayer level against all spells cast by Immortals.
Smite Immortal: (Su.)A Godslayer can infuse his strikes with anathematic energies 1/day at level 2, when using this ability, he gains a bonus to his Attack Rolls equal to his opponent’s Divine Rank and deals extra Permanent Damage on his Damage Rolls equal to his Godslayer class levels x his opponent's Divine Rank against any Immortal. He gains one extra use of this ability per day every two levels beyond 2nd.
Eldritch Curse

Atheist Paroxysm: (Su.) Once per day, a 7th level Godslayer can emit an inhibitive sphere of apostasic energy. This field emanates from the Godslayer and extends 100 ft. from the Godslayer, plus an additional 50 ft. per Godslayer level. This ability functions as the Divine Nullification Transcendental Ability and lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Godslayer’s class level. A Godslayer gains an additional use of this ability for every 10 levels beyond 7th. Immortals may take a seperate will saving throw for each supernatural divine ability they posess (Will save DC 142 negates in alabaster's case)
Godslaughter: (Ex.) A 9th level Godslayer is so mightily steeped in the lore of deicide that he can openly defy and challenge divine entities as can no other mortal. He possesses an Divine Rank equal to his Godslayer Class Level for purposes of overcoming an opponent’s Cosmic String.
Godblight: (Su.) At 10th level, a Godslayer becomes a true bane of the divine, a theological nightmare that warps the nature of Divinity itself to aid the Godslayer in battle.The Godslayer emanates an aura of anti-divinity with a radius of 100 ft plus 50 ft. per class level, any immortals caught in the radius are affected by the ability with no save. The Godslayer gains a Profane Bonus to AC, Attack rolls, checks, DCs, Initiiative, Saving Throws & Spell resistance equal to Double the Divine Bonus of the most powerful Immortal affected by this ability. Once an Immortal Leaves the radius of this ability, the Godslayer may retain his Profane bonus for 1 round per Godslayer level,thereafter, but it soon dissapates should the god not return to his aura..
Saving Throws for all Sailent Vampire Abilities = 10 + 1/2 hit dice + cha mod + age catagory of the Vampire + luck bonus = DC 186
Aura of Desecration (Su)
The vampire's unholy presence bolsters undead, and has ill effects on holy items, plants, and water nearby.
Prerequisites: Eminent or older, Godless, Stain on Nature, Cha 21+.
Benefits: The vampire's presence has all the affects of a nightshade's desecrating aura. However, it extends for 10 ft. times their rank times their Charisma modifier. In addition, all holy symbols within this radius combust, melt, shatter, bend in half, or are otherwise somehow destroyed, rendering them useless for turn attempts, as spell foci, or other uses. If a holy symbol was enchanted, it is entitled to a Fortitude save to avoid this effect (. All non-sentient plants within the radius wither and die; sentient ones must make a Fortitude save or die. All water within this radius freezes solid. This evil aura frightens animals; untrained animals flee if possible or attack if cornered, while trained animals are skittish and unresponsive. All Handle Animal checks within the aura's radius suffer a -10 penalty.
Bloodthirsty (Ex)
The vampire's bite is more draining than most.
Prerequisites: Young or older
Benefits: The vampire deals an additional point of Con damage per rank on a successful blood drain attempt. This salient ability can be taken more than once.
Command Undead (Su)
The vampire can force lesser undead into subservience.
Prerequisites: Wis 21+.
Benefits: The vampire may rebuke/command undead as an evil cleric of its HD.
Dark Blessing (Ex)
The vampire is utterly evil, and its ties to the negative energy plane protect it.
Prerequisites: Elder or older, Cha 21+.
Benefits: The vampire may add its Charisma modifier to all saving throws. This does not stack with the blackguard ability of the same name.
Godless (Ex)
The vampire can ignore the effects of holy items.
Prerequisites: Wis 21+.
Benefits: The vampire may now physically attack someone displaying a holy symbol. It takes half damage from the touch of holy symbols or holy water, and its turn resistance is doubled. Once it reaches the eminent age category, it takes only one point of damage from holy symbols or holy water, and its turn resistance is tripled rather than doubled.
Hypnotic Vapor (Su)
The vampire's gaseous form has hypnotic powers.
Prerequisites: Cha 21+.
Benefits: The vampire can use its dominate ability while in gaseous form. To the target, the gaseous vampire appears to roil in a soothing, hypnotic pattern, while colors shimmer in its nebulous, misty form. Only the target perceives these changes in the vampire's gaseous form. All the normal rules for the domination power apply.
Stain on Nature (Su)
The vampire's mere existence is harmful to plants.
Prerequisites: Elder or older
Benefits: The vampire's presence slays all non-sentient plants within 20 feet. It is no longer affected by white roses, garlic or wolfsbane. Sentient plant creatures must make a Fortitude save or suffer Constitution drain equal to the vampire's blood drain each round they remain within range. Success on the Fortitude save reduces the ability drain to hit point damage.
Artifacts' Carried.
Probably by far the most famous of all six of Alabasters' blades is the Legendary Godsend. This unassuming coppery blade is permanently stained with the blood of it's creator. The Epic ritual that created this blade included the ritual suicide of a greater power who forever turned itself into a weapon against the gods, to be used in the hands of the Ultimate One. It has been said by immortal scholars that this blade is responsible for slaying more deities than probably any other. This longsword functions as a +100 pure Orichalcum longsword that deals an extra 1d20 points of bane damage to any immortal it strikes, per point of their divine bonus. Furthermore, on a successful critical hit the sword will sunder a god from their divinity creating an appropriately sized quintessence elemental. The quintessence elemental will be created with a number of Hit dice equal to the sundered divinity templates' level adjustment. The created quintessence elemental will be completely under the control of Alabaster, unless it succeeds on a will save equal to the DC of his Dominate Monster effect.
Steel Hydra:
This polished longsword has a pommel shaped like a Cometary Dragon biting it's own tail. The Blade is constantly vibrating visibly even to the naked eye. Rumors say that Alabaster stole this blade from a god of time he slew in ages past, who now lies buried in his Graveyard of Swords. This weapon functions as a +88 Sonic Blast Everdancing Longsword made of ordinary Steel. This weapon always acts first in combat unless it is against a being who has the Perfect Initiative divine ability, or similar ability, in which case initiative is rolled normally. It doubles the number of attacks made with it per round, and upon scoring a successful critical hit will steal an attack from an opponent. (In the following round, the foe loses one attack and Alabaster gains one attack)
The Were-Sword:
This weapon has two appearances, the first, witnessed only by day is a glassteeled Longsword. The second form which is used in Alabasters' statistics assumes it's after dark and the sword becomes a demonic looking jagged red blade. The weapon retains it's +75 and everdancing properties in either form.
By Day, the weapon seeks to protect the bearer at all costs. The bearer can only be struck by a natural roll of "20". This ability is counter-acted by an immortal with the Inner eye cosmic ability, but otherwise functions normally. Furthermore, when an opponent strikes the bearer, they suffer half the damage they just dealt. The wielder can also sacrifice a number of attacks with this weapon to block a like number of attacks from an opponent.
By Night, the blade thirsts for blood, both the opponents' and the wielders.In this form the blade only ever requires touch attacks to hit. When it scores a hit upon an opponent, it will heal the wielder for half that amount. The wielder can also choose to sacrifice an amount of hit points no greater than 1/ECL and deal this as additional damage to an opponent.
The Version used in Alabaster's stat-block assumes it's after dark.
The Undersword:
This legendary blade of Byss is sometimes called "The Unsheathable Blade of Finality." The blade is a small crack in the dimension of Entropy and it has been dubbed the Undersword because all of it's previous wielders have been put in their graves by the blade.
This blade functions as a -50 Everdancing Cursed Longsword and deals no base damage. For Alabaster However, it's positives far outweigh any potential negatives. It only ever requires touch attacks to hit and deals permanent damage which ignores all damage reduction and hardness. It also nullifies the most powerful property possessed by an opponents' weapon. It ignores immunity to critical hits and has a critical multiplier of x10.
Any wielder who does not deal a positive amount of damage suffers an amount of permanent damage equal to the negative penalty.
The Sword of a Thousand Names:
The Sword of a Thousand Names... and all of them spell death, or so the legends say. The sword seems to change with the mood of the bearer and never stays the same for long. The more agitated the bearer becomes, the more threatening the weapon looks.
This steel Longsword Carries an enhancement bonus of +158 but it can manifest any special ability known to the wielder by sacrificing +2 points of enhancement bonus for every +1 point of special ability manifested.
Dark Nemesis:
This blade appears to be cut from the night sky, with a hilt made of Death Knight Bones. This weapon duplicates the special properties exactly of any one opponents' weapon. Furthermore, it has the terrifying ability to summon the single most powerful NPC ever faced by the opponent before, from beyond the grave if necessary. The summoned creature will fight for the bearer of the blade for 13 rounds. Only one such creature can be summoned at a time, and only one per day.
When the wearer of this ring slays an immortal, all of their quintessence is absorbed into the ring.
The wearer of this ring gains a apostasaic bonus "divine template" eaqual to an immortal of the quintessnce trapped in the ring*. Furthermore, the wearer also gains the apostasy cosmic ability.
He also gains the benefit of the double Deicide portfolio with a divine status eaqual to an immortal of the same trapped quintessence.
*The virtual divine template functions as follows. He gains all the benefits of an immortal equal to appropriate divine status of how much quintessence is currently contained within the ring. Alabaster begins combat with enough quintessence to make him a greater deity. He gains +32 anti-divine bonus to ability scores, 16 divine abilities, And all the abilities from the double deicide portfolios. He does not gain any further natural armor, spell like or any other abilities from being a divine being. He loses these benefits if the ring is ever sundered completely (reduced to 0 HP) it is a fine object with hardness 170 and 1700 HP. Alabaster may repair the ring and slay a new immortal to regain these benefits. The virtual divine levels cannot exceed Alabaster's HD.
True Perfection:
The wearer of this ring may always take the highest possible dice rolls. It also bestows a moral penalty on enemy saves and attack rolls eaqual to the wearers' charisma modifier.
These boots grant alabaster the benefits of the Sixth Sense making it virtually impossible to catch Alabaster Flat-footed. He can only be caught flat footed by opponents whose ECL exceeds his own by at least 4. Furthermore, Al gains a single changeable divine ability and may ignore the pre-requisites for any divine ability. Lastly, Alabasters' Slam VSCs from being a Primal vampire also apply to his feet, should he decide to kick an immortal square in the face...hence the name.

Alabaster is also in possession of Robes of The Almight, but for unknown reasons they provide no benefit for wearing them. Alabaster is simply in posession of them so that they might be offered as a reward to anyone who can slay him.
The following was done almost entirely by one of my friends who has helped me to a great degree on this project. I believe his name is Belzamus on these forums but on Dicefreaks he was known as SpectreOfEschaton.
Dicefreaks d20 Community • View topic - A tournament of cosmic proportions!
That's the original forum and thread where we first started our revisions to some of the rules on D20. Warning it's an ENOURMOUS wall of text so reading the whole thing may take an hour or two so you might want to skip over some of the idle chatter. Unfortuneatly I got into a bit of a spat with one of the Moderators of the dicefreaks and I'm no longer a member of their community and I had all but scrapped this project when I decided to retrieve it from the grave and start work once again.
Now that all that has been said, who wants to help me? Possible even design some competitors for the tournament? In spite of what you may read in the old thread I've decided to more or less clear the roster and there's more than 20 spots open. Suggestions anyone?
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