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A world in Darkness IC- Calling Wilphe and Nac Mac Feegle


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Gor nods in satisfaction as the thought of food is brought up. "No need to thank, Gor likes clobbering nasty devil-monsters. He also likes good food! Har!"

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"Ah, I think my appetite will return when I get this stuff out of me!" Racid grunts.

ooc: I'm not going to post for awhile (maybe a week or so). I'll let you know when I'm back posting. This came too quickly for me too!
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The Guide bows to you all again.

You are correct. We are the lost. But his may be our home but we did not create it. We found it abandoned nd adopted it as our home. Come, let us sit at the table and we can talk more. I welcome all our guests.

The last seems to be directed at the other being, who removes his mask with a little smile, displaying a red face, peppered with black dots, feral green eyes and small, sharp horns atop his head.

He bows to the Guide, with a smile on his face that does nothing to redeem his aura of menace.

Gladly will I join your table. but I came here seeking these other guests. It will be good to eat first, then I need to tak to them privately.

He turns and looks at you agains, mumbling something under his breath, which you can just overhear, and which Argentus understands and recognises - "An angel to save us, by the nine hells this is unbelievable!, the language spoken being infernal. He looks, catches Argentus' eye and winks as if at some joke.


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Argent Silvermage said:
Argentus looks the Tiefling (?) in the eyes and says, I feel as if I should know you. I am Argentus, called the Whitesoul. May I have your name?

The man laughs- a chillingly cold laugh.

Just how much have you given up to be here angel? If you were in your right mind you would know me- my name I will give later, for now know me as the one who led the failed rebellion on the sixth layer. If anything, those who rule out there hate me even more than they do you!

And our hosts try to penetrate who I am. They know I am not of those who rule, but know no more. Nor will I tell them, and I advise you to remain silent- if forced to escape from here I will have to destroy them all, not something you would like now is it angel? Oh, and know this, the only reason I am here is to talk to you and your companions- thou providence surely has a strange sense of humour to put you amongst those I am to meet!

He gives you a little bow, and continues, a hint of amusement in his voice

I can rely on your discretion can I not angel? If you remembered anything you would remember that even with you full might you would be no match for me.

Argent Silvermage

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Argentus hears the words and while holy rage begins to boil in his celestial blood he remains silent. He nods to the deamonic one and simply follows the others.

There will be time enough to deal with this one at a later date. He thinks to himself.


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You are ll seated around one of the tables that have been set-up, the guide and Ghilli seating themselves opposite. The leaf clad creature goes and stands in the centre of the tables, the rest of the adults sitting down (seeminly haphazardly), and the children running around playing (but at least quietly). The man sitting himself down next to Argentus, seemingly enjoying Argentus' discomfort.

As silent descends Wippet comes to each of you, touches, you with a rod, and as he does so the noise in the hall resolves into intelligable speech. The leaf clad man looks at you and bows.

I sing a song of welcome to our guests. May the roof of our home protect them, may they find their way where they go.

I sing the song of the lost to our guests. The song of the lost that travel, never to find their way home. Travelling between worlds, between timee. I sing the song that we pray that the Gods return that we may once more know the forests of our home.

I sing for our guests, for I am Hulleuk, master of our songs and friend of the forest.

In the days gone by we wandered, we found the stair and ascended. But when we went down the stair the forest was no more. Instead there was mountain and fire, we ascended the stair, but when we descended there was sea and monsters, once again we ascended the stair, but when we returned their was desert and thirst. For the fourth, and so far the last time, we ascended the stair, but the forest we found was not home. We fear what may come next, so we do not ascend the stair, but live hidden at the top of the stairs. We are lost.

As he sings, the creatures present emit a low hum, the children sitting rapt and listening. As he finishes, the chaos resumes and food is placed on the table in front of you- large bowls of fruit, loaves of freshly baked bread and various dead insects arranged on leaves. All around you the creatures start eating with gusto.

I hope you enjoy the food my friends. You rescued one of our own and I would see you rewarded. Tell me, how can I assist you in your journey?

The Guide leans forward, looking at each of you, seemingly intent on hearing an answer.

Voidrunner's Codex

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