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Academy of Drell, Part II


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Just relax Charlotte we are in this together...

Keith kisses her forehead and relaxes settling into a pleasant revelry, his thoughts of the day slowly meandering through his mind. He holds Charlotte close...

"I can't agree more..."

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The group is scattered hither...

Charlotte overhears Yodwin's exchange... she, too is convinced he isn't being completely forthcoming.

Sildarin is relieved that Yodwin is alert and well.

Victor Sneaks upon the creature. It's not quite the same as the last one. While the earlier inky creatures were distinctly human, albeit short (gnomish, perhaps?), this one resembles a manta ray in shape, and is very hard to see clearly. It flutters from snow-flecked tree to snow-flecked tree, pauses as if sniffing for a scent, then repeats itself.

Arana follows Victor in pursuit of the creature and readies an arrow, in case she needs to kill it.

Kith talks briefly with Yodwin. Having known Yodwin far longer than the others, perhaps you can develop a better rapport.

"I don't think I need a healer," Yodwin replies, "and talking to Coles (the headmaster) about a dream would just be taking up his valuable time.


After the group leaves Yodwin's room, Sildarin asks for someone to come with him to retrieve his gear.



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Arana's opinion

Arana speaks to Victor in a low whisper, "It seems to be hunting for something, but it's too hard to tell for certain. Regardless, if we can't figure out what it seems to be doing, we still can't let it roam around for too long. For all we know, it's only mission may be to spy on us and report its findings telepathically. What we need is a plan...you got one?"

Before Victor can even reply, she continues, "Actually I might have one. I'm not sure we can do it alone...so maybe we should set a trap for it and then ambush it. Just make some noise down low, we attack it when it swoops down. Between Maerath, you and me, we should be able to handle it. The biggest problem will be getting it to stay on the ground long enough to disable it."
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"Sildarin, I'll be happy to accompany you. I need to gather my own gear as well. Shall we go then?"

Good Idea, you beat me to it. Can't have to many friends..
Yes, yes. Quiet Anya.

"Anyone else need to go gather their gear?"


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Can I tell her... how it feels to love as an elf... the all consuming emotion... the bond that grows strong long after death... no... best to spare her that... best to live in sorrow for the rest of my days then to diminish the joy in her heart... this is my burden... to carry...

Keith sits for a moment before hearing Sildarin speak again... and looks to Charlotte, "You armor I had forgotten... we should gather that as well."

Keith stands helping Charlotte up and smiles... "Lets us go with Sildarin to retrieve your things... the poor lad is most likely scared to death to go alone..."

Or he gives the illusion of such...

Keith waltzes out his face becoming a stoic and alm veneer once more... "Sildarin, we will accompany you..." as he steps out from an aisle, Charlotte following...


Kith over the top

The last few minutes… I am just repeating a bit of what went on around Kith…

Charlotte glares at Kith for a moment, then leaves Yodwin's room. Kith closes the door behind them, as best he can considering its broken.

Once out of the room, she questions Kith calmly and without any show of emotion.

"Have you managed to find anything?" She asks in a cold voice. "Apparently, no one outside the library, aside from the singer, heard or saw anything. I think that's somewhat... odd."

She then lowers her voice so that no one else can hear her.

"Now, listen close: my personal life is none of your concern. I do not need to okay anything with you, nor do I require your comments. I will allow you to think your thoughts, but if you voice them..." She taps her rapier's hilt meaningfully.

"Excuse me.... could... somebody... come with... me... so I... could... get my... stuff?" Sildarin mumbles.

Kith taps his fingers across his lips, carefully hiding his smile, so amused by Charlottes rising ire he fails to hear Sildarin. Turin however arcs his back and puffs all his fur, trying to look as large and intimidating as possible, spin-bouncing around on the top of Kith’s head.

She then continues on in a normal voice. "Do you know what book it was the voice was talking about, and if so, is it still here?"

“No I am not sure what book it was, but I believe the Creepy-Shadow-Guy, left without it.” Kith tells them, “Yodwin was mildly informative, but I think that should wait until I can speak with Coles, err Headmaster Coles that is.”

"For now," Keith says calmly, "we have our health and Yodwin is safe Kith, and as far as the guards there were none around... I doubt have even noticed what has transpired here... which only serves to raise more questions..."

"Charlotte, I think we should stick around here for a bit... to see what Yodwin has to say when he fully recovers..."

Charlotte nods her head in agreement with Keith. "Yes, I think we should stay here, too. We should all stay around - Yodwin's answers to our questions might tell us something important."

“Good idea Keith, at some point the ever reliable Rallyn, will return with the Guards. At least I hope he does, well, I shouldn’t worry that kid is rock solid.” Kith says looking meaningful.

Charlotte takes a seat at a table, and looks around aimlessly. Keith joins her and they begin a private conversation.

Kith idly watches as their conversation grows more heated.

They begin to move off practically hand in hand. Kiths hand slides across his face covering it as his head drops forward. His body gently shakes.

The two duck around into the stacks. Unbeknownst to them the ‘empty aisle’ lines up with Yodwin’s study affording Kith, Sildarin, and Ellie a full view.

Sildarin tries to make himself heard again.

"Pardon me... but... did anybody... hear what... I just... said?... I need... to get my... stuff... from... my room...."

Kith has one eye peeking out, watching the torrid affair, his body beginning to shake a bit harder.

There is a long pause...

Ellie speaks, breaking the silence, "Sildarin, I'll be happy to accompany you. I need to gather my own gear as well. Shall we go then? Anyone else need to go gather their gear?"

Kith seems about to burst. Then he explodes in laughter.

He grips his sides, Turin chitters excitedly, barely holding his place in Kith’s hair. Then as quickly as it began, Kith subsides.

‘Yeah, heh, Ellie, that’s a splendid idea. In fact I think its best I join you, before Charlotte decides skewering me with looks just isn’t enough.’

He skips ahead of them as they make their way out.

Keith waltzes out his face becoming a stoic and a calm veneer once more... "Sildarin, we will accompany you..." as he steps out from an aisle, Charlotte following...

Kith sees them approaching and formulates a plan.

Turin I want you to watch Yodwin for me, while I round up Coles. Shhhh, I know you don’t like Coles, but we need the Headmaster. And be discrete.

I am the soul of discretion, unlike some tall dark-haired, fools…now provide me a distraction.

Kith sprints towards a table dives up, unto, and across a it in a flourish.

Bluff 21 (roll 14+7 bonus) to distract anyone watching, Tumble 15 (roll 5+10 bonus), Jump 12 (roll 2+10), Turin’s Hide !! 32 !! (roll 19+13 bonus), Turin’s MS 18 (roll 9+9 bonus)…Turin having dove of in the midst of Kith’s performance will be going back to Yodwins room to watch and report to Kith.

He grins and bows to Ellie, Sildarin, Charlotte, and Keith.
Then jogs back to them. He raises an eyebrow towards Charlotte and Keith, his mouth opens then shuts. He shrugs and smiles doing his best to seem innocent of mischief, of course he fails miserably.

Ellie and Charlotte shake their heads at Kith’s childish display, Sildarin seems shaken by Kith’s desire for the spotlight. Keith stands unmoved.

Kith wraps one arm around Sildarin as they leave the Library. He pitches his voice low, mostly for Sildarin to hear, but just loud enough for the others.

“Sorry I didn’t hear you back there, I was a bit distracted by the angry way she bounced. No offense Miss Merriwether, I am sure you’d bounce nice too if you were angry.” He sticks his tongue out at her in a roguish fashion. “Anyway, again, I want you to know, I saw the danger you took trying to draw Yodwin’s hurt into yourself. That was really brave, you deserve a lot more credit than you’ll end up getting for it.”

He steps away from Sildarin and ahead of them all.

“We should hit our rooms and get some arms. Then try to find an Admin on the way back. So who’s closest? I’m on the upper floor, room 318d.” He glances shyly at Charlotte, fluttering his eyelids.

Kith skips backwards effortlessly ahead of them.

Kith will try to engage them in light conversation as they gather their stuff, but he won’t really talk about the fight anymore (at least not until they get back to the Library). Instead he’ll try to draw them into talking about their backgrounds and not his…Also again only to put his best face forward, Kith is as Diplomatic ‘21’ as possible (taking 10+11 bonus) trying not to piss off Charlotte too much (just short of physical violence) but also being an annoying brat…well more like an older brother who always seems to know exactly which buttons to push, but also just when to stop (sometimes)…

Editted to add end tags...
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Utter buffoonery....

Keith watches Kith silently... saying little... and revelaing nothing about himself... outside of the fact that he enjoys fencing... and is of noble elven blood...

Why do we ahve to be stuck with the court jester?

"There is little to say I suppose... just a fencer by trade... a dandy in the court... the norm for nobility... I suppose..." he says offhandedly yo Kith's questions...

Keith continues calmly, "There is little to say... I am sure you must have the most colorful tale to tell? One with your many talents..." his hand intertwined with Charlotte's...
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Rallyn re-enters the courtyard with his gear and hopefully a couple guardsmen and an instructor/headmaster/or Serbanas whom he went in search for.

He is on his way back to the library.
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...and yon

Arana quietly explains her plan to ambush one of the manta-ray looking creatures along with Victor and Maerath's help.

Ellie, Keith, and Charlotte offer to accompany Sildarin to his room for his gear and then to gather their own. The group leaves the library to go to their quarters.

Charlotte notes it seems odd that no one outside the library heard the altercation. The library is relatively sound-proofed, it is generally not a patrolled area (meant to mention that earlier when Rallyn asked about the keys) as Yodwin is always there, and there wasn't apparently anyone close to the library save the PCs when the fight occurred.

Kith acrobatically weaves between the tables on his way.

As the group leaves the library, Rallyn is coming back. He has his equipment, his guard's sash, and has Serbanas in tow.

Serbanas is no longer carrying the bundle over his shoulder, but is otherwise as you last saw him.
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Kith talks about himself, shocker

"Who me?" Kith asks coyly.

"Well I was born in the provincial backwoods. My family is too rich for anygood. All of 'em high muckity-muck enchanters. Always off in the Court, holding balls for visiting Courtiers. I’ve been back, and I’d rather be here.” Kith gets a faraway look. “I really don’t like any of ‘em. Well, maybe my Father’s youngest brother. He was a lot like me. Both of us ‘the black sheep’.

“How did I come to be here? Well I was sent here as a wee sucklin' babe too fulfill 'my potential' as a 'mighty enchanter' to carry on the family business. I was to have married some powerful Sorceress by now and spawned a crap-load of kids to 'improve' the bloodline. There is even an arranged marriage, just waiting for me to graduate. I hope she doesn’t wait much longer…"

Kith pauses.

"I suppose they are really disappointed in me *sigh*", Kith seems wistful, "but, I see my potential only in fulfilling the outmost desires of the female population."

He leers towards Ellie, then looks innocent. "But I suppose I really do have the power... Aimarnwurt'Salkien Faenor"

His fingers weave in a complex knot. Then small sprites seemingly made of fire dance in and around of his hands. Some dance with abandon across his palms, some perform in manners not befitting mixed company. Kith laughs, "Tel'Salkien Faenor” then waves his hands into a fists and they all go out.

Cast Prestidigitation. Used it to make colored lights-the "fire sprites", then he "dismissed it"... its still up... he'll occasionally use it to "poke" Charlotte- tug the hem of her dress, “blow” in her ear, stupid stuff like that...

"I have no stories, at least not ones I can remember well. Now Charlotte might have a story to tell of the other night. Hmmm, one that included me perhaps?" He tries to look as innocent as a lamb…

Editted to add: Aimarnwurt'Salkien Faenor = Little Tricks-Dancing Fire Sprite... Tel' = End.
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