Add A Colossal $250 Sailing Ship To Your D&D Minis Collection!

The Falling Star Sailing Ship is a 33" colossal model of a sailing ship produced by WizKids, as part of their Icons of the Realms series.

The Falling Star Sailing Ship is a 33" colossal model of a sailing ship produced by WizKids, as part of their Icons of the Realms series.


In full, it's 17.2" tall, 33" long, and 6.4" wide, with reversible deck tiles (with/without gridlines), magnetic removable masts and staircases, and more. It will retail for $249.99. "Adventure awaits on the high seas with the D&D Icons of the Realms: The Falling Star Sailing Ship! This fantastic fully-painted miniature of colossal stature and tremendous detail stands a whopping 17.2" tall, 33" long, and 6.4" wide (12.6" wide at the masts!)* and has a myriad of features! Additionally, the deck tiles are reversible, with or without grid lines, to allow for whichever way you play or wish to display this premium show piece. This feature rich ships includes multiple stackable deck tiles allowing players to fight on the deck or in the dark underbelly of the ship, magnetized removable masts, removable stair cases, and even functional hatches on the sides of the ships for you to fire upon your enemies! Perfect for aquatic adventures, one shot side quests, or even taking on the godlike kraken, the D&D Icons of the Realms: The Falling Star Sailing Ship is sure to bring marvelous excitement to your tabletop!" Thanks to Gustavo for the scoop!


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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
$250 is a bit rich for me, but I am sorely tempted. Unfortunately, I may be making an international move later this year if a job comes through, so I'm forcing myself to not buy more physical stuff. Still, I would totally build a nautical campaign around this and get lots of use out of it. This is one expensive mini that seems like I would get my money's worth of play out of.


So I'll bite. Why are they producing a sailing ship? It's really cool that they are, and the ship looks neat (and the description of features sounds awesome). But don't the Icons of the Realms 'minis' usually tie into one of the story lines? Is there a seafaring thing I've missed?

Cool if it's totally standalone. Just wondering if I've overlooked an adventure hook.


Juomari Veren

I mean, it's gonna take almost a year to come out...I can just shave a few bucks off my paychecks and save up for it.

Or I could skip eating for that week.

My birthday is also that week...I'm tempted either which way. I really wanted to run a ocean-based campaign and eventually giving them a giant magical ship was somewhere on the to-do list. Fortunately I haven't started playing yet, if it goes at about the speed my first game did (all my players are college kids), then I could probably make the campaign go from 1-7 and then drop the ship in their laps.

Juomari Veren

I mean, it's gonna take almost a year to come out...I can just shave a few bucks off my paychecks and save up for it.

Or I could skip eating for that week.

My birthday is also that week...I'm tempted either which way. I really wanted to run a ocean-based campaign and eventually giving them a giant magical ship was somewhere on the to-do list. Fortunately I haven't started playing yet, if it goes at about the speed my first game did (all my players are college kids), then I could probably make the campaign go from 1-7 and then drop the ship in their laps.


So I'll bite. Why are they producing a sailing ship? It's really cool that they are, and the ship looks neat (and the description of features sounds awesome). But don't the Icons of the Realms 'minis' usually tie into one of the story lines? Is there a seafaring thing I've missed?

Cool if it's totally standalone. Just wondering if I've overlooked an adventure hook.


I think it will tie into waterdeep, it has a deep water harbour and it's docks were being rebuilt.


You know that 2,000,000$ kickstarter campaign book for strongholds has one of the strong holds as a pirate ship, that would be awesome for that.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I think it will tie into Waterdeep, it has a deep water harbor and it's docks were being rebuilt.

Skullport in Dragon Heist and/or Mad Mage book. In a recent Dragon Talk "Lore Your Should Know" segment, Chris Perkins goes into the history of Skullport. The magic locks that allow access from the ocean down into the subterranean city of Skullport are working again and you can sail into Skullport.

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