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[Adventure] A Chef's Request (DM:renau1g; judge: covaithe)


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"There!" Willow points to the fleeing kobold. "He knows the way!" As she gives chase, her lithe form seems to blur a bit, as if some of her has to catch up to the rest of her.

[sblock=OOC]Willow has a double move speed of 14 squares, 18 if she runs (though I don't like the vulnerability leftover from that, even if it is just a skill challenge).[/sblock]

I'd grant you a bonus to any checks relating to chasing down the kobold, i.e. anything physical, athletics, acrobatics, etc.

Note: the skill challenge is just an abstraction so don't worry about getting too far ahead of your allies, well unless none of them choose to follow you :devil: but then you're all mine ;) [/sblock]

Ghorgor is not nearly as fast a runner as the tiny lady. He takes a look at the fleeing kobold and tries to anticipate its flight path.

Insight (1d20+8=26)

The next roll will be an athletic check to climb over a house and intercept the kobold.

Ghorgor has seen that the kobold seems to be attempting to make his way over to a small alleyway, that will likely lead to the next block over, you can hopefully follow a circuitous route along a main thoroughfare to cut some time down.

Calisto walk beside J'ryi and tells the the kobold in draconic. "Calm down. He might be tough, but he won't do any harm if you don't anger him. We are just here to find that library. A good contact of us spoke about it and I think you or one of your friend know about it. We are not here to bother you, what interest us, is to see who would inhabit in it and make sure they doesn't bother anyone else after that. And if you live near, that mean one less threat near your home. Isn't that positive for you?"

[SBLOCK=OOC]Diplomacy (1d20+12=14) Oh well... J<ryi have made a too good impression, and the good cop bad cop won't work.[/SBLOCK]

The kobold's too terrified of the dragonborn to listen to the tiefling's words, her demonic appearance doing little to put the frightened kobold at ease.

Successes: 3/8
Failures: 1/4

Still to go: Fissure & Nejs

So, there's one kobold grabbed and one fleeing. Attempts at social checks against the kobold that J'yri has suffer a -1 penalty for 1 round from Calisto's failed check.

Note: I would like you to all try new skills each round, but I won't force it, however in each subsequent use of the same skill will be at a cumulative -2 to the roll. Ex. If Calisto uses Diplomacy again she's at -2, and if she tries again the following "round" she'll be at -4

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Seeing Ghorgor point out where he thinks the kobold is running off to, Fissure beats him to the punch and leaps into action. He uses his tree-limb and lever, fulcrum, and pivot while quickly scarpering between the buildings in he neighborhood in an effort to cut the fleeing kobold off.

Athletics (2d20.takeHighest(1)+12=22)


First Post
Seeing his companions run off to chase after the other kobold, J'ryi is dismayed for a second. However, a moment later, he grins deviously, turning back to the terrified kobold in his grip. "You know, I'm a chaser, not an interrogator," he admits. "And I feel like going for a run." The kobolds eyes widen as he realizes what this means, but it is too late. J'ryi takes off after the others, dragging the poor lizard along with him, slamming the kobold into obstacles and walls as he passes.

[sblock=OOC]I figured since this is an abstraction, I'd have a little fun with the kobold's precarious situation. That, and athletics checks seem to be all the rage right now.

Athletics check: 1d20+9 = 29

Whoo! Natural 20 go![/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Nejs Radan, Half-Elf Ardent 2

"See little one, she only looks a bit frighteningly, but you have to trust us. Please say what we want to know." Nejs says to the goblin. Not his choose of words, but his powerful empathic aura overwhelming the kobold. Even if it doesn't understand him, he will much more likely to answer Callisto's question.


Will update my wiki sheet ASAP

Diplomacy (1d20+12=32)


Aura 5: +3 damage on opportunity attacks, +2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate checks.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Nejs Ragan
Perception: 12 Insight: 19 Low-light Vision
AC 17 Fortitude 15 Reflex 13 Will 16
Initiative: +3
Hit Points: 33 / 33 Bloodied: 16
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: -
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:8 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Demoralizing Strike, Energizing Strike
Encounter Powers: Power Points: 2/2, Ardent Surge 2/2, Ardent Outrage, Virtuous Strike, Dimensional Swap
Daily Powers: Implanted Suggestion




First Post
Velmont, I noticed you rolled a 17 on IC without any modifiers. If that happens in the future feel free to use that first d20 roll and just let me know. That would've been a 17. I knew IC wasn't failing Calisto ;) [/sblock]

Seeing Ghorgor point out where he thinks the kobold is running off to, Fissure beats him to the punch and leaps into action. He uses his tree-limb and lever, fulcrum, and pivot while quickly scarpering between the buildings in he neighborhood in an effort to cut the fleeing kobold off.

"See little one, she only looks a bit frighteningly, but you have to trust us. Please say what we want to know." Nejs says to the goblin. Not his choose of words, but his powerful empathic aura overwhelming the kobold. Even if it doesn't understand him, he will much more likely to answer Callisto's question.

Unfortunately, the kobold can't respond as suddenly:

Seeing his companions run off to chase after the other kobold, J'ryi is dismayed for a second. However, a moment later, he grins deviously, turning back to the terrified kobold in his grip. "You know, I'm a chaser, not an interrogator," he admits. "And I feel like going for a run." The kobolds eyes widen as he realizes what this means, but it is too late. J'ryi takes off after the others, dragging the poor lizard along with him, slamming the kobold into obstacles and walls as he passes.

Successes: 6/8
Failures: 1/4

Still to go: Everyone but J'ryi

So, there's one kobold grabbed and one fleeing. Attempts at social checks against the kobold that J'yri has suffer a -1 penalty for 1 round from Calisto's failed check.

Note: I would like you to all try new skills each round, but I won't force it, however in each subsequent use of the same skill will be at a cumulative -2 to the roll. Ex. If Calisto uses Diplomacy again she's at -2, and if she tries again the following "round" she'll be at -4


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
From his higher vantage, Fissure could now scan the alley better for the fleeing kobold. Seeing a bit of colored scale, he thumped his club on the wall to grab the other's attention and pointed.

He only slightly damaged the plaster.

OOC: Perception 24


First Post
"I must also tell you we are not alone searching that place. Another group is presently being hire. They search for a larger group than us so they clean that library and the surrounding of all possible threat. They even stipulate in the hiring post that the mercenaries employed will need to fight kobold and undeads... I think the other group is not interested to have your kind around. If we can reach it as soon as possible and come back with a proof we had been there, they won't come as they will think the place will have been cleaned by us. We don't want trouble with you or your kind, the others who might come will probably be less friendly."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Bluff (1d20+12=25) Ok, I'll continue to lie. It worked with a dwarf and seems it will work with a kobold.[/SBLOCK]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Ghorgor launches himself after Fissure, playfully challenging him to beat him to the top of the house he has identified as the best cut off point.

He jumps up, a feet breaking a window and pushinh again up ward. Arms extended. Ghorgor reaches the roof and pulls himself up in a smooth motion.

-''Is no bad, yes?'' Ghorgor declares with pride. He crosses the roof and jumps down to the street on the other side, looking for the kobold.

Athletic (climb) (1d20+10=16, 1d20+10=30)
PS: Shield is strapped to back, not on the arm! That's why I only used -2, not the full -4 I use in combat.

It's a climb, so I take best of two; 30!

EDIT: Ooh, and I see you granted a +2 bonus for RP for an awesomer 32![/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]If those last two checks don't beat this challenge, I need to know if Willow's speed is enough to catch up to the kobold, and maybe even pass it. She doesn't have the physical attributes to tackle it or anything, but she might have something else up her sleeve... depending on the size of the bonus.

Of course, if the last checks did beat it, then that's even better. ;)[/sblock]


First Post
From his higher vantage, Fissure could now scan the alley better for the fleeing kobold. Seeing a bit of colored scale, he thumped his club on the wall to grab the other's attention and pointed.

He only slightly damaged the plaster.

Ghorgor launches himself after Fissure, playfully challenging him to beat him to the top of the house he has identified as the best cut off point.

He jumps up, a feet breaking a window and pushinh again up ward. Arms extended. Ghorgor reaches the roof and pulls himself up in a smooth motion.

-''Is no bad, yes?'' Ghorgor declares with pride. He crosses the roof and Fissure's direction led the other goliath to the fleeing kobold. With a massive leap Ghorgor unleashes a flying tackle on the kobold that knocks the wind out of the smaller creature and leaves the goliath sitting atop his prey.

As the group all catches up, the eloquent Calisto begins to work her magic on the captive kobolds.

"I must also tell you we are not alone searching that place. Another group is presently being hire. They search for a larger group than us so they clean that library and the surrounding of all possible threat. They even stipulate in the hiring post that the mercenaries employed will need to fight kobold and undeads... I think the other group is not interested to have your kind around. If we can reach it as soon as possible and come back with a proof we had been there, they won't come as they will think the place will have been cleaned by us. We don't want trouble with you or your kind, the others who might come will probably be less friendly."

The kobolds squirm and try to wriggle free of the strong adventurers, but their efforts are for naught. The one in J'yri's hands opens his mouth "Oh...ok... you got me....I heard from my cousin, who heard from his friend, who heard it from a kobold, who personally knows one of them that found the place. They call themselves the Fireclaws, on account of their red scales, kinda silly if you ask me, but I guess you didn't, anyways, so he says to me he says, that in the interior of Daunton, not the city, but the island, but yeah you know that too, of course, you're smart, big, strong adventurers, of course you do, but you don't know to get there, you need Splug and he help you yes? Ok, so he says you follow the path outta town for one thousand paces, kobold paces mind you, not you giant's paces. Anyways, wait or was it ten thousand, no that doesn't make sense, he couldn't counted that high. Ok, so remember one thousand kobold steps, then you'll see a rock, not just any rock, but a big rock, it looks like a tower, but rock tower, tall as a tree, even taller than you (points to Ghorgor). He says not far from there, but he says he can't tell secret or he get in troubles with the boss. But that's all I knows I swear, just let me go" he exclaims.

Successes: 9/8 - Good job
Failures: 1/4


Voidrunner's Codex

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