Planescape Adventure Atlas: The Mortuary, on DnDBeyond and a WotC video.

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A small product =/= microtransaction, they are not the same thing.

While I don't like that it is digital only, if this is the format that gets them to publish more setting material, that as traditionally lost money, than I am all for it. Bring it on!

I will also point out there are lots of Beyond articles with cool content (advice, tables, adventures, etc.) that is completely free

I'm fine with the Stuff like the Eldraine one, but not for stuff that should have been included in the main product, now I have to pay more if I want it. Not impressed. The main product cost way too much as is.


Did everyone collectively forget the existence of the Tortle Package? Or the Laboratory of Kwalish?

These kind of "microtransactions" aren't new to 5e. Or to D&D. Dragon and Dungeon Magazines were around for a long time, and a lot of people on this site seem pretty fond of them.
"Dragon magazine was a microtransaction" has to be one of the most "Wha???" inducing takes I have encountered in recent memory. I mean,I k ow people on ENWorld like to completely invent new meanings for words, but holy wow folks.


Book-Friend, he/him
"Dragon magazine was a microtransaction" has to be one of the most "Wha???" inducing takes I have encountered in recent memory. I mean,I k ow people on ENWorld like to completely invent new meanings for words, but holy wow folks.
An issue of Dragon coat about the same. Neither really is a "microtransaction" as in video games, IMO. But we have two small low cost items that can be compared.


I'm fine with the Stuff like the Eldraine one, but not for stuff that should have been included in the main product, now I have to pay more if I want it. Not impressed. The main product cost way too much as is.
I have no issue with it not being in the main product. It makes sense to me to put that in a separate product and I like the idea that you can get each faction individually.

I believe the frustration mostly comes down to cost and that is relative. Would you complain if the Planescape slipcase was $30? and these extras where $2? What if they where $20 and $1? That price point varies for everyone. Currently I have a decent amount of disposable income and D&D is pretty much the only thing I spend money on. So the current prices don't bother me at all, but I understand they can be an issue for others.

I mentioned several times the alt-covers and DMG screen alone are worth the $70 I paid at my FLGS, the rest of it is just extra to me. So when you complain it is just cardboard, I say give me more cardboard with cool pictures please! I mean there is thousands of dollars worth of art in these books. I've commissioned RPG art before - I now how much it can cost!


I don't think that they have released any PDFs after their acquisition of DDB. I expect all digital material to come out through DDB.
The Minecraft compendium was released as a PDF, but only on the Minecraft site. (Which is kind of funny, considering - the video game site released the product as an e-book, but the tabletop site released it as part of a web app.)

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