[Adventure!] Daunton's Dead Rises Again DM: Dimsdale.

We don't need to go through the mist. I'll go over and take the rope. Then you can hold on the rope and go over too.
OOC: Misremebered, I thought athletic was needed skill

"Sora Daar, is your dragon capable of carrying the rope to the other side?"

OOC: [MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION], is there a place where we could attach a rope? That way maybe we could get some circumstance bonus? How about climbing on the walls? I know there are risks of them lowering again, but we could maybe jam the mechanism somehow...

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I don't think he can go that far from me while carrying such burden. But maybe my guard could go. The beam is stone and Dundun is stone elemental. And he definitely can carry the rope. If he calls, I'll just recall him to me."

OOC: I'm not sure about range and carrying capacity of familiars. If he can go 50' from Sora excellent...even better if he can carry a rope :) Anyone knows?


First Post
ooc: sorry for the delay everyone. Got plenty of time on my hands now.

ooc: [MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION] Climbing walls require an athletics check 10 every 20 feet. Can't tell whether there is anything to attach a rope to from this distance.

ooc: [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] Let's say that if Sora makes one save on the beam walk that her familiar can make it the rest of the way. I'll even say he can carry the rope :)


First Post
ooc: sorry for the delay everyone. Got plenty of time on my hands now.

ooc: [MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION] Climbing walls require an athletics check 10 every 20 feet. Can't tell whether there is anything to attach a rope to from this distance.

ooc: [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] Let's say that if Sora makes one save on the beam walk that her familiar can make it the rest of the way. I'll even say he can carry the rope :)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Challenge accepted!

Acrobatics DC 10 (1d20+1=13)

With her dragon leading the way, the witch carefully steps on the beam and continues across. With her little feet she has no trouble staying fully on the beam and thus her lack of training doesn't show. Having little help as focal point for her gaze helps.

"Come on, guys, attach a rope somewhere and lets cross this."


First Post
Labraundos loops the end of the rope around the beam itself and ties it off the best he can.

"Can you loop your end of the rope around the beam and then pass the rope through itself every so often?"

I don't think she's stable enough for that... whispers the goliath

"I'll keep this end of the rope. Sora Daar, attach the rope on the other end.
Labraundos, I'll keep it taut, don't worry, I have strength and size to support your weight. I can then climb over the walls or attach the rope somewhere above."


First Post
The surefooted witch makes it across the beam with no problem at the other side.

[sblock=Sora's Eyes Only]
You notice that the doors are set two feet farther inward than the rest of the hallway. You can easily fit in the space and not be effected by any shifting of the floor trap behind you. There are two door nobs, one on each side of a set of double doors. You also see a lever on the right side of the door still within the indented space where the door is located.

Your move...Open the doors, guide the others across the beam or investigate the lever.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Checking how sturdy door knobs are, Sora attaches the rope to the door. While the warriors carefully pass over the trapped room, she investigates the lever.

Perception (investigate the lever) (1d20+9=12)

"Come on, big guys, it is safer now. Hold the rope and come over. There is a lever here, maybe to reset the trap or to open the doors...or maybe even to make the passage safe, but I don't know which. If you want, I can pull it and hope for the best."

OOC: Sora Daar can survive round or two on her own, but she needs a defender soon(ish).
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First Post
Labraundos makes sure his massive axe is fastened to his back before straddling the beam and pulling himself along with one hand for the rope. However, he soon runs in to trouble...

[sblock=rolls]Die roll = 1.

If I can use Athletics to climb / crawl along the beam with his legs straddling either side of it, then add +8 to the roll.

If Acrobatics is required, then subtract -1 from the die roll.

Rolled a 1 anyway! [/sblock]

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