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[Adventure] Into the King's Forest (Judge: THB)

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Jarren holds his position at the edge of the clearing as he extends his senses through the spirit world and calls his ally into material being just in front of their quarry. The feathered serpent appears with an angry hiss and strikes at the owlbear, wickedly pointed fangs seeking a purchase in its tough hide.

[sblock=OOC]*Call Spirit Companion (free action) - in a square just in front of the Owlbear, positioned to the side so that it is not blocking a route to Unit 16 but is adjacent to that route so that the Owlbear would have to move past its square in order to charge. (e.g., if Unit 16 does not move, or moves directly forward, K15 would be the spirit's square.)

* Watcher's Strike (standard action) - on the Owlbear. 1d20+9=16 vs Reflex, rather sure that's a miss, but if it wasn't it would deal 1d8+7=9 damage and grant a +1 to attack rolls and +5 to perception rolls to allies adjacent to the spirit companion, until the end of Jarren's next turn.

* If, on its turn, the Owlbear leaves a square adjacent to Jarren's spirit companion without shifting, it triggers Spirit's Shield. That's an attack +9 vs reflex, 7 damage, and a healing effect which is inconsequential since everybody is at full hp right now. Not sure whether I should roll that attack, since I may never get to make it. Let me know how you prefer to handle OAs generally - I'm happy for you to roll them if that's what you prefer.[/sblock]
[sblock=Jarren quick stats]
Jarren Star Gazer Male Shifter Shaman 4
Medium natural humanoid
Initiative +4; Senses Passive Insight 22, Passive Perception 24, Low-light vision

HP 43/43 Bloodied 21, Surge Value 10, Surges 10
AC 17; Fortitude 17, Reflex 15, Will 19
Saving Throws +0
Speed 6

Action Points: 1

Encounter Powers: Healing Spirit x2
Capturing Jaws
Certain Threat
Speak With Spirits
Bonds of the Clan
Razorclaw Shifting
Second Wind

Daily Powers: Spirit of the Healing Flood

Daily Item Powers: (1/milestone)
Potion of Clarity
Bear Spirit Armor

Consumables: Potion of Healing x2
Potion of Clarity x2
197 gp


First Post
Don't have time to update right now (my maps are on my laptop) but any OA's triggered I'll roll, same for combat challenge/Warden's Fury.



When the owlbear appears and gives its display, Unit 16 turns his head slightly toward Jarren while still keeping his eyes on the beast. "You may wish to get behind me."

Studying the ground and distance between him and the creature, he then calls to Ryda over his shoulder, "Do you also happen to remember how fast it moves? I think it is going to charge us. I will attempt to stop it." He then shouts toward the beast.

"Owlbear! We have been hired to murder you by players in a game in which you are but a pawn. But I have come to ensure you receive an honorable death."

Unit 16 lowers his center of gravity, digs his feet in, and leans slightly forward.

[sblock=ooc]r1: Are there any terrain features we need to know about?

Unit 16's question to Ryda is asking her to make a nature check as a free action if possible (or not, if it won't help) to determine how far the creature can move in a round - if that is possible to discern. I leave that up to DM's call. If Ryda knows and the answer is anything other than 6 squares, I will probably change my action slightly.

Ok, this move will either be pretty cool or it will just get 16 smacked. :) He thinks, based on the display, the creature is going to move once and then charge the group. So, he is going to use his standard to ready an action to charge the creature; specifically, he wants to use it 1 square after the creature charges (assuming he within 6 when this happens) or when the creature is 5 squares away (and I'll just go ahead and say that specifically, he is hoping he can ruin the creature's charge and waste its action; failing that, it's the only way I'll possibly get a chance to make an OA! :)). If that condition isn't ok for a readied action, he'll go with the owlbear being 5 squares away.

Charge attack (if it triggers): 29 to hit and 12 damage (same link). I hope that hits or else this will be a short battle. :)

If the creature invokes an OA feel free to roll it for me; it's on my sheet.[/sblock]
[sblock=Unit 16]
Unit 16 Warforged Warden 4
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 17, Passive Insight: 12, Senses: Normal
AC:22, Fort:18, Reflex:14, Will:14
HP:57/57, Bloodied:28, Surge Value:14, Surges left:12/13
Action Points/Daily Item Uses/Milestones: 1/1/0
Font of Life
Nature's Wrath
Warden's Fury / Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Earth Shield Strike

Warforged Resolve
Roots of Stone
Earthgrasp Strike
Warden's Tempest
Second Wind

Form of Winter's Herald - Form of Winter's Herald Attack
Potion of Clarity

Important Stuff:
- makes lots of immediate interrupts/reactions/OAs


Full sheet: Unit 16[/sblock]


OOC: Well that's what I get for taking an hour to post something. :) Not sure if I should change my action assuming the creature may go after the companion? Antithetist, was that your plan?


First Post
//OOC: Evilbob, I'm thinking that since you go before us in initiative, you'd ready your charge, and then we'd go, so the actions would stand as posted, but if r1 lets you retcon, sweet :) //


First Post
[sblock=OOC]My thinking was that this way we have a win-win situation. Most likely, the Owlbear will come after us, since Ryda critting it with an arrow is surely more of a serious threat than the snake that is nipping ineffectually at it. In that case my snake takes an OA, your plan goes ahead, and everything is rosy.

IF on the other hand the Owlbear decides for some bizarre reason to attack the spirit companion, then the absolute worst that can happen is Jarren takes a few HP damage and resummons his companion as a free action. Meanwhile, we have won free time for Ryda to shoot the thing.

So, well, your plan looks good to me (even if the Owlbear does attack the spirit, it's unlikely to delay it more than one turn before it'll be coming this way). I don't think I need to change anything. Hopefully all is good. :)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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