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Adventure: Into the Wild

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First Post
Haruka arcs a crackling lash at the remaining swordsman, but he barely needs to bother dodging the attack.

[sblock=Actions]Minor: Curse the maniac.
Standard: Eldritch Blast the maniac. Natural 1.
Move: Move to O10, retain concealment.

[sblock=Haruka's mini-stats]Haruka Sato human warlock 6
Initiative: +4 | Passive perception: 12 | Passive Insight: 18
AC: 19 | For: 20
| Ref: 20 | Will: 19
HP: 31/56+9 | Bloodied: 28 | Surge value: 14 | Surges: 8/10
Resist: 5 Necrotic, 5 Poison
Speed: 6 | Languages: Allarian, Tsugo
AP: 0 | Second Wind: not used
Melee Basic Attack: +9 vs AC, 1d6+4 damage
Ranged Basic Attack: +11 vs Reflex, 1d10+5 damage
Powers: Eldritch Blast, Eldritch Strike, Hellish Rebuke
Vampiric Embrace, Fiery Bolt
Flames of Phlegethos, Tyrannical Threat

Ethereal Stride, Everybody Move

Deathcut Armor, Prison of Salzacas, Blackleaf Gloves

Tyrannically Threatening[/sblock]


First Post
Nementah calls Primera close to finish the maniac attacking her

Move: Primera goes to I3
Standard: Protecting Strike vs Will (Northern Maniac); psychic damage (1d20+7+2=11, 1d8+5=10) - miss, is it possible they'll get another go at attacking?

Spirit Companion:
* any ally adjacent spending second wind gets +4hp
* any ally adjacent AND target of healing spirit gets +4hp
* any ally adjacent gains +1 NADs
* enemies moving without shifting are target of Spirit Shield
[sblock=Spirit Shield]
(At Will Opportunity Melee spirit 1 ✦ Healing, Implement, Primal, Spirit)
Target: Triggering enemy
Trigger: Enemy leaves a square adjacent to SC without shifting
Attack: +7 vs. Reflex
Hit: 4 damage
Effect: One ally within 5 squares of SC regains 4hp


Initiative +3; Senses Passive Insight 15, Passive Perception 20
HP 9/35, Bloodied 17, Surge Value 8, Surges 7/11
AC 15; Fortitude 16, Reflex 14, Will 16
0/1 AP
Speed 6

Spirits Shield
Protecting Strike
Call Spirit Companion
Spirit of the Tempest

Voyage of the Ancients
Wrath of the Destroyer
Pursuit of the Hunter
Healing spirit
Healing spirit
Speak with spirits
Certain threat

Wrath of the Spirit World
Protective Roots


ooc: Max already killed the northern maniac on his previous attack.

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
The archer in the woods uses his elven wiles to escape. The maniac grows sane and flees.

GM: Well, that's that. Only 2 guys left and in bad shape. XP and treasure upcoming. Nice victory, btw. It turned out easier than anticipated based on ecnounter level and despite a very efficient sleep spell.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Dante leaps to his feet, kama-chain spinning as he readies himself to attack, only to see a scorched battlefield with bodies heaped around him. He stares at the fleeing archer and maniac in bewilderment then looks at Virgil.

"Dante killed one, then awoke and all was bath'iknas... strange-dead."

Virgil ignores him, snuffling around at the bodies. He walks around removing boots from the bodies with remarkable nimbleness - especially considering he's using his teeth. Once he has a pile of a dozen-or-so, he coughs black smoke, plops down heavily, and contentedly begins to feast.

Dante looks to his companions. "This one knows not what has happened, but this one is sure Dante would be bath'savok... dead man if not for the companions."

He bows formally to the group. "This one is in their nexus-bath'sevo... life debt."

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
You must be striker with lowest damage per combat output! :)

OOC: If you look at it career-wise maybe. [epeen]I'll have you know in my first adventure I took a monster from full health to dead in one round on my own and in another fight did almost 50% of the damage dealt in the fight.[/epeen]

That said, this fight was... not my most shining moment. :p

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
The end of 'Humanitas Severe'

Lieth, lightning Naga1500XP

Skill challenge
Complexity 2, level 5: same as 2 level 5 monsters

(1900xp*2)/4 = 850xp

(divided by 4 because Raiko was involved)

850xp for Max, Haruka and Ashir. I didn't give that XP before the fight to avoid increasing the XP gap.


Into the Wild

10 goons (actually Vampire Spawn)

3 Elf Archers

2 Goliath thugs

2 Scimitar Maniacs (actually Blade bearer Hobgoblins)

Horned Horror (Witherling Horned Terror, undead turned fey for the need of the cause)

Genasi Swordmage (Ediza)

Shard Monster (Monster with the glasses)

Minor quest leave the Feywild
(counted as two (because of two party) level 6 monsters)

Total : 3475XP

(3475*2)/8 : 869XP each

Time XP:

For the into the wild crew: 39 days (since october 5: 26 +13)
Level 2s: 267
Level 3s: 321
Level 4s: 374

Humanitas Severe crew: 95 days (since august 10: 21+30+31+13)
Level 4:911
Level 5:1041
Level 6:1301

Some of that time should not be at the increased rate voted in between, but I didn't grant any quest XP for holding the fort successfully so it evens out.

Ashir 2760
Dante 1243
Haruka 3020
Max 2630
Renquist 1136
Rocco 1190

Treasure upcoming

Voidrunner's Codex

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