Adventure: Poisoned to the Core DM: FourMonos Judge: KarinsDad

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First Post
Battle Pit Cages, Round 3

GM: @Voda Vosa Based on actions, Muzdum should get an OA vs. Bugbear 2 and 3. He also has to make a save vs. being knocked prone.

The ogre rolls and makes a massive swing at Muzdum, which goes right over the dwarf and hits Rumbum behind him. The blow knocks Rumbum to his back.

"Don't just stand there! Go get 'em! I'll squish this one."
The ogre then tries to stuff more imaginary gold into his pockets.

The bugbears land two more blows on Rumbum. Two of them also move further into the room, one hitting River.

The manticore is stunned momentarily by Tondrek's blow, recovers enough to make a claw attack, but fails to hit.

The chimera lumbers out further and the dragon head regards the closest members maliciously. The head coughs twice before a huge spurt of fire leaps out and flames over the closest combatants.

The displacer beast freaks out under the flames, finally trying to bite Amarande, who dodges the attack.

[sblock=perception 25] The chimera is slow moving, if it was slowed a bit more, a focal attack may be able to sever a claw. (if dazed or stunned, a called shot (+2 bonus to appropriate defense) for more than 25 damage will severe a claw) [/sblock]

[sblock=Adventurer's Turn Summary]
Amarande: Hits displacer beast for 27. Uses Dread Smite for 9 more and 5 ongoing damage (save ends)

Muzdum: Uses pass forward. Misses B1, hits B2 for 22 damage, B3 for 11 damage (takes half) and Ogre for 22 damage

Rumbum: Hits B1 for 8 damage and B3 for 4 damage (takes half).

River: Uses Hymn of Resurgence hitting: affecting B2, B4, Ogre

Pok: Maintains VoA, pulls almost everyone. Moves and activates gate.

Tondrek: Hits Manticore for 23 damage, pushes back to current location.

[sblock=Map Details]
Illumination: Normal.

Map: Link is Here.

[sblock=Stats Update]
River (L-17): 33/75 ; HS 10/10; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: Regeneration 4 (while bloodied), DR5 Prone

Rumbum: (N-18): 24/82; HS 14/14; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: DR5, prone, bloodied

Tondrek: (L-19): 77/82 +10 THP HS 11/12; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: DR5
Doggie: (H-17): 15/15 +2 THP AC 24 F 22 R 19 W 21; Status: DR5

Pok d'Sivis
: (K-18): 47/52; HS 6/6; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: DR5 ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends).

Amarande Vigoth: (F-9): 90/90 +15 THP; HS 12/12; AP 1; Second Wind; Status: ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends)
Ulvellyn: (F-10) 40/45 AC: 26, Fort: 22, Reflex: 26, Will: 26; Status: DR5 ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends)

Muzdum Firebelly: (M-20): 56/71; HS 11/11 AP 1; Second Wind; Status: DR5


[sblock=Monster Actions]
Manticore: Claw attack vs. Tondrek (AC): Miss.

Chimera: Movement: Move to J-K, 6-7. Standard: Dragon's Breath (blast 5) vs. Amarand, Ulvellyn, Pok and Displacer Beast: In order 28, 24, 27, 27 Everyone is hit for 10 fire damage AND takes 10 ongoing fire damage.

Displacer Beast: Start of turn, take 10 damage. Bite vs. Amarande: 25 vs AC is a miss.

[sblock=Enemy Actions]
Ogre: Standard: Double Attack vs. Muzdum, Rumbum: 20 vs. AC misses Muzdum, 35 vs. AC hits Rumbum for 29 (-5 DR) Roll. Rumbum is also knocked prone. Save: No.

Bugbear 1: Recharge Flail Barrier: yes. Standard: Flail Dance vs Rumbum (fort): Hits 24 vs. Fort for 21 (-5 DR) 16 damage Roll. Rumbum is pushed to N-21. As part of attack, shift to K-20.

Bugbear 2: Standard: Flail Dance vs. Rumbum (fort): Crit for 28 (-5 DR) 23 damage. Pushed to P-21. No shift as immobilized. Save: yes.
That should trigger an OA from Muzdum

Bugbear 3: Standard: Flail Dance vs. Muzdum (fort): 30 vs. fort for 20 (-5 DR) 15 damage. That would knock him prone, but since he's a dwarf, he gets a save. Shift as part of attack, which may draw OA, to K-21. Movement: Move to P-16

Bugbear 4: Movement: Move to J-19. Standard: Flail Dance vs. River (fort): 18 vs. Fort Hit for 16 (-5 DR) for 11 damage. He is knocked prone and pushed to M-16.


[sblock=Enemy Stats]

Bugbear 23 AC 21 F 22 R 21 W

1: (K-21) Damage taken: 8, used Flail Barrier recharged, Flail Assault.
2. (L-21) Damage taken: 49, used Flail Assault, bloodied, affected by Hymn of Resurgence
3. (L-22) Damage taken: 25, used Flail Barrier
4. (I-21) Damage taken: 0, , affected by Hymn of Resurgence

Ogre (L-M 23-24) 24 AC 26 F ?? R 24 W
Damage Taken: 22, immobilized (save ends), affected by Hymn of Resurgence


Displacer Beast (D-E 8-9) 23 AC ?? F 22 R ?? W
Damage Taken: 90 damage, ongoing 5 damage (save ends), bloodied, ongoing 10 fire damage (save ends)

Manticore (Q-R 15-16) 26 AC ?? F ?? R ?? W
Damage Taken: 23, Used: Spike Volley

Chimera (J-K 2-3) ?? AC ?? F ?? R ?? W
Damage Taken:0, used Dragon's Breath

[sblock=Skill Challenge!]
On your turn you can activate the cage controls to close the cage. You have to be standing next to the walls marked with an "X".

After activating the cage, the animal has to be in the caged area until the end of your next turn. If the animal leaves the cage area, the cage resets.

Skills: Arcana 25, Thievery 20

You can use either a standard action or movement action for you activation attempt.

Also! As an alternative you can activate the chain winch to pull the beast 10 feet (2 squares). Current length of chain (distance the monsters move outside of box): 20 feet. The winch will let out more chain each round. [/sblock]
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First Post
River continue his prayer that ward his friends.

Seeing Rumbum badly wounded, he calls upon Arawai to heals the Orc wounds. The will of River is so strong that all Rumbum wounds suddenly disappear.

Under the heat of the battle, River feels suddenly the pain in his heart as he launch a bolt of light toward the bugbear, wounding him. Pok suddenly feels Arawai hand touching him.

Start: Regen 4 => 37/75
Minor: Sustain Moment of Glory
Minor: Healing Word on Rumbum (3d8+3d6+14=41). Rumbum regain HSV+41 hp. => 82/82.
Standard: Sacred Flame vs Refl on B3 (1d20+13=21, 1d6+7=9) Hit for 9 damage and Pok either make a save or gain 9 THP, Pok Choice.

[MENTION=82643]CaBaNa[/MENTION], I would take the THP if I were you. The DR will absorb half the ongoing damage, leaving you with 4 THP and you might save at the end of the turn.
[MENTION=79956]dimsdale[/MENTION], please note Rumbum is fresh again.

[SBLOCK=Immediate Actions]
During the monster turn, River might use one of these interrupt. If more than one trigger is valid at the same time, use the first in list. Please note I might change the Triggering conditions.

Reversal of Fortunes (Immediate Interrupt * Ranged 5)
Target: The triggering enemy in range
1) An enemy within 5 squares of you hits an ally adjacent to him.
2) The ally is bloodied
3) The enemy is not bloodied
4) River won't get an AoO, or only one from a minion.
Attack: +13 vs. Fort
Hit: 2d10 + 7 damage. The ally hit by the triggering enemy’s attack can spend a healing surge and regain 2d10 + 3d6 + 14 additional hit points and can make a saving throw.

Shield of Devotion (Immediate Reaction * Close Burst 5)
Target: The triggering ally
1) An ally within 5 squares of you takes damage from an enemy attack.
2) The ally has lost at least 11 damages, including this attack.
Effect: The target regains 11 hit points. Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to your next attack roll against the enemy that damaged the target.

Whispers from Beyond (Immediate Interrupt * Melee 1)
Target: The triggering enemy
1) An enemy enters a square adjacent to you.
2) River is bloodied
3) The creature can daze, stun or deal as much damage as his current hp (assuming River is aware of those fact)
Attack: +11 vs. Will
Effect: The target grants combat advantage and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls that include you as a target until the end of your next turn.

[SBLOCK=River's Stats]River
Initiative +5
Passive Insight 25 Passive Perception 21
HP 37/75; 0 THP; Bloodied 37; Surge Value 18; Surges Per-Day 10/10
AC 25 Fortitude 17 Reflex 18 Will 23
Speed 6
Action Point: 1

Current Effects: None

Basic Attack: Medic Dagger +10 vs AC 1d4+2

Skills: Athletics +7, Diplomacy +14, Endurance +7, Heal +19, Insight +15, Intimidate +14, Religion +13
Languages Common, Elven


[ ]Astral Seal
[ ]Sacred Flames

[X]Longtooth Shifting
[ ]Channel Divinity (Divine Fortune, Healer's Mercy)
[1]Healing's Word
[2]Shield of Devotion
[ ]Prophetic Guidance
[X]Hymn of Resurgence
[ ]Denunciation
[ ]Reversal of Fortune
[ ]Word of Vigor

[ ]Virtue's Touch
[X]Moment of Glory
[ ]Return from Death's Door
[ ]Iron to Glass
[ ]Stream of Life
[ ]Dismissal

[ ]Battle Standard of Healing [E]
[ ]Medic Dagger [D]
[ ]Symbol of Perseverance [D]
[ ]Glove of the Healer [D]
[ ]Battleforged Light Shield [D]
[ ]Whisper's from Beyond [D]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Muzdum's axe is inescapable, he hacks at both bugbears when they try to both attack his allies and escape his wrath. With shouts of "RRRAAG!" "Raaahahaha!" and other similar onomatopoeic grunts and sounds, Muzdum delivers pain effectively.
One of the bugbers however, manages to connect a solid blow, one that would take any other to its knees. But not Muzdum, he endures and grins. When the bugbears attempts to escape his unnaturally resilient foe, Muzdum runs behind him, grabs him by the hair, and slams him into the manticore's cell! The acrobatic bugbear manages to hit the walls, but is not in not so friendly company... "Now stay in 'ere and feed di manticore!"


Okay, this is complicated:

Bugbear 2 attacks an ally, so Muzdum gets the immeiate interrupt Combat challenge: Muzdum hits him dealing 22 dmg.
After B2 finishes his attack, Muzdum has his Combat agility attack: He hits, dealing 17 additional damage and knocking B2 prone, and Muzdum gets to shift 3.
Bugbear 3 hits Muzdum, and he saves from falling prone. It attempts to shift, which triggers Combat Challenge, Muzdum hits for 22 damage and grabs B3, stopping him from moving.
But this doesn't stop here!
Muzdum, having B3 grabbed, uses slamming rush, moving B3 to its current position in the map, next to sweet little manticore. He misses the attack so no extra damage though.
Muzdum marks B3
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Tondrek fiddles with cage controls, and with ease, the field begins to reactivate. He then whistles to his construct to guard the exit, and Doggie moves into place.
OOC: Move: Fiddle and succeed to active controls. Command Doggie to double move (using two actions) to current position.
[sblock=Tondrek (Resist 5 all TENT)]Tondrek—Male Half-orc Alchemist Artificer Self-Forged 11
Initiative: +9, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22 (26 vs traps), Passive Insight: 17
AC: 24, Fort: 24, Reflex: 23, Will: 21 — Speed: 6, 8 when charging
HP: 77+10/82, Bloodied: 41, Surge: 20, Surges left: 11/12; Half-orc Resilience
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Magic Weapon
Static Shock

Burning Weapons
Repulsion Strike
Vampiric Weapons
Battlefist Smash

Punishing Eye
Flameheart Defender
Radiant Sigil

Healing Infusion x2
Swift Mender
Furious Assault

Regeneration Infusion
Sigil of Luck

Targeting Superior Crossbow +2 (daily)
Skald's Leather Armor +2 (daily)
Doggie (daily)
Clockwork Bombs (1 lvl 4, 2 lvl 9)
Acidic Spark Ammunition
3 Tension Wheels
3 Potions of Healing
5 Woundpatches

Doggie—Construct 10
Initiative +7; Low-light, Passive Perception 17
AC: 24, Fort: 22, Reflex: 19, Will: 21 — Speed: 6
HP: 15+7/7; Bloodied 4

Crafty—Construct 11 (Inactive)
AC: 24, Fort: 22, Reflex: 19, Will: 21 — Speed: 6
HP: 1; Crafty is never damaged a missed attack.[/sblock]
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First Post
OOC: @FourMonos: Muzdum's Combat Challenge and Combat Agility attacks happen before River action. If B3 was bloodied by any of these action, River would have targeted B1 instead.


First Post
OOC: @FourMonos is the displacer beast trapped in the cage now?

Pok feels the protection River offers, allowing it to wash over him. Finally having an ally to trust (kind of) was a wonderful feeling.

OOC: Going with the THP.
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