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(Adventure) The Haunted Halls of Stonepike


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Aranel nodded in response to Thurgan as she watched the Dwarves go. "Come on la-..ds. Lets get to work." She scratched the side of her head a moment in thought. "Hmm, given the way the bodies were found and the lack of pattern its safe to assume that maybe this monster doesn't have a territory. Or considers this whole keep to be it. Either way it makes me think of sudden changes..." she lapsed into more thoughtful silence, waiting for the rest of them to head off or decide where to go or push her ahead with orders to scout.

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[In case you didn't/don't read Meta, Morrus turned off notification on subscribed threads. Which means people who only visit ENWorld when their threads are posted to will probably think the board went down again, and not post. Notifications might be in order.]

Rurik, nodding in agreement, waves Aranel past, not wishing to deny her her usual spot at point. :)
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Living EN World Judge
OoC:Er...we haven't heard from AMG for a bit. I would really like everyone's input before we advance the Scene.


The band stands seemingly alone in the lower levels. A couple of Smiths walk by, looking a bit startled at the group (especially the Wolf). Smiling cordially, they move on into the Upper halls. The treasury should have Guards, as has been mentioned to you, but the rest of this level is crypts and workshops.
A bit of exploration might be in order, to make sure that there aren't any more workers down here, or you could move back up into the upper halls...


LEW Judge
Sir Ishmael tailed the party, guarding their backs. Should they be ambushed from behind, he allowed himself to be the first attacked. Though he had his sledge at his belt, his shield was strapped to his arm and his mail coif was up. From time to time, glanced at the rear, using his darkvision to unveil shadowed corners.

OOC: Sir Ishmael will go wherever since he's not exactly of the best use in deciding or talking, it seems
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[Uriel, you should email Ankh-Morpork Guard in case he doesn't know that notifications have been turned off. He might just presume that no one's posted.]

OOC: Rurik's in favor of exploring all the way down to the crypts. Rurik will follow in the #2 position, closely behind the point person, using his darkvision to look ahead if it's needed, and tapping the point person on the shoulder if he notices something (presuming the point person couldn't be expected to see it).


First Post
((I guess Aranel is up front scouting ahead?))

Taking up the first position she wondered how much use she'd be in the dark, Elven eyes didn't see in total darkness...still, there were Dwarves among them. Buit her credability and use would be all but gone if they saw something before she did...

Not the point, she looked around and started walking slowly off, figuring the others would catch up.


I aim to misbehave
Thurgan will grumble somewhat, then move up with Aranel on point. "No reason, not ta have two lookin' up front," he commented. He keep his eyes open and covered Aranel, his war axe in hand.

OOC: Who all remains in the group now?
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Living EN World Judge
OoC: I will email AMG, although Aranel has seen this ans she is his fiancee, so I'm sure he knows now.Let me know if my order isn't to anyone's liking.
There is intermitten torchlight, so Low-Light Vision is working ok, at half range or so.


With Aranel and Thurgan in the front, followed by Rurik and Telerin (with Whitefang close at hand) next, Ishmael and Sturm bringing up the rear, the band moves deeper into the Under Halls.

Moving along the causeway, you soon reach the area marked on the map as the Stonepike Crypts. Ishmael takes a moment to focus his gift, and then informs all that he can sense no Evil within. The door leading into this Crypt is closed, though not locked, as family members (as well as others wishing to pay respects) visit as they like.


I aim to misbehave
"I 'spose it won't hurt to check in there just ta be sure," Thurgan half-asked to the others. "Are we sure the critter's evil and not just some animal 'er somethin'?"

Thurgan didn't really want to check the crypt, but wasn't going to be the one to suggest to avoid - and have the others think less of him.


First Post
OOC: AMG knows, I've been telling him a long time but he fears he may have lost interest in the character with all thats happening IRL right now. Incidentally, I'll be in Florida with him after May 2nd until July 2nd...>.< sowwy guys, we shpuld be able to post again (I will anyway. I shall kick him inna shin and run off if he doesn't post)

IC: Aranel didn't mind graveyards, but crypts...they were closed in...and there was usually something...foreboding about them. Added to that she was already underground in a creepy Dwarven cavern...

Calmly she looked to Thurgan before shrugging. "I guess we should." Maybe it was just that she didn't like seeing so many dead people, reminding her that everything, including her long life, would eventually come to an end...

Voidrunner's Codex

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