[Adventure] The Lost Treasure of House Cannith (Judge: Evilbob)


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Kaelan chokes and weezes a bit as his two failed jumps fill the hall with poison gas. Thalin and the others watch in astonishment as some of the gas creeps into the room with them.

GM: Otakkun, when moving into the next room, please still block out your actions so that I know how many rounds you are taking and what square you end up in. Any searching of the room (i.e. perception check) will assume that you walk all over, but will take place after the round you end your movement in the room in the first place. Please let me know which square you stop in when you are done searching as well.


[sblock=mechanics]Gas trap at M2 vs. fort on Kaelan - 1d20+6=21 for 1d10=2 poison damage.
Gas trap at S3 vs. fort on Kaelan - 1d20+6=22 for 1d10=3[/sblock]

[sblock=PC Status]Kaelan:
HP: 26/41 Surges: 4/9 AP: 0 MI Daily Uses: 1

HP: 26/45 Surges: 9/11 AP: 0 MI Daily Uses: 1

HP: 41/43 Surges: 8/10 AP: 0 MI Daily Uses: 1

HP: 13/32 Surges: 6/6 AP: 1 MI Daily Uses: 1
Conditions: bloodied

Experiment 354b:
HP: 21/40 Surges: 7/9 AP: 1 MI Daily Uses: 0


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Karananak reluctantly starts his move across the mine field of a hallway.

[sblock=Follow the Leader]Resist 5 Fire
Round 1: B3>C2>D3>E4>F3>G3>H2>I3>J4>K3>L2
Round 2 (Once Poison clears): M3>N2>O2>P3>Q3 then press and/or thwap the gold tile R2 with his staff to see if he can get the row to roll without stepping on it.[/sblock]


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GM: Going to wait for Otakkun to post his next action before updating yours just because I assume his move will take place while you're waiting for the poison to clear (unless he says otherwise).


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GM: Otakkun, I need to know which tiles you step on leaving the hallway, as you still have 2 columns to go in it and which tiles you step on may effect Karananak's position. Please block out your actions in full as I requested above.



With precise steps, Kaelan tries to get out of the corridor without disturbing the current order of the times for the druid to pass.

Double Move: U4-V4 then B6-N6 [/sblock]


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The monk adeptly hops as the tiles log roll under his feet and joins his companions in the laboratory.

GM: Vertexx, please double-check the map and confirm your movement. I think I know what you wanted to do , but the way you wrote it you step on about 4 trap tiles I don't think you meant to step on and I don't want to be a total jerk here. (Kaelan's move did not end up affecting anything on your end or encompassed by your originally posted movement.)


[sblock=mechanics]Kaelan athletics for balance - 1d20+7=26[/sblock]


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OOC - all my moves are right. K3 & M3 are both fire tiles which is why I Posted my 5 fire resistance at the beginning.

Does the staff press or strike work on the gold tile at R2?

When stepping on a blue tile does whole floor slide back toward the stairs? If so then I'll head to R4-V4.
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The floor slides under karananak's feet as he steps onto it, carrying him with it. He manages to keep his balance with ease.

[sblock=mechanics]Karananak athletics for balance - 1d20+1=18[/sblock]

GM: Since your posted movements were what you intended, I'm afraid most of it doesn't happen. When you step on B3, you are slid to B4. It is not possible to step directly onto C2 from there.


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OOC - B3 was still the stairs as far as your maps were showing last night... I would not start by stepping on a blue tile to ruin everything else.

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