[Adventure] The Lost Treasure of House Cannith (Judge: Evilbob)


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Karananak runs down the hall, setting off a couple jets of fire in his wake. With minor burns, he stops when he reaches the end of the purple tiles available.

GM: You are correct. That is my bad. I apologize greatly. That's why I asked you to double-check because for some reason I was reading it as the blue tile and I didn't think you'd want to step there. I will claim pregnancy brain on that one.

Hitting the gold tile with your staff does not cause it to rotate.

[sblock=mechanics]Fire trap 1 vs. reflex on Karananak - 1d20+5=22 for 1d8+3=11-5=6 fire damage
Fire trap 2 vs. reflex on Karananak - 1d20+5=16 for 1d8+3=5-5=0 damage[/sblock]

[sblock=PC Status]Kaelan:
HP: 26/41 Surges: 4/9 AP: 0 MI Daily Uses: 1

HP: 20/45 Surges: 9/11 AP: 0 MI Daily Uses: 1
Conditions: bloodied

HP: 41/43 Surges: 8/10 AP: 0 MI Daily Uses: 1

HP: 13/32 Surges: 6/6 AP: 1 MI Daily Uses: 1
Conditions: bloodied

Experiment 354b:
HP: 21/40 Surges: 7/9 AP: 1 MI Daily Uses: 0

GM: Perception checks in the lab for Otakkun if he wants to be searching:

[sblock=Perception 22]You find a loose brick in the north part of the wall the hallway is on.[sblock=Perception 28]You can see a niche in the lock and tiny holes around the safe edges. This looks like part of a trap on the safe lock. Revealing this information to someone attempting to pick the lock before they make the attempt will grant a bonus to the lock-picking attempt, as they will have some idea what to avoid.[sblock=Perception 30]In the rear corner of the room (square O1) there appears to be some very fine cracks in the wall and a loose brick that you didn't notice at first. It's possible this is some sort of hidden door.[/sblock][/sblock][/sblock]


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While watching the others make there way across the hall, Thalin redons his armor. Colgrave! Karananak seems about the distance you were dropping the bag at, Do you think you would be able to Mage Hand the Healing potion over to him? I don't know if he'll need it or not, but better to be safe. Thalin motions to his pack while he speaks. Left pocket, red vial.


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Karananak morphs back down into his swarm form before stepping into the golden square at the top of the hall (R2) with full knowledge that it will carry him into the 3rd row to the south before he steps down into S4 and then dashing across the fourth column of tiles to safety.
[sblock=The Mad Dash]Minor: Shift
Move: R2 (which slides to R3)>S4>T4>U4>V4>Safety
Standard: stand back up if need be[/sblock]


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The swarm moves forward onto the gold tile and the floor log-rolls under it's feet. It manages to maintain balance in that space, but the new tile that appears is also a gold one. Activating this is too much for the swarm and it falls forward onto the green tile in front of it, causing poison gas to flow from the walls once more. However, the swarm seems largely unaffected by the gas at this time.

GM: Gold tiles don't shift the floor, blue ones do. Your movement was stopped due to falling prone.

[sblock=mechanics]Karananak athletics for gold tile 1 - 1d20+1=18
Karananak athletics for gold tile 2 - 1d20+1=4
Poison gas trap vs. fort on Karananak - 1d20+6=19 for 1d10=1 poison damage[/sblock]

HP: 26/41 Surges: 4/9 AP: 0 MI Daily Uses: 1

HP: 19/45 Surges: 9/11 AP: 0 MI Daily Uses: 1
Conditions: bloodied, prone

HP: 41/43 Surges: 8/10 AP: 0 MI Daily Uses: 1

HP: 13/32 Surges: 6/6 AP: 1 MI Daily Uses: 1
Conditions: bloodied

Experiment 354b:
HP: 21/40 Surges: 7/9 AP: 1 MI Daily Uses: 0


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OOC - I don't see why I'd fall into an adjacent square as opposed to just becoming prone in the square I was standing in. And have I mentioned how stupid I think this auto activation of the new tiles that pop up are? In any event I am now standing in that square.

Move to T2 then jump to V4 and off, barring another fall.


First Post
GM: You have made your opinion of my trap design quite clear. Continuing to chastise it and/or me will not make it change mid-stream, so I'd appreciate if we could just move on at this point.

The reason you fall forward is because the tiles were rolling. This happened to 354b in the beginning as well. Momentum was already carrying you forward and it would not make sense for you to fall in the same square.

Additionally, since you are making a standing jump (you're required to move 2 squares for a running start) you need a DC 20 athletics roll to land in V4. I mentioned that closer to the beginning of this when asked. I rolled it for you for speed, but you failed. You therefore landed on the blue tile in between. This is not a fall, just a shorter jump. It does trigger the blue tile. You did manage to roll over a 20 for the balance check there, which means you get to land on any adjacent square.

Since your stated square was now another poison tile, I opted to let you decide which square you choose since there are several decent options and as your chosen next tile is a poison tile now, I thought you may not automatically want to go there. Please let me know which tile you choose to land on and then complete your movement for the turn. You have 4 squares of movement left (ETA: in addition to the square that you land in from the reactionary athletics check) in which to exit the poison gas before your turn ends. It does extend one column into the next room.

Karananak stands up, moves forward and jump, but is still a bit phased from the poison and doesn't quite get as far as he wanted to. The floor slides toward the wall again as he lands.

[sblock=mechanics]karananak jump = 1d20+1=18
karananak balace - 1d20+1=21[/sblock]
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[Sblock=OOC]Leaving for a flash trip to Argentina, back next tuesday. Hopefully the hotel will have some PCs and I'll be able to post.[/sblock]

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