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[Adventure] The Lost Treasure of House Cannith (Judge: Evilbob)


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[FONT=&quot][sblock=ooc]Purchases noted. Thank you. Onward!

As a side note, although I frown on retconning and intend to keep it to an absolute minimum, it appears I already have to do it. I learned today that the lightning rail doesn’t move as fast as I thought it does, which means it’s actually going to take 2 days just to get to Aruldusk. This makes the time limit I set for the monetary bonus unattainable, which wasn’t my intention. So, we’re going to pretend he said you had 5 days to get back for the bonus, not 36 hours. Sorry about that.[/sblock]

You arrive at the lightning rail the next morning and see nothing out of the ordinary. As promised, Rafftry is not there to see you off. You don't see anything that looks like his eyes to you, but that doesn't mean they aren't there.

You board the rail with no payment asked (the conductor says he's gotten special word of you) and notice it's busy this morning. The Wilden draws many curious looks, some even frightened. You have no trouble finding seats as a path clears before you. However, despite the furtive glances, you arrive in Aruldusk without incident two days later.

Debarking, you find yourself in a port town. There are many shops set up along the rows selling carved or crafted trinkets, food, and other sundries that visitors may be interested in. You note a large chapel in the center of the city as you cross to the port sector.

Once you've reached the port sector itself, you see plenty of boats docked and people working some of them. There are also other shops and establishments in this area.

[sblock=ooc]Ok, so I know you talked about hiring a boat earlier. Now's your chance to chat people up or whatever else you may want to do. Feel free to make any skill checks you might think are appropriate.[/sblock]

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Thalin flags down passing deckhand. 'Scuse me sir, I represent a group wishing to book passage to and from the far side of the river. Might you know someone willing to assist us? There may be gold in your future if you can point us in the right direction? he asks, dancing a gold piece back and forth across his knuckles.

[sblock=Rolls]Streetwise: 1d20+11=18
Restful Bedroll: 1d8=2 yay for 2 THP[/sblock]


First Post
354b draws upon his historical knowledge of the city to recall where the port would be and if there are any well known passenger boats from this city.

[sblock=rolls]History check 1d20+13=16[/sblock]


Being a man of few words, Kaelan leaves the talking to the rest while he simply walks around trying to find higher ground, hoping to get a good look at the surroundings. Who knows, there might be some available boats nearby.
Climb check: 24, Perception check: 18 [/sblock]


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Colgrave accompanies Thalin, feeling that his approach of direct enquiry is probably the most sensible. They're only trying to hire a boat in a port town, after all - it should be a simple enough thing to find someone with the means to help them, at which point it will be just a matter of haggling.

[sblock=OOC]Let me know if skill checks are actually required, otherwise Colgrave will just tag along with Thalin's as he asks for directions.[/sblock]


First Post
Arrival in Aruldusk:

The wilden steps off the lightning rail, his wide and unblinking black eyes seem to be transfixed with every detail. He had spent the whole two days speaking to anyone he saw on the train, trying to learn everything he could about the continent, the world, and any race other than his own. "Dis ere moovin ouse be a mavel tuh be old trute."

He steps off the train with his walking stick in hand, with eve reluctantly tucked out of sight. Having taken extra care not to dig his clawed toes into the deck of the LR during the entire journey, Karananak now extends his claws deeply into the hard packed earth, regaining his regular confidant stride. He had become used to people staring, so as the population of Aruldusk does the same, he simply keeps up with the party smiling in as friendly a way as he can. "Ello daya. Top uh dee mornin." He adds to those that catch his gaze for more than a moment, being as mellow and unassuming as he can.
[sblock=Actions]Free: speak
Move: ...
Standard: ...[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]Karananak Bole—Male Wilden Druid 4; Resist 5 Fire, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15(17 in beast form), Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 45/45, Bloodied: 22, Surge: 11, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Cold Wind

Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws

Summon Pack Wolf
Healing Infusion

Item Powers:

Character Sheet
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]So we have just half a day to find the city, the lab and the book so we have half a day to get back to Aruldusk to make it back to the pick up point on the other side of the river? No time to lose then.[sblock=Translation]This here moving house is marvel to behold.

Hello there.

Top of the Morning.


First Post
The deckhand smiles as Thalin and Colgrave approach. His smiles fades as Thalin finishes speaking, but his eyes dance and follow the flipping goldpiece.

"Well met," he says, "but I think ye'll be havin' a hard time findin' someone to cross the river. Many'd be happy ter take ye up or down, but 'cross is anotha story. Only one who crosses 'round here be Cap'n Shrouder. Ye'll prolly find him in The Sailor's Rest this time o' day."


First Post
"The Sailor's Rest? Thank you, my good man," says Colgrave, tipping the sailor a gold coin if Thalin hasn't beaten him to it with the one he was holding. He thinks briefly, wondering if he'd seen a place of that name on the walk so far through the docks. If not, he briefly collars the man again: "would you be so kind as to point us in the right direction for that establishment?"

Having hopefully obtained directions, he turns to Thalin. "What say we round up our companions, then, and seek out this Captain Shrouder?"


First Post
Certainly seems like the best course. replies the bard as the gold coin vanishes back into his pouch. Waving to the others, he makes to head out in the direction the sailor indicated.


First Post
Skill Challenge - Round 1

"Sure, sure," he says. "It be just 'round the corner. Ye can't miss it."

He points off around the corner to your left.

You gather up and head off in the direction indicated by the deck hand. Finding the inn is not hard. You do see immediately around the corner a sign displaying a sleeping sailor and the words "The Sailor's Rest". The simple expedient of asking the barkeeper will tell you that the man you seek is sitting in a corner booth eating his mid-morning meal.

[sblock=Skill Challenge]This is your first challenge. Convince the man to take you across the river. If you fail, you will have to find another way to Eston because no one else here will accept the job.

Difficulty: 8 Successes before 3 Failures
Count: 0 Success; 0 Fail

Primary Skills:
Diplomacy - DC 22
Intimidate - DC 17
Bluff - DC 22

Secondary Skills (one success for the challenge for each of these, not per player):
Insight - DC 17
Streetwise - DC 15

Karananak has an inherent +2 situation bonus to intimidate because no one around here has seen anything like him and the locals find him rather disturbing.

Aid Another checks have a DC of 10 to add +2 to the other's roll. You must roll with the same skill. Failure to aid another does not count as a failure in the challenge.

If you can think of a way to apply a skill not listed to the challenge, feel free to write it out and roll it. If I agree with your assessment, I will apply it as a secondary skill with a DC 17. However, you may gain no more than one success per skill in this way. If I do not agree with your assessment (for example if you were to say you are using Endurance to sit there and look happy through the conversation instead of bored) then I will simply tell you I don't think it's appropriate and you can take a different action.

I will not roll initiative for this challenge. You may act in any order so long as you each act only once per round.

I think that's everything; but if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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