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[Adventure] The Lost Treasure of House Cannith (Judge: Evilbob)


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Now that things seem to be settled, Karananak gets back to his clawed feet and takes back up his walking stick from its resting place next to the comfy sofa. "Me affayas be in owada, an di an I no be needin anytin else befa we be eadin oat. Doh I tink I jus tas soon be keepin de moanee's til I an I be findin soamtin nice."
[sblock=Actions]Free: ...
Move: ...
Standard: ...[/sblock][sblock=Swarmwhisper]Karananak Bole—Male Wilden Druid 4; Resist 5 Fire, (Resist 4 Melee/Ranged in Beast Form)
Initiative: +2, Low-Light, Passive Perception: 22, Passive Insight: 22
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 15(17 in beast form), Will: 19 — Speed: 6
HP: 45/45, Bloodied: 22, Surge: 11, Surges left: 11/11
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Savage Rend
Locust Swarm
Cold Wind

Scattered Form
Voyage of the Ancients/Wrath of the Destroyer/Pursuit of the Hunter
Battering Claws

Summon Pack Wolf
Healing Infusion

Item Powers:

Character Sheet
[/sblock][sblock=OOC]Ok, looks like we are just about ready to go.[sblock=Translation]My affairs are in order, and I don't need to get anything else before heading out. Though I think I'd just as soon hold on to the advance until I find something nice I want.[/sblock][/sblock]

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As Karananak speaks, Kaelan puts on a face of extreme concentration as he tries to figure out just what the druid is saying.

"This is going to be a long journey..." he mutters to himself.

[sblock=OOC] :p [/sblock]


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Thalin nods as the others indicate they are ready. I'm about ready myself, but I think I'd like to pick up a few things before we go, namely ritual components, I have a feeling we many need a few before our time together is complete.

[sblock=OOC]Good to go, but I'll be pick up some ritual stuff before we go, and maybe a few odds and ends that spark my fancy. Is everyone familiar with Comrades Succor?[/sblock]


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[sblock=ooc]Ok, there are still a couple of you who need 1 approval, but I was told not to worry about it and press on, so I shall. :) [/sblock]

"Excellent," Rafftry says when everyone professes they are ready to get started. "Give me just a moment and I'll get your advance."

He walks out again and returns a few minutes later with a leather pouch of coins. He sets them into 5 equal piles on the table.

"There you are. 75 gold for each of you. I'm afraid I can't see you off in the morning, but I will have eyes on the affair so I'll know when to start your clock, so-to-speak. Good luck."

He bowed then, and left the room again, not waiting for you to depart or say anything else.

[sblock=Quest & Treasure Info]Major Quest begun: Retrieve research notebook from Eston

Treasure awarded: 75g each (375g total)

You may spend it as you like before you depart. Please post something (either IC or OOC block) letting me know what you purchase if you choose to get anything.[/sblock]

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[sblock=OOC,Shopping Spree] Ok, I'll go buy some thieves tools and a couple of potions (both already updated on my wiki). Besides that, I'm ready to go [/sblock]


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After acquiring his advance, Thalin bows to his new companions. Alas, I should be going. Have to see a man about a dog. But I'll see you in the morn at the Lightning Rail station, yes? Turning, he exits the rendevous point and vanishes into the night.

And so he wanders the streets of Sharn for a good hour, narrowly avoiding a scuffle with some street thugs, and resisting the warm invite from ladies of ill reput, before Thalin comes to rest in front of a older shop just about closed down for the night. Feeling like this is as good a place as any to shop, he heads in, greeting the wisend old shopkeep with a hearty smile and hello.

Being the friendly sort, it isn't long before the two are chatting like old friends and sharing stories of the good old days, which actually never seemed that good back when they were happening, but now seem like a warm blanket when you're cold. The shopkeep tells of his failing business selling clothes he and his wife makes, and of the sons that have wandered off to see the world, forgetting their worried parents back home. At some point, the wife herself peaks in to check on her husband, and warmly welcomes the stranger keeping him out of her hair. Far too soon, the evening draws to a close, and our intrepid hero makes to leave, but not before presenting the couple with a gift of gold, payment for a wonderful evening. Embarrased and amazed, the couple insist the cannot take it, but Thalin will have nothing of it. Determined to give something to the stranger, the wife rumages through a closet, pulling out an old bedroll and a pouch of various bits. These were going to be presents for our eldest on his 20th birthday, but he never came home, she says sadly, pressing them into our hero's arms. Realizing he cannot refuse her generosity, he humbly accepts their gift before taking his leave one more time.

Only then, does he realize the bedroll has a hint of magic about it, and he smiles as he tucks it away, heading toward a raucous inn to entertain the patrons and hopefully earn himself a free room for the evening.

[sblock=Purchases]Bought a restful bedroll and some ritual components[/sblock]


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Colgrave does a little window shopping in some of Eberron's more exotic shopping establishments, but for now nothing within his means catches his eye and he stashes the advance for future use.

Voidrunner's Codex

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