Virgil was M5 last round, did he get moved, don't see anything in the list.
I have +3 from CA (+1 extra from the feat) after the Virgil move if that if that effects any your stats (I think you wanted it listed?).
Get back here! Draglin shouts, slamming a side of his double sword against the blademaster before he gets away. He follows up with a flurry of blows, dealing near deadly damage to the dastardly dunce!
Combat Challange vs blademaster 31 vs AC hit for 22 he stopped moving is marked and gains 5 cold vulnerability EONT.
Move: Virgil next to blademaster 3, P5?
Minor: Off-hand strike vs Blademaster 3.
miss blademaster is marked EONT
Rain of blows vs Blademaster 3
Attack 1: 27 vs ac miss.
Attack 2: 29 vs AC hit for 31 cold damage gains 5 cold vulnerability EONT..
Attack 3: 30 vs AC 27 cold damage
AP: Shocking Twister vs Blademaster 3
Attack 1: Crit, 8+28+10=46 cold damage.
Attack 2: 30 vs AC 33 cold damage
Attack 3: miss.
Max's granted MBA vs Bladedancer
35 vs AC 34 damage.
22+31 + 27 + 46 + 33 +34 = 193 cold damage total.
[sblock=Draglin's new Stat Block]
Draglin, Dragonborn Fighter/Shock Trooper 12
Passive Perception 21, Passive Insight 16
AC 28
Fortitude 25
Reflex 24
Will 17
HP 96/96 Bloodied 46 Surge Value 24, Surges 10/10
Speed 6, Initiative +11
Action Points: 0
9 fire resistance (wile hold Frost Brand Double Sword +3)
Basic Attack Short Sword; +21(+3 with CA), 1d8+19(+2 w/ CA) creature is marked hit or miss, if used because of an OA from movement the creature stops moving (but may take another action to move again).
Damage Summary:+6 from STR, +2 power bonus from Virgil's aura, +2 item bonus from iron armbands, +3 feat bonus with a cold weapon from Silvery Glow feat, +2 with CA from Light Blade Expertise (enemies in Virgil's aura grant CA to Draglin), +3 from weapon enhancement, +2 from gloves of cold, +1 with Two Weapon Fighting, +2 from tempest technique=23 and +5 when they have vulnerability to cold because of lasting frost.
Combat Challenge: At Will Immediate Interrupt Melee
Trigger: When a marked enemy shifts or makes an attack that doesn't include Sir Draglin.
Effect: Sir Draglin makes a melee basic attack against that enemy
Footwork Lure
Dual Strike
Combat Challenge
Summon Virgil
Come and Get It
Off-hand Strike
Grit and Spittle
Rain of Blows
Shocking Twister
Kirre's Roar
Dragon Breath
Feral Hide Armor +2
Amulet of Life +1
Hunter's Quarry
Second Wind
Backlash Tatoo
Villian's Menance
Rain of Steel
Bedeviling Assault
Quick Short Sword +2
Mighty Surge
Assault Footwork
[sblock=Virgil the Lizard Fey Beast Companion (Young Owlbear)]
Virgil Player Luinnar
Lizard (Owlbear) Fey Beast Companion (Unaligned) Level 12 (XP As Draglin)
Initiative As Draglin
Passive Insight 16
Passive Perception 23;
Senses Darkvision
HP 46
Bloodied 24
Surge Value N/A;
Surges Per-Day Draglin
AC 25
Fortitude 27
Reflex 23
Will 27
Speed 6
Size Medium
Str 20 (+5)
Dex 12 (+1)
Wis 14 (+2)
Con 17 (+3)
Int 2 (-4)
Cha 6 (-2)
Racial Abilities Aura 1:Allies gain +2 power bonus to damage rolls against enemies in aura. Enemies in aura grants CA to Draglin.
Basic Attack +17, 1d12+6
Languages Owlbear