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[Adventure] The Paper Chase (Judge: renau1g)


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"Serris, move quick. I need your spot." Grys shouts.

Serris duly moves aside, going to egg on Baracus as he pummels his victim.

Grys blinks to the centre of the chamber, unleashing fiery magic upon the flyers. All but one of them gives a blood-curdling scream of pain as the fire catches and lights them up.

Filled with the anger of Balinor at these foul creatures, kal'Tarron is energized as he slays one. He then turns and swears another oath, this time at one of the winged abominations perched above him. The avenger then swings his axe at the winged corpse, slashing deeply into its foul flesh - but is blow is weakened by the effects of the attacks he has suffered and is not as strong as it might have been.

In the path of his axe, there is a bloody radiance, sparkling and surging, wrapping him in a protective field of radiant energy

Mythra smirks at the undead near him and uses his Eladrin powers to teleport safly behind Orsik. He then uses the chance to catch his breath.

Baracus curses as the zombie throws more ... whatever it is that he is throwing... at his allies. The brawler sinks his fingers in deeper, move into the corner of the room, dragging the corpse with him and slamming the enemy into the wall, the force jolting him from Baracus' hands, but leaving the enemy on the ground. Baracus takes advantage and punches down hard on the creatures neck and holds it down.

"Let's see you try that again" he says to the struggling corpse, risking a quick look over his shoulder at the others "You all ok over there? he shouts

Orsik tries to protect Mythra by holding off the two closest foes. but his first swing is a miss.

* * *

The putrid corpse squirms and writhes beneath Baracus, but proves completely unable to escape his iron grip. It does, however, lash out in its struggles, and in its wild flailings it manages to land a solid blow with one rotting fist which leaves Baracus's head ringing (and slathered liberally with ichor).

Each of the flying monstrosities takes an ungainly hop back from melee range, disengaging and taking to the air once more. The air is filled with the flapping of leathery wings and chaos reigns as the creatures go swooping for new targets. The party proves more than capable of defending themselves against the assault, however, with only Grys taking any wound of consequence from their diving attacks.

[sblock=Ire Strike]1d20+11=18, +2 for CR, -5 due to aura = 15, miss vs AC[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC - rb780nm]Your Oath lets you roll attacks twice and take the better result when its target is the only enemy adjacent to you. You had two enemies adjacent to you this turn, so you would have used your first attack roll (and missed).

However, you had a move action available, and could have shifted to a position where you could use your oath. I'll assume that's what you'd prefer - I've assumed a shift to B7. Let me know if you'd prefer C6 or something else entirely.

On your damage: I count 11 - 23/2, rounded down. Where did 16 come from? I'm counting it as 11 for now, tell me if I missed something.[/sblock]

[sblock=Enemy Actions]Firstly, my bad: Mythra's critical hit on rw should have killed it instantly due to Zombie Weakness. Sorry for the mix-up. Luckily it hasn't actually done anything, so just removing it a round late won't make any difference. Also, my previous mention of regeneration failing to function on the flyers was a mistake - they don't have regeneration.

c - regenerates 5 gp. Attempts to escape grab: 1d20=4+? = fail vs. DC 23

slam attack on Baracus: 1d20=20, max damage = 9.

rw - exploded last round, as it turns out

rw 1 - takes 5 ongoing fire damage. Shift to B5, take flight, Charge Baracus. 1d20=2+? = miss vs AC.

fails to save vs ongoing damage.

rw 2 - takes 5 ongoing fire damage. Shift to D9, take flight, Charge Grys. 1d20=15+? = hit vs AC. Damage 1d8+2+2d6=14

saves vs ongoing damage.

rw SB 1 - take flight, move to H9, provoking OA from Orsik. OA: 1d20+9=18, hit vs AC, Damage 1d6+6=9
Charge Mythra. 1d20=6+? = miss vs AC, including -2 from Serris's mark and Mythra's +2 AC this round.

rw SB - takes 5 ongoing fire damage. Take flight, move to f3, provoking OA from Orsik. OA 1d20+9=20, Damage 1d6+6=11.
Charge Grys. 1d20=1... and you thought your rolls were bad. :(

fails to save vs ongoing damage.[/sblock]


[sblock=Combatants]c -19 hp, bloodied, prone, immobilized, marked by Baracus
c 1 - dead
rw - dead
rw 1 -34 hp, bloodied, ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
rw 2 -16 hp
rw sb - 27 hp, marked by Grys, ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
rw sb 1 -9 hp, marked by Serris

Orsik 45/45 hp
Grys 27/39 hp
kal'Tarron 29/44 hp, weakened (save ends)
Serris 45/45 hp
Baracus 41/52 hp
Mythra 18/38 hp, bloodied, weakened (save ends)[/sblock]


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[sblock=OOC - Absence]I'm off to a music festival tomorrow, and will be back on Sunday. I won't have any internet access, so hang tight until I'm back. :)[/sblock]

I'll be able to post sunday too, so hurry up :)

Shouldn't damage be 2d6+6 instead of 1d6? Unless you assumed after throwing javelin ORsik would continue using it? And it would be 1d6+5 in that case...

Next on fliers: use immobilizing power so they don't fly away. No volonteers to take over for a bit?


I'll be able to post sunday too, so hurry up :)

Shouldn't damage be 2d6+6 instead of 1d6? Unless you assumed after throwing javelin ORsik would continue using it? And it would be 1d6+5 in that case...

Yes, the damage should be 2d6+6 since Orsik used the maul for the Divine Rune of Thunder power that missed.

Note: Orsik's character sheet has his MBA and RBA to hits and damage switched which is the reason Antithetist wrote down what he did. Also, it does state 1d6+6 instead of 1d6+5 on the character sheet as well. You'll want to correct that MV.


First Post
[sblock=@Antitheist] sorry man, I need to read my rules again ;). I also just discovered that my bloodclaw had been erratta'd to encounter, so we should drop that effect from this round.

So, let's say I used my move action as you've assumed. Then I didn't bloodclaw (I don't loose 2hp, and I do 6 less damage)

damage = 17 /2 = 8

Sorry about the maths disagreement, I halved the rolled number, but forgot about the bonuses...


First Post
[sblock=Errata from this round]kal'Tarron is on 31/44 hp, up from 29 due to no Bloodclaw.

rw 1 is -31 hp, down from -34 due to no Bloodclaw.

Orsik's damage rolls, take two: rw sb - 2d6+6=14, rw sb 1 - 2d6+6=12

rw sb is - 30 hp, and is bloodied.

rw sb 1 is -12 hp.[/sblock]


First Post
Move to A4
Attack RW1 with bond of retribution

Bond of Ret. on RW1 (1d20+10=16, 1d20+10=20, 1d12+6=17)

20 vs AC, 8hp damage (ignore the extra +6, i selected the wrong autocomplete option)

Saving throw: save vs weakened (1d20=19) pass!

also, while he's (RW1) bloodied, I get +1 to all defenses from my vestments.

kal'Tarron follows the flying corpse he attacked over towards Baracus. With another swing of his axe, he cuts another shallow wound in his target. He is surrounded by a radiance that promises to burn anyone who tries to rescue his target.
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First Post
Baracus spits the blood from his split lip and tries to return the favor the to zombie, but the stench of the creature sends his fist into the ground next to it. The pain in his hand forces Baracus to let go of the slimy monstrosity.


Standard:Grappling Strike (1d20+13-5=12, 1d6+8=13) Hits AC 12 for 13 (miss)
Free: Mark enemy
Move: Shift to B2
End of Turn: Grab from last round breaks....


Male Human Fighter 4
Medium natural humanoid
Initiative +3; Senses Passive Insight 14, Passive Perception 14
HP 341/52hp, Bloodied 26, Surge Value 13, Surges 7/11
AC 22; Fortitude 23, Reflex 16, Will 16
Speed 5
Action Points:0
Second Wind:Not Used

At will:
Grappling Strike
Knockdown Assault
Dual Strike

Takedown Attack
Slamming Rush
Forceful Drag

Villain's Menace
Dwarven Scale Armor +1



"Keep up the pressure guys. They are starting to fall." Grys encourages. He then matches his words with his deads and slams one of them with magical force.

Standard: Sword Burst on rw2 and rw sb in that order
Move: Shift to E7
Minor: Familiar Harrier teleport Keke to E6, this gives Serris flank on rw sb if he wants to use it

Keke is visible and a legitimate target.

Sword Burst on rw2 27 vs. Reflex and rw sb natural 1 misses, 11 force damage on rw2

Grys gains 2 temporary hit points. If rw2 attacks Grys, it takes 5 force damage. rw sb is still marked by Grys. If it attacks anyone other than Grys, it is at -2 and the attacked PC takes 6 less damage from a successful attack.

Note: I may or may not be on the Internet from 8/7 through 8/13. If I do not post my actions for two days after Antithetist posts, then please NPC Grys Antithetist (since you are the only one with a copy of Grys).

Grys - Male Eladrin Hybrid Swordmage Wizard
Medium natural humanoid (Fey)
Advantageous Conditions: 2 temporary hit points
Adverse Conditions:
Initiative: +3
Passive Insight: 13 Passive Perception: 18
Senses: Low Light Vision
HP 27/39
Bloodied 19
Surge Value 9; Surges Per-Day 5/8
AC 22 Fortitude 14 Reflex 18 Will 17 Speed 6
Saving Throws +5 vs Charm Effects
Action Points: 0
Second Wind: Not Used

At will:
Scorching Burst
Sword Burst
Familiar Harrier
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand

Fey Step
Aegis of Shielding
Sword of Sigils
Fire Shroud

Flaming Sphere

Trained: 8 Athletics, 8 Endurance, 8 Perception, 8 Stealth

Untrained: 3 Acrobatics, 11 Arcana, 1 Bluff, 1 Diplomacy, 3 Dungeoneering, 3 Heal, 11 History, 3 Insight, 1 Intimidate, 3 Nature, 7 Religion, 1 Streetwise, 3 Thievery

Hybrid Talent
Arcane Familiar
White Lotus Riposte

Magic Items:
+2 Challenge-Seeking Longsword
+2 Magic CLoth Armor
Gauntlets of Arcane Might
+1 Amulet of Protection
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First Post
Second rate minions! Mythra shouts sidestepping the monster attacking him and tries to conjure up ice that hamper the nearby enemies actions.

Move: Shift to I4
Standard: Chilling Cloud area burst 1 on C6 up in the air (I can hit both creatures, correct?)

rwsb 13 vs fort
rw2 10 vs fort
On Hit: -2 to hit EONT, 4 cold damage

Weaken save succeeded!

Male Eladrin Wizard 4
Medium natural humanoid (Fey)
Initiative +3; Senses Passive Insight 19, Passive Perception 19
HP 18/38hp, Bloodied 19, Surge Value 9, Surges 3/9
AC 17; Fortitude 15, Reflex 16, Will 17
Saving Throws +5 vs Charm Effects
Speed 6
Action Points:0

At will:
Chilling Cloud
Winged Horde

Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Mystical Debris

Fey Step
Grasping Shadows
Color Spray
Tome of Binding
Second Wind

Summon Dretch
Summon Tome

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