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[Adventure] The Paper Chase, Part 2 (Judge: renau1g)


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The man's expression changes - it's obvious that Mythra's description has provoked some recognition in the innkeeper, although he does his best to compose a game face; Orsik's unintentionally brusque manner seems to have left him leery of the two. "Look, what is this? Why are you looking for this fella Derslin? Forgive me, but I don't know you, and you don't look much like lawmen. Just what's your business here?"
He knows a acquaintance of ours... someone we are trying to locate...thought that perhaps he could help... Mythra says impatiently.

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Orsik sighs and composes himself
"This is like when you have to talk to those wild chieftains. They don't understand you, you don't understand them, but you need to find the common language." he thinks

"No, we're not lawmen. As I said, we're here as support at Derslin's request. He sent a letter that his camp is in danger. Due to delay in getting the letter, we're just now answering. We don't mean you any trouble and we won't bother you again."

Orsik nods, turns and walks toward the door.
"Oh, by the way, do you know if any camp went silent for too long a period or are there any troubles around?"

OOC: This is just trying to get out gracefuly so not to close the door to social types. I'd hate to put second failure in such hard challenge because someone's bound to roll one at some point (like we did several before now :p ) - gauge traders reaction and we will retreat in peace
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The barkeeper just nods warily, seemingly greatly relieved as Orsik begins to retreat.

kal'Tarron gains access to the priest's modest library, which includes several tomes on local history. After a frustrating period of combing through endless discussions of forestry and fishing rights, land disputes with various tribes and the changeable fortunes of minor local families, he ends up none the wiser.

A little while later, as dusk is beginning to fall, the group reassembles to compare their progress.

[sblock=OOC]Running tally: 4 successes, 2 failures.[/sblock]


"Well, there are too many trails here to pick the right one. We'll have to head back into town and see if our friends have found out anything that will help us." Grys says to Alexia and Muzdum.


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OOC: Ok, now that were closer to failure than success, we probably should stick together and concentrate on having the person with the best score take the roll while the rest of us try to assist.

"should we try the tavern, or do you want to wait for morning and head out into the forest?"

OOC: Isn't there some kind of time limit (5 rounds?) on challenge duration?

We cannot allow only one person to roll. Though possibly we could get to the point where Endurance or other physical skills can come into play so we can have more characters make reliable checks...

Or we can let Alexia roll without help and we all pool our 'considerable' (sic) social skills to get some aid for second roller :)

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