[adventure]:The Search for Vlastoes (DM: Dimsdale, Judge ??)

GM: There is a large chain that supports the weight of the cage as well as the weight of whatever it is that is within the cage. The cables attached to the outer walls that originally covered the sides of the cage do not support the cage, only the iron outer walls.

Yes, yes, but is there a mechanism to lower it? Or I have to break through the chain? Can I unhook it somehow? Pull the pin or something :)

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Judging that the rest of the team will be able to handle the corpse at his back Prime advances towards another of these. He swings his hammer again in a wide arc, hitting the thing squarely in the chest, but the only effect is a wet sound. Looks like these things have even less vital spots Prime has.

Minor: Battlemind's demand on DO1. DO1 is Marked until the end of the encounter or I use the power again.
Move: To current position (Prime didn't start in any aura, so he's now slowed)
Standard action: Crushing surge on DO2, miss. DO2 is Marked TENT and Prime gains 5 THP

[sblock=mini-stats] Prime Warforged Fighter|Battlemind 9

Initiative: +5, Passive perception: 23, Passive Insight: 18
Defenses: AC: 28/27, Fort: 22/22, Ref: 20/19, Will: 20/20
Damage resistance 1
HP: 76/83 THP: 5 Bloodied: 41, Surge value: 20, Surges/day: 12/14 Speed: 5 squares
Languages: Common
AP: 0 Power points 4/4
Bull's Strength, Crushing Surge, Lightning Rush, Battlemind's Demand, Blurred Step, Combat Challenge
Shield Edge Block, Warforged Resolve, Unbreakable, Guardian’s Counter, Boots of the fencing master, Second Wind
Living Fortress, Rain of Steel, Shattered Time, Endure Pain, Moradin's Blessing of Iron, Knockback Warhammer[/sblock]

[sblock=A guide to Prime's out of turn actions]
With all the immediate action Prime is gathering, he’s becoming a complex character to have in pbp. In order to reduce the amount of retconning, do not hesitate to use one of these actions at the first chance it could be reasonably useful, in the following order of priority. Notice that many though not all are immediate actions and are mutually exclusive (you can take only one immediate action per round):

  • Blurred Step (Battlemind feature, at will). Prime can, once per turn as a free action, shift 1 when an adjacent marked enemy shifts. Use this along with Combat Challenge for maximum benefit.
  • Combat Challenge (fighter feature, at will, immediate interrupt), a MBA he can make against a Marked enemy who shifts or makes an attack that doesn’t include Prime. Notice that he can push enemies up to 3 squares with this attack: since combat challenge is an interrupt, this has the potential to completely negate an attack if it pushes the enemy beyond melee range. Otherwise use the push to disrupt the enemy strategy as much as possible.
  • Guardian’s counter (Encounter power, immediate interrupt), If an ally within 2 is being hit but the attack wouldn’t hit Prime or the damage to the ally would be severe. Prime exchanges positions with an ally within 2 squares, becomes the target of the attack and can retaliate with a MBA.
  • Fully augmented Lightning Rush (using 2 power points, immediate interrupt): Same case as guardian's counter, when guardian's Counter can't be used. Prime can move 5 squares, becomes the target of the attack, and deals a +13 VS AC, 2d10+8 damage attack.
  • Shield Edge Block (Encounter power, immediate interrupt), when he’s hit by a melee or close attack and a -4 penalty to hit would make the attack fail.
  • Unbreakable (Encounter power, immediate interrupt), if hit by an attack that can't be negated by Shield Edge Block that deals 11 or more damage (he’d negate 10 with the power -which isn’t described as damage reduction-, then 1 from armor property)
If you roll any attack granted by any of these actions, don't forget Prime's Warforged Tactics feat: +1 to hit enemies adjacent to at least one ally.

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Yes, yes, but is there a mechanism to lower it? Or I have to break through the chain? Can I unhook it somehow? Pull the pin or something :)

GM: the large chain supporting the cage are not in reach. The four chains supporting the outer walls are with in reach. The locations of the chains where they are anchored to the walls are now shown on map. (forgot to do that)

GM: the large chain supporting the cage are not in reach. The four chains supporting the outer walls are with in reach. The locations of the chains where they are anchored to the walls are now shown on map. (forgot to do that)

Let me worry about reach (flight 8 squares enough?)...just tell me what can I do to drop the da*n thing. Or tell I cannot so I kill it through the bars :)

Let me worry about reach (flight 8 squares enough?)...just tell me what can I do to drop the da*n thing. Or tell I cannot so I kill it through the bars :)

GM: The metal slabs being held by the four chains block your way in landing on top of the room. Keep in mind what Vermitrax said about the abomination in a previous post (three posts ago). Perhaps there a way of removing one of the slabs...hmmmm

This one is mine! calls Kamotz as he charges the furthest shuffling black menace; his swing goes wide and the shifter spits a curse of death upon the dark creature.

Start turn slowed

Move run to I8-J9

Minor Divine Challenge DO4
Kamotz marks the target, The first time the target makes an attack that doesn't include Kamotz, it takes 6 radiant damage. If Kamotz doesn't attack the target, or finish his turn adjacent to it, this effect ends. Kamotz can use this power only once per turn. (Hybrid, Mighty Challenge)

Standard Charge DO4



Kamotz (Cleric|Paladin)
Initiative +3 Passive Insight 24 Passive Perception 22 Senses Low-Light
HP 43/50; TempHP 0; Bloodied 25; Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 5/9
AC 24 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 19
Second wind; Not Used
Action point; 0
Speed 5
At-will: Holy Strike, Lance of Faith, Divine Challenge
Encounter: Longtooth Shifting, Healing Word, Heedless Fury, Call of Challenge, Death Surge, Shining Symbol
Daily:Blood of the Mighty, Avenging Flame, Gravesite
Consumable; Fey Step Potion, Unguent of Darkvision, Vial of Darkness

Passive Insight 14 Passive Perception 19; Senses Low-Light
HP 61/67; TempHP 0; Bloodied 33; Surge Value 16; Surges Per-Day 1
AC 19 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16
Resist 0 (5 all damage while ridden, Impenetrable Barding)
Speed 8 (9 While ridden, Riding Boots)
At-Will: Bite
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GM: I feel terrible about my lack of posting. I hope to get things rolling this weekend.

[sblock=DM Notes: Please Ignore]
[sblock=Hero Actions]
Heros Turn
Prime: mark DO1, gain 5 temp, miss, DO2 Marked Tent
Drew: Miss
Kamotz: miss, marks D04
Kamotz Familiar:

Total Damage to Enemy:


[sblock=Enemy Actions]
Enemy Turn
Drowned One 1:
attack:Spirit touch 1d20+16 vs Dox Reflex: Miss

Drowned One 2:
attack: Vengeful Emanation: Range 5: 1d20+16 vs Will 8 psychic damage: Hit: 8-1 = 7

Drowned One 3:
attack: Never happened

Drowned One 4:
attack: Vengeful Emanation: Range 5: 1d20+16 vs Will 8 psychic damage:


Heros Stats

AC: 25 (26 w/ TWF), Fort: 23, Reflex: 22 (23 w/ TWF) Will: 18 — Speed: 6
HP: 37/64, Bloodied: 32, Surge: 16, Surges left: 9/9
Resist 3 ongoing, 4 all vs target last hit
Action Points: 1/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0

AC: 22 Fort: 20 Ref: 22 Will: 22
Others Saving Throws: Resistances: 5 Cold, 10 Force Immunities:
HP: 54/54 Surges value: 13 Surges/day: 9

Defenses: AC: 27/27, Fort: 22/22, Ref: 19/19, Will: 20/20 Damage resistance 1
HP:76/83 THP: Bloodied: 41, Surge value: 20, Surges/day: 14/14 Speed: 5 squares AP: 0 Power points 4/4

AC: 23 Fort: 19 Reflex: 22 Will: 20
HP:54/54 Temp 0 Surges: 8/8 Surge Value: 13

HP 43/50; TempHP 0; Bloodied 25; Surge Value 12; Surges Per-Day 8/9
AC 24 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 19

Kamotz Pet:
HP 67/67 AC 19 Fortitude 18 Reflex 17 Will 16 Surges Per-Day 1
Resist 0 (5 all damage while ridden, Impenetrable Barding)
Speed 8 (9 While ridden, Riding Boots)

Enemy Stats
DO1: 1/1
DO2: 1/1
DO4: 1/1

[sblock=Enemy Descriptions]

Drown Ones
HP 1: AC 24 F 21 R 24 W 23
Speed 6 Spider climb 6

Overwhelming Fear: Aura 2
Anyone starting turn within aura is slowed

Spirit Touch: 1d20+16 vs Reflex: Hit 7 points damage

Vengeful Emanation: Range 5: 1d20+16 vs Will 8 psychic damage

Erie Transformation: ?


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GM: after reviewing the adventure posts for the last round

1. [MENTION=36973]stonegod[/MENTION] Dox hasn't posted a turn yet

2. [MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION] Vermitrax gets to post actions this round. His last actions occurred before the bad guys went.

Soooo I'll wait until both have posted their turns


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