I'll use 1 surge after the last fight to get up to full health. 7/8 surges remain
Merri's confidence rolls off her in palpable waves, "Let's take out the bad guys before the other ones come back!"
Eva nods decisively and says
"Right?! You've got to love it when they split up like that."
Not waiting for the consensus of the entire group, Eva strolls around the corner into plain sight of the messenger and the dragonborn brute.
"Eat necrotic doom, bad guys!" she screams at she raises her staff. A wave of black energy immediately bursts out of the brute, but he stubbornly resists its effects. The messenger, on the other hand, is caught in the wave and sustains some minor wounds.
[sblock=Eva actions / stats]Initiative: 18. I'm not sure if it's needed since we have the drop on them, but I'll roll either way. (
Move: Walk to Q14.
Darkening Flame vs Dragonborn Brute (probably) misses Reflex 12... (
Elven Accuracy to reroll that. Now it misses with a 1! (
Effect: In any case, the messenger takes 5 fire damage.
End of turn: Save vs fear succeeds. (
PC:Eva (Dekana) - L4W Wiki- Female Elf Mage 4
Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 12
AC:19, Fort:17, Reflex:20, Will:18 -- Speed:7
HP:42/42, Bloodied:21, Surge Value:10, Surges left:7/8
Initiative +3
Action Points: 1
Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound, Hypnotism, Restless Dead, Magic Missile
Color Orb, Color Spray, Darkening Flame, Elven Accuracy, Second Wind, Shield, Spook
Summon Dretch
[sblock=spellbook]Encounter (2):
Color Spray (3), Cordon of Bones (3), Darkening Flame (1), Ray of Enfeeblement (1)
Daily (1):
Spirit Rend (1), Summon Dretch (1)
Utility (1):
Shield (2),
Summon Shadow Serpent (2)[/sblock]Notes: +2 damage rolls vs bloodied targets[/sblock]