After Waterdeep what should be the next FR adventure?

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Wouldn’t a cleric book work nicely with a Ravenloft Endless Quest?

Strictly speaking, sure, sounds good. If he had just said "we're thinking a Cleric for the other," wouldn't have thought anything of it. He and Tito went out of their way to suggest that the area that this book is tied to is tipped off by a female Cleric: no other details, but that is some sort of spoiler for an unannounced book.

Strictly speaking, sure, sounds good. If he had just said "we're thinking a Cleric for the other," wouldn't have thought anything of it. He and Tito went out of their way to suggest that the area that this book is tied to is tipped off by a female Cleric: no other details, but that is some sort of spoiler for an unannounced book.

Why does the female part have to mean anything? Why not some region/plane/whatever where finding a cleric at all would be rare or unusual?

Why does the female part have to mean anything? Why not some region/plane/whatever where finding a cleric at all would be rare or unusual?

I'm not sure why, but it's what the man said. He was quite particular that something about a female Cleric would make sense based on the area involved.

It's more then 5 or 6 races. Thrikreen, Muls, Half Giants, Kender, Giffs, Hengeyokai, Spiritfolk, Vryloka, Shardminds, Darfellan, Illumians, Bladelings, Shades, Dromite, Alan, Duskling, Gloamling, Hellbred, Hagspawn, Hamadryad, Killoren/Wilden, Lupin, and more. What you call bloat I call fun.

I only need two of those to be semi-official for my world, rest I will customize as needed.

That would be cool and another location for pirate themed could be Luskan and the 5 captins and cover some territory up their

We have had too much Swordcoast right now, I mean every adventurer has been on the Swordcoast basically except CoS and ToA and honestly doing a Luskan Pirate Campaign would basically require reusing Jarlaxle and his faction. Honestly I'd just use a lot of W: DH's materials with SCAG for Luskan.

Making it the Sea of Fallen Stars on the other hand takes us to a very different region, one very popular and desperately in need of attention. Something Pirate or Privateer Themed, but let's us explore a vast part of the realms that has been neglected in 5e. Honestly the Sea of Fallen Stars is my favourite part of FR because because it has many of the most interesting nations all connected by this sea. And it's rich is history and interactions. It's very diverse.

There is Cormyr, Sembia, Algorand, Rasheman, Thay, Mulhorand, Unther, Vesperin, Tymanther, Turmish, Chessenta, Airspur, Nathlan, Thesk, Raven's Bluff. The region was the sight of all of the biggest wars and changes during the Sundering except for the War between the Lords Alliance on the Swordcoast and North against the Orc Kingdom of Many Arrows as well and the Civil War to over throw the Djinn in Calimshan.

The biggest most wide spread war was the Shadovar/Sembia War with Cormyr/Myth Drannor/the Dales. Then the Mulhorand revolt against the Imaskari lead by their Gods. Gilgeams war to rebuild Unther, after the war he'd be fighting on Abeir with the Shyr Empire, and finally his war to destroy the two Dragonborn cities. Some major battles with Pirate fleet lead by a chosen of Umberlee.

And heavy geographic and political changes across the region. A new Queen in Cormyr. Most nations in the region rebuilding and expanding after great suffering during the Spellplague and Sundering. Gods have returned. And inside the Sea of Fallen Stars are pirate islands, Sagahuin Kingdom, Myth Nentir (an Sea Elf city who mythal allows air breathing creatures to breath water), Triton Cities, Mermaid Cities, cities of weirder sea creatures. IMO it's the coolest part of FR.

Plus it's where the great rain occurred the caused so many storm sorcerers to appear in the region. In fact I see it as the part of FR with the highest concentration of most kinds of Sorcerers period, thanks to the Mulan Gods (Divine Souls), Shadovar and Shadar Kai (Shadow Magic), Great Rain (Storm Sorcerer), Dragon Bloodline (Chessenta, perhaps Cormyr), former areas of spellplague (Wild Magic).

You have large Theocracies (Mulhorand, Rasheman, Unther), Magicracies (Thay, what remains of High Imaskar, Rasheman), Olioarchies of merchants (Sembia, Vesperin), Democracy (Turmish), cities ruled by crime (Westgate), and a Confederacy where different cities use different styles of government (Chessenta), partial Elected Dragonborn Monarchy (Tymanther), more traditional Monarchies (Cormyr, some Chessenta city states, Impiltar, various sea kingdoms), Demiplane empires (High Imaskar's Celestial Nadir and the Kingdom of the Star Elves), whatever you'd call Algorond's style of Government.
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Thinking about it deeper, the female cleric has to be a drow cleric of Eilistraee in Skullport and Undermountain, because each Endless Quest ties into an AP except CoS because that occurs in Ravenloft and they might not be allowed to use Ravenloft for the way Endless Quest books.

So 4 remaining APs (Tavern of the Yawning Portal is a collection of adventures not an AP so it doesn't count), all of which has a connected Endless Quesr Book including the current AP, Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.

And what is the next AP, we already know it, it's Waterdeep: Dungeon of a Mad Mage, which is set in Undermountain, where Skullport dwells, and which has been and likely be again the location of Eilistraee's main temple, and Eilistraee in some last editions (but not others) has shown a preference for female priestesses. This explains why the location was so important and why the gender of the cleric mattered and tied into the location.

Which means the Swashbuckler will be for the AP afterwards, Swashbucklers suggest pirates, or at the very least Naval, likely to be released in the Summer, late spring at the earliest. And we have no less then 4 story lines occurring on the swordcoast, too many for the Swordcoast to be likely,
only 2 APs occur else where, CoS in Ravenloft, Barovaria, and Tome of Annilitation in Chult, neither of which we are likely to revisit.

That leaves the coastline of the Shining Sea, which has never been a major FR region or amount the most popular, an Eberron Campaign, unlikely it's too soon and the play testing is still going on, Ravnica doesn't have the open seas, and Ravnica and Eberron aren't on Faerun and I don't think they want to leave FR for the Endless Quests books right now.

That leaves the Sea of Fallen Stars ladies and gentlemen by the process of elimination. The location I think most of us wanted for the style of campaign we wanted that offered a new and fresh type of story. Which means if the next Endless Quest book is their so is the next AP.

I hope the AP comes with a map as detailed of the region as Storm King's Thunder did for the Swordcoast and North.

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