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Age of Worms AP (pathfinder system)- FULL, sorry

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Renau1g: Oooooh, a tablet! Mine's shipping as I type this. Good choice, too. Link?

Sayuri: you up for some pre-start RP?

Holy Man: I found a Player's Guide to Age of Worms. It's simply a gazetteer of the Diamond Lake area that players would know about.

[sblock=spoiler]there's a paragraph that says something about the "age of worms", and that Diviners and Seers believe that it's coming. While my hero wouldn't at this point, I have an idea for his back story that fits in with that; someone mentioning it in passing without explaining it. If it does this in the Player's Guide pdf, I assume it's not something that'll ruin the reveal when the players learn that "there's an age of worms a-coming!" Other than some rumours I've heard over the years, I never did read through the modules and so don't really know what happens. Let me know if it's too much, when I finish it.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
I'm sure everyone is capable of not meta-gaming and you will learn of the prophecied Age of Worms way before it happens LOL.

"The characterss leave the seer with the knowledge that the Age of Worms is coming. As they step out into the street they find that coming is the wrong word the Age of Worms is here."

LOL that won't happen. :p

And great sword and character pic btw.

Ok did you find that player's guide here:

AoW: Player's Guide

Have to watch a few things I have found have to deal with other games that were planned or played out.


Last edited:


Thy wounds are healed!
Bronzewood Lodge (from the above source)

The ring of crumbling menhirs on the bluff overlooking Diamond Lake is a remnant of an ancient human druidic culture that once inhabited the region. They too came to the hills for the ancient cairns, seeing them as monuments to great ancestors of the invisible past. Although modern humans displaced the native druids during great migrations over a thousand years ago, pockets of indigenous architecture and culture remain. Foremost among these near-forgotten practices is veneration of Obad-Hai, the Shalm, the brooding patron of wilderness and natural order.

Druids and rangers who honor the Shalm and a host of minor nature deities and fey spirits (the so-called Old Faith) routinely congregate in great moots three hours northeast of Diamond Lake, at an ancient megalithic structure called the Bronzewood Lodge. Devotees of Ehlonna or the elven pantheon are welcome at these meetings, if a bit gruffly, but all other attendees must be invited personally by someone already within the circle of trust. At these great moots, the woodsfolk observe rituals from long ago, celebrate with great contests of strength and wit, and debate policy regarding the natural affairs of the region. A small permanent community inhabits the Lodge itself and the wooded copse surrounding it. Perhaps 30 assorted druids, rangers, and scouts protect the sacred site and keep watch on the nearby roads and valleys. Occasionally, they step in to rescue a traveler from some natural menace, but just as often they warn explorers to stay on the roads and let the wilderness take care of itself.

Their leader is Nogwier, an aged proponent of the Old Faith who strives to keep the focus of his community on preservation of a near-extinct way of life and away from anger at Greyhawk and its operatives in Diamond Lake, whose avariciousness continually rapes the land. Nogwier urges cautious cooperation with Lanod Neff via a former Bronzewood man named Merris Sandovar, who now works as the garrison's chief scout, but he wishes that Greyhawk would have given him a more reasonable governor-mayor than Neff, and knows he won't outlive him.

The Lodge itself is a twelve-chambered structure composed of piled megaliths covered by earth. The cairn's central gallery contains a huge uprooted petrified bronzewood tree planted upside down so that its roots are exposed. Nogwier and his three servitors use the tree as a massive altar. Other chambers contain the sorted, commingled bones of generations of druids as well as priceless natural treasures accumulated over the course of centuries.


Thy wounds are healed!
Ok I am caught up around ol' EnWorld I'l go check him out.

Oh btw is everyone ok on the groups like this:

Walking Dad - human Cleric of Obad-Hai
Padreigh - human Inquisitor of St. Cuthbert
jkason - human Rouge
Lughart - half-orc Wizard
GandalfMithrandir - half-elf Ranger

renau1g - ??? Rogue
rb780nm - human Fighter
s@squ@tch - ??? Cleric of Pelor
fireinthedust - elf Ranger/Wizard (more wizard than ranger)
Shayuri - ??? Sorcerer
ghostcat - half-elf Ranger




Thy wounds are healed!
What I found...

favored class - I'm sure is rogue but list this in the game info spot please.

list under racial traits that +2 to one ability was given to DEX

10 bolts cost 1gp and weigh 1lb. (were you trying to buy 20?)
Expoler's outfit weighs 8lb
trail rations (5) weigh 5lb

have gp spent at 219gp, 25sp, and 3cp - which is 15sp and 3cp over roll
total weight carried I have at 64lb
max weights: 0-58lb(light) - 59-116lb(medium) - 117-175lb(heavy)

reactionary is +2 to init in APG

Damage for a rapier is d6 and (you have d8+1 in one spot but strength is +2)
please list range after crit for those with range example: Light Crossbow: +4 = +0 (BAB) + 4 (DEX) + 0 (feat)/ DMG = 1d8(P), CRIT 19-20x2, Range 80'

please add to feats section:
Prof with all simple weapons - Rogue
Prof with hand crossbow, rapier, sap, short bow, and short sword - Rogue
Armor Prof(light) - Rogue

Skills are good but hard to check and you should have some listed that you may need but have no ranks in (Jump comes to mind) I will make a post to have people copy/paste and add in next.

Boy you have tied yourself nicely to the first adventure that is for sure. I like the background and it looks like you have a reason to earn a little cash and do a little expolring.

To EVERYONE: For the tracking post please make a sblock for favored class bonuses Jules's would say:
[sblock=FC Bonus]
1st lvl: +1 HP [/sblock]
And make one for equipment please - like so -
Current wealth-

Starting Gold = xxxgp
Spent = xxxgp

And then below that we would track exspences and things like if you had a big night gambling and came out ahead, etc. [/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
Here is the new skills section for your copy/pasting pleasure. And note the misc spot should be filled in with where the bonus is from and each new misc bonus should be listed seperately please.

So if you get a +2 to Perception from race and +1 from a trait you would list them as:

+2 [race] +1 [trait] and not...

+3 [misc]

Also you can back out any skills that aren't class it was just easier to have it generic for everyone. Thanks in advance.

Skill Points:
Max Ranks:

Skill List:
Acrobatics +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [DEX] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Appraise +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Bluff +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Climb +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [STR] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Craft +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Diplomacy +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Disable Device +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [DEX] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Disguise +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Escape Artist +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [DEX] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Fly +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [DEX] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Handle Animal +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Heal +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [WIS] +0 [misc]
Intimidate +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [CHA] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Knowledge (Arcana) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Dngnrng) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Engnrng) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Geography) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (History) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Local) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Nature) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Nobility) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Planes) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Knowledge (Religion) +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Linguistics +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Perception +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [WIS] +0 [misc]
Perform +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [CHA] +0 [misc]
Profession +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [WIS] +0 [misc]
Ride +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [DEX] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Sense Motive +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [WIS] +0 [misc]
Sleight of Hand +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [DEX] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Spellcraft +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [INT] +0 [misc]
Stealth +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [DEX] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Survival +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [WIS] +0 [misc]
Swim +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [STR] +0 [misc] +0 [ACP]
Use Magic Device +0 = +0 [ranks] +0 [class skill] +0 [CHA] +0 [misc] [/sblock]




First Post
I'll assume my background as posted is okay with folks then, since no one is asking for any changes.

Just let me know if tweaks are needed, or would be useful to accomodate linking with another PC.

Voidrunner's Codex

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