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AGOT - Winter is Coming - Solo - Chapter 1 & 2


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The year is 194. King Daeron II has ruled for ten years. Trouble is brewing, there is talk of King Daeron not being the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. Some say Prince Daemon Blackfyre is the rightful ruler, others say Daeron is King. No one knows for sure but one thing is for certain, Winter is Coming!!

As Karrwin rides south on his horse the echoes of his father’s voice ring in his head. Suddenly Karrwin is back in Winterfell. Sitting before Karrwin are his father Lord Edward Stark and his older half-brother Ser Artos Stark. Standing over a map of the Seven Kingdoms is Maester Garth. Slowly Edward looks up from the map, donning a serious face.

“Maester Garth has stated your studies are near complete.” Edward states as he looks you square in the eyes “I know you have little love of the Wall and you see little for yourself in Winterfell. Troubles are brewing in south. I cannot go south, I am Warden of the North. And your brother is needed here to help with the defense of the North.”

With some hesitation and a long glance towards Maester Garth, Lord Edward continues. “I need you to travel south and represent House Stark. You are emissary of the North. You have my full authority to make decisions for House Stark. Artos and I have discussed this at length.” As his name is mentioned your brother looks at you with one of his looks of protest, as if he has lost another argument with father.

Edward continues “I need you to figure what is going on in the south. There is speak of the King and his half-brother fighting over the throne. While swords have not been crossed yet, I see lines being drawn. My concern is for the safety of the North and our duty to protect our people.”

“As I said before figure out what is happening. Before you make any major decisions try to consult me, send ravens. But if a decision must be made use your best judgment, I trust you” your father states.

He points to the map laid out on the table in front of you, tracing a route with his finger. “You will travel to White Harbor, from there I have arraigned for a ship to take you to King’s Landing.” Both he and your brother look at you as King’s Landing is mentioned. “From King’s Landing you will travel to Bitterbridge via the Roseroad. You must make it there in little over a month. Lord Thommas Fossoway and Lord Harmon Caswell are holding the “Grand Tournament” this year. Many of the Great Houses will be in attendance. It is time House Stark joined in the Tournament.”

“You will not be going alone. I have spoken with Maester Garth, Septon Altain, and Eon. They all feel you are a capable leader. Therefore I am sending you with quite a host. Good luck to you my son. Remember trust only those you are sure of.” A day later you left Winterfell.

The jolting of your horse wakes you from your trance. You are over just an hour away from Bitterbridge. As you look back over the train you see a few familiar faces. Riding next to you is your close friend, Brandon Manderly. Marcus Hornwood had to stay at Winterfell. Your father sent Eon Umber as your advisor. A host of guards has also been sent, most of the men you recognize. One person you have got to know since you left Winterfell is Maester Jeremiah, a Maester sent to assist Maester Garth. Although Maester Garth says he needs no help. Jeremiah is about the same age as you and comes from House Hightower.

As you finally make it to Bitterbridge, your journey seems almost over, you are informed that you must travel another hour south. Between Bitterbridge and Cider Hill a large tournament ground has been set up. After another hour on the horse and a nearly noon you finally make it to the area. As you approach you can see a small city of pavalian tents being raised. You see the camp is busy - there must be nearly 5,000 people here alone. You are directed to an area.

As your men start to set up your tent in area. You see nearby other tents are being moved and shifted to make room for yours. As you look around you can see you are near the tournament grounds themselves. You see the banners of many houses. Amongst those you easily recognize are the Targaryen Pavalian a bit distant but alone, the Tyrell green is at the head, the Baratheon gold nearby, and many more.

For a short period your wonder getting familiar with the surroundings, the general rumor and talk is how the Starks have come to a tournament. You seem to be the talk as of now. You makre your return to your tent, it is nearly complete and set up, things are being put in place.

Brandon Manderly, Eon Umber, and Maester Jeremiah catch up with you in what would be the reception area of your pavalian tent. Brandon speaks first "They are calling you Lord Stark. It seems strange considering your father is not here and he's not dead."

Maester Jeremiah "It's not so much as a insult, as a honor. They don't know what to call you. You are not "the Lord Stark", but you are also not a knight so they don't want to call you Ser. In the south almost all men are knights or lords. They are calling you "Lord Stark" as an honor."

Eon just grumbles and laughs at the Maester's words.

Brandon continues "There is talk of the tournament last five whole days!!! I would ask your permission to enter my name into tournament, your Lord." He says the last bit seriously.

Maester Jeremiah states "It may do well for you, my Lord to enter the tournament as well. I know the Starks are not tournament fighters, but your father sent you here to find out what is going. The only way to gain the trust of the southern lords is to act like them. They will always see you as an outsider. You must adapt to there ways."

Eon laughs again "For once I understand something that comes out a Maester's mouth. I would enter just to see what type of fighting men they are, but then again a tournament is not real battle. Its the closest thing you are going to get in the south. And as far as adapting to there ways - We are from the North, not the south! I am proud to call myself a Northman."
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Karrwin Stark was quiet and kept to himself during most of the trip south. His thoughts were on his father's words and his coming task. He was excited that he finally had a task, something to do, something important. At the same time, he realized the dreadful importance of what he was about. If war truly might break out, then it was critical he make sure his father was aware of what was going on and could be prepared.

He thought, too, of the look his half-brother, Artos, had given him when his father had spoken to him. It was clear that Artos disapproved of Karrwin doing this. No doubt he was jealous. Well, that was too bad, Karrwin thought. He is the heir and has always been given the highest honor. Now it's my turn. He liked his brother and did not think ill of him. They had just never got along well.

Karrwin was still a bit shocked over his father's words that Eon, Maester Garth, and Septon Altain felt he was a capable leader. No one had ever told him that before. He enjoyed the tasks that came with leadership and it seemed to come easy to him, however he did not think that it was anything to be noticed by his mentors. Whatever they thought, this was his chance to do something and he was determined to do it right.

The spectacle of the tournament grounds does little to impress Karrwin. He had been to a grand tournament before and he held the Stark view of tournaments. War is not a game. Not to mention, his incident with Viserys Targaryen did not give him fond memories from the previous tourney. He walked around the grounds given to the Starks, chatting briefly with his men here, helping to drive in a tent stake there.

Brandon Manderly, Eon Umber, and Maester Jeremiah catch up with you in what would be the reception area of your pavalian tent. Brandon speaks first "They are calling you Lord Stark. It seems strange considering your father is not here and he's not dead."

Maester Jeremiah "It's not so much as a insult, as a honor. They don't know what to call you. You are not "the Lord Stark", but you are also not a knight so they don't want to call you Ser. In the south almost all men are knights or lords. They are calling you "Lord Stark" as an honor."

"Yes, southroners and their titles and forms of address. It is an obsession with them." Karrwin shakes his head.

Brandon continues "There is talk of the tournament last five whole days!!! I would ask your permission to enter my name into tournament, your Lord." He says the last bit seriously.

Maester Jeremiah states "It may do well for you, my Lord to enter the tournament as well. I know the Starks are not tournament fighters, but your father sent you here to find out what is going. The only way to gain the trust of the southern lords is to act like them. They will always see you as an outsider. You must adapt to there ways."

Eon laughs again "For once I understand something that comes out a Maester's mouth. I would enter just to see what type of fighting men they are, but then again a tournament is not real battle. Its the closest thing you are going to get in the south. And as far as adapting to there ways - We are from the North, not the south! I am proud to call myself a Northman."

Karrwin claps Brandon on the back. "Of course, you may enter. You should enter as well, Eon. As for myself, I am not sure. I am no knight to be tilting in tournaments. Besides, I may learn more by observing from the sidelines." Karrwin puts his hand on his chin, stroking his thin shadow of a beard. "If the other Lords seem to make an issue of me not joining the jousting, I may, may, enter the melee. I would be much more comfortable there. I would prefer not to do that, though. Eon, a word with you please." He gestures the large man aside for privacy.

Karrwin walks as they talk. "Have some of your men that you trust spend some time mingling with the other guardsmen. I want to know what the talk amonst the smallfolk is. I will have to try and talk to the other Lords and play their game to find out what is happening in King's Landing."


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Maester Jeremiah states "I am glad the title does not bother you to much my lord. I am glad that is setteled."

"Before you go Karrwin, there are three melee's this year, if you enter one you enter them all. There is the traditional mass melee. Then there a two man melee, you are assigned a partner and the two of you must work together to make it until the end. And the last is a House Melee. Each House is allowed to enter ten men into the fight. The last house standing wins." Brandon states to you. "Thank you for allowing me to enter."

As you walk with Eon he stops and thinks for a moment and then continues with you. He looks at you for a moment and puts a large grin on his face. "I am just thinking of something your father said. He said you are 'cunning as a fox'. Now I see what he means. Your father was no fool, he sent me with a few men who might be useful in the south he said. I will send them out as soon as we are settled here."

"I am concerned though about the tournament. While I know men can die in a tournament I don't think you will. I made a vow to your father to protect you. These new fights sound as if they may present a problem with me protecting you. If I must enter the melee, I will be by your side the entire time." Eon says. When he speaks the last bit you almost get the feeling he looks at you as if you were his son.

As you are talking a Thom Snow, son of Ser Randall Snow Winterfell's Master-at-Arms, and another man enter the tent. "Excuse me Karrwin, this is Tyler Fossoway. He has been assigned to House Stark for the remainder of the tournament."

Tyler is a short man, you would figure he is only 5'6" if lucky. He wears the apple of the Fossoway's upon his chest. He doesn't appear to be a knight or swordsman of any type. And his stance and clothing don't make him to be a noble or courtier of any type.

"Lord Stark it is my pleasure to me you. I am also pleased to meet you. I have been assigned by Lord Fossoway to see to your needs. You felt you may need some assitance while you were here. I was also instructed by my distant cousin Ser Stuart to wish you the best of luck. He says Winterfell misses you already."


Brandon states to you. "Thank you for allowing me to enter."

"Of course, Brandon. Just take a care you don't get hurt. I don't want to have to explain to your father what happened." Karrwin smiles and claps his friend on the back.

"Lord Stark it is my pleasure to me you. I am also pleased to meet you. I have been assigned by Lord Fossoway to see to your needs. You felt you may need some assitance while you were here. I was also instructed by my distant cousin Ser Stuart to wish you the best of luck. He says Winterfell misses you already."

Karrwin's cool grey eyes appraise Fossoway. A spy, perhaps. He will bear watching. "Thank you for the kind words and the assistance, Lord Fossoway. Why don't we go back to my tent to talk further? I could use something to drink. Eon, could you find Maester Jeremiah and meet me back there."


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Eon nods and walks off heading back towards were you left the Maester.

Tyler looks at you "It is not necessary to call my Lord. I am along way removed from a title and I am no knight. My duty is to serve. If I am luckly one day I will be a steward to a great lord. Shall we walk my Lord." Tyler states and starts walking following your lead.

"I am sincere in my duty. I am sure you have some doubts and fears about my loyalty. As I said before I am hear to serve you. My cousin knew some time ago that you were sent south, he sent me word and asked that I look out for you. If you must know where my loyalty lies, I will be honest. First off I serve my cousin, Ser Stuart, now in residence at Winterfell. Second it lies with you. If you wish to think me a spy so be it, but the only person I will be spying for is Ser Stuart and your father." Tyler states as you walk to your tent.

You know Ser Stuart to be a stallwart companion of your father's. He has lived at Winterfell longer than you have been alive. Although every few years he travels south for some time. He has always returned. As a child Ser Stuart seemed cold and grim. He aged faster than most men. But he is still a good rider and advisor to your father. If he had any fault it would be, well cold.

"I know you are not familiar with the ways of the south. I will answer you honestly and to best of my ability. May I suggest that you keep to guards with you at all times. These are dangerous times. While you may feel safe, I can say the North will play a important role in the upcoming troubles. You will be coveted by both sides and many more. I see we have arrived." Tyler continues as you make it to your destination.

Standing no far off is Eon and Maester Jeremiah. Shadowing your every move is Thom Snow.


Karrwin nods as Tyler talks, listening carefully. When they reach his tent, he waves for Eon and the maester to join them. He pours himself a cup of wine and offers some to the others. He sits down and sips at his drink, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. Then he looks at Tyler.

"You're right. I'm not sure if I can trust you. The old blood runs in my veins and I feel as a stranger in these southron lands. I have been south before and the one thing I learned is that people are different here. However, you have given me no reason to distrust you, so I am in your hands.

"First, I need to know what the schedule of events will be for the tournament."


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Tyler looks at you “You are wise not to trust me, I have not earned any respect. I walk into your camp and expect you trust. I am the fool, please excuse me.” He says.

He continues “The tournament is to last 9 days. Here is a brief list of the all the events. Tomorrow is ’The Hosting’ Lord Tyrell, Lord Ashford, and Lord Fossoway will have a feast at mid-afternoon in the center field. They will welcome everyone. That should last through to the night. There will be dancing and singing. There will also be much politics – teams will be formed and alliances made. I am sure there will also be talk of King and his brother.”

“The first event is the list. It is traditional in the Reach to have the Knightly events first. This last two days. On the fourth day is the pageant. No one knows what the pageant is this year.”

“Then there is a break on the fifth day is another feast. This break is to allow everyone to rest and reorganize. New alliances will be made. Again there will be a feast in the center field. It will start at sunset and last through the night.”

“The next day is the first melee. This melee is the traditional melee where the last man standing wins. The next day is the house or team melee where you will be allowed to lead and fight with you men. The next day is the two-man melee. In this one you will be teamed up with another man. From what I have heard the two of you will tied together.”

“Finally comes the end on the last day the winner of the tournament is announced and traditionally the King grants the winner one wish. In the past men have been knighted and given land, others have been made Lords, others have asked for wives, and in one case a man was appointed to the Kingsguard.” Tyler finishes.


"Somehow, I doubt you are a fool, Tyler. I may not fully trust you, yet, but I do respect you and I am grateful for your counsel.

"Eon, continue with what we discussed earlier. Make sure a few men stay sober tomorrow to deal with anyone who overindulges and anything else that might come up. Those who wish to enter the list may do so, as well.

Karrwin scratches his short beard. It's barely started and I'm all ready starting to feel the weight of my responsibility. He gets up and paces in the cramped tent. "Tell me, Tyler, what do you know of the situation with the Targaryens. Does it truly look like war is coming?"


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Eon nods at your command and disappears. While you are thinking for a few moments you can hear Eon yelling at some men and talking to others.

Tyler puts his hand to his chin and appears to be thinking for a few moments. "May I sit?" he says point to a chest. "This may take a little bit."

Tyler sits and continues "I know you know the general jist of the situation between King Daeron and Prince Daemon. This situation is made worse by the fact that the King has been on the Throne for ten years, but he has not married or have an heir. His younger brother is his heir, but there is something not right about him. If the King were to die, I don't think the Viserys would sit on the Iron Throne. The noble lords would not support him."

"The situation is different with King Daeron. He has been in power to long. He has made many political allies. Many families both small and Great have to much riding on the current king. But he has had to keep Prince Daemon close. Since the day he took power he was forced to have Daemon on his Small Council. Daemon holds a lot of power being the Master of Laws. He is probably second only to the King's Hand."

"As to war, no one knows. Of late the King has become more irrational and 'unstable', if that is the best word to describe it, but he has started to make decsions without consulting the Small Council or the Hand. I fear that he will make a decsion that will lead to war. Many of the Houses talk of war and lines are being drawn. I would say a something is going to start a fire and no one is going to be able to put it out."

"As for Prince Daemon, I do not know the man. But from what I have heard he does not covet the Iron Throne. This is rumor, but from what I have heard he wishes to find a way to prove that King Daeron is the son of the Dragonknight. If he can then the King would have no choice but to step down. The King would be a bastard child of a Kingsguard, not the King. Let alone the repercussions of the Kingsguard issue."

"As for the Great Houses. Many wish to go to war. They simply wish to gain more power and rid themselves of enemies. The only houses that are for sures is House Arryn. They have been loyal to the King since the day he took the Throne. I know your House for example houses the son of the Prince Daemon. But I know also that your father is wise and will side with the side he feels is legitamit and honorable. House Baratheon has always supported the King, but as I have said as of late the King has made rash decsions, especially in regards to Dorne. The Baratheons hate the Dornemen, but the King has been talking and working with the Dorne recently. The Tyrells are the sameway, they have suffered Dornish raids for centuries and do not like them, but at the same time the Reach is a little kingdom by itself. Politics and such have been played out and will continue.The Tully's, Lannister's, and Greyjoy's who know where they stand."

"That is the short version. So to answer your question: is a war coming? Yes but the question is when and who starts it. Prince Daemon will not, I would have said the King would not either, but now I don't know."


Karrwin sighs. "Gods, what have I stepped into." He stands silently for a minute.

"Thank you, master Tyler, you have been most helpful. I think tomorrow is going to be a long day. I may not know how these southroners think, but I will have to learn. Maester, do you have anything to add?"

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