
This episode was kinda meh. The action revolved around a long chase sequence, and Jedi are the worst in long chase sequences because they are just too calm, so it really sucks the tension out of the scenes. Otherwise, this was just a "moving the plot ahead" kind of episode. And we got the cliched "the bureaucracy refuses to listen and acknowledge the obvious threat so our heroes are on their own" subplot that we've all seen a zillion times. It's lazy writing when you immediately know exactly how the scene is going to end, and I hate scenes like this because they immediately kill my immersion in the story. As a teacher, I appreciated that Ahsoka had by far the best and most realistic approach to teaching that we've seen from a Jedi master - firm, honest, but encouraging, and not actually hurting her student. The space whales were super cool.
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The Idiot Ball Strikes Back

I thought the lightsaber fights were good. I continue to like Baylan, which is fortunate, given the circumstances. I do not even want to mention that other than to say I was definitely not expecting it. But I still wonder about Marrok. The fight between him and Ahsoka seemed in some ways like the final fight between Maul and Obi-Wan. And the fact that magic seemed to be released when he was struck down: I feel like we are going to be seeing him again next week but as Ahsoka's companion. I could be wrong though. The title of the episode seems apt.


Give me a good lightsaber duel and I'm happy. I liked the physicality of it. Baylan felt so controlled, yet seemingly hitting with a wallop. Also ... can't wait for all the Marrok theories now ... lol

I enjoyed it well enough, but they still could do to tighten the editing. This episode was basically five scenes - goodies and baddies talking about their plans, Hera going to help, fight #1, fight #2, and then the ship leaving. Plus a stinger. You could fit that into 22 minutes, but they stretched it out to 33 (not counting 'previously on' and credits).

They need to edit this like they did Rebels.

Also, Lord, some day I will watch a live action lightsaber fight where nobody spins and exposes their back to their opponent. Some day.

Lots of great stuff in this episode. Definitely top two Star Wars series with The Mandalorian.

And that surprise at the end was not really a surprise, as we already knew there would be new dialogue for him, as shown in at least one of the trailers.

Now, like others, one thing I have noticed in this series is that, yes, some of the fighting seems to be almost in slow motion, when compared to previous shows. But in some of those, they were filming at normal speed and then speeding up the fight scenes a bit in post production. This was most obvious in the Mandalorian episode done by Robert Rodriguez.


  • It appears Marrok was a product of Morgan's Nightsister magick. Was he anyone special she enhanced or just a corpse she reanimated?
  • Why was Ahsoka only fighting with one lightsaber in both fights?
  • I was wondering how they were going to keep Hera in the show. Going AWOL appears to be the way!
  • So Sabine feels like she's responsible for the destruction of Mandalore or just for the death of her family? And she blames Ahsoka for it? No wonder they fell out, and no wonder Sabine is not the person she was in Rebels.
  • I liked the bit where Shin said Sabine had no power, only for Sabine to blast her in the face with rockets. But Sabine went and left her helmet behind ... I guess they didn't want a repeat of "helmets on all the time" ... ;)
  • I guess de-aged Anakin is going to show Ahsoka how to get herself out of the World Between Worlds. Perhaps along the way she'll be able to dip into the past to retrieve the map sphere so that she and Hera and Carson can follow the others. (Too bad Carson didn't bring Zeb with him.)
  • Anyone spot Morai anywhere? I haven't seen her since the episode of The Mandalorian that introduced live action Ahsoka.


  • It appears Marrok was just a Nightsister smoke monster.
  • Why was Ahsoka only fighting with one lightsaber in both fights?
  • I was wondering how they were going to keep Hera in the show. Going AWOL appears to be the way!
  • So Sabine feels like she's responsible for the destruction of Mandalore or just for the death of her family? And she blames Ahsoka for it? No wonder they fell out, and no wonder Sabine is not the person she was in Rebels.
  • I liked the bit where Shin said Sabine had no power, only for Sabine to blast her in the face with rockets. But Sabine went and left her helmet behind ... I guess they didn't want a repeat of "helmets on all the time" ... ;)
  • I guess de-aged Anakin is going to show Ahsoka how to get herself out of the World Between Worlds. Perhaps along the way she'll be able to dip into the past to retrieve the map sphere so that she and Hera and Carson can follow the others. (Too bad Carson didn't bring Zeb with him.)
  • Anyone spot Morai anywhere? I haven't seen her since the episode of The Mandalorian that introduced live action Ahsoka.

Marrok was probably a reanimated corpse. See Clone Wars.

Ahsoka might be dead. Anakins line "got here sooner than I thought".

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