If Anakin had been present the Eye of Sion would be space dust and the series would be very short.The thing with the Jedi transport is that it only has one real trick, and it was used to excess in this sequence. I could practically hear young-Anakin shouting "I'll try spinning, that's a good trick!"
The guy who blew up the death star would be widely known, even if they didn't know he was a jedi. The Mandalorians never hearing about Luke was a plot hole.Again, the kids father was a Jedi. Not really representative. It’s not kids it’s a kid. Whose dad was a Jedi. Whose mom has spent his whole life in the pursuit of another one.
Again, you can not like it all you like. But no one knew where Luke was. As in the Mandalorian, who has considerable information sources - enough to hunt people down professionally- not only didn’t know where he was, but didn’t even know he existed.
Sounds like they should be training you with that lightsaber!had huge hopes for this show but I have a bad feeling right now
Star Wars laser bolts don't travel that fast and are very visible. Open up the range and your target can dodge even without Jedi reflexes.What got me is that space is very big and starfighters have a long range with their blaster fire. There was no need to fly right next to a ship that had no power. I mean, Ahsoka cutting the wing off the fighter was cool and all, but it was pretty forced(har har).
The Mandalorians where busy with their own civil war at the time. They no doubt heard that the Empire's superweapon had been destroyed by rebels, but it wasn't a headline. They might have even heard the name of the pilot who fire the shot. So what? In a galaxy of hundreds of trillions of sentients, there must be billions of people called Luke Skywalker. No reason to suppose some hermit trying to re-establish a dead religion on a remote planet is the same guy.The guy who blew up the death star would be widely known, even if they didn't know he was a jedi. The Mandalorians never hearing about Luke was a plot hole.
Given the sheer number of planets with aliens and alien naming conventions, I really doubt that it's anywhere near the billions, but you do have a point that there would be multiple/many Luke Skywalkers running around.The Mandalorians where busy with their own civil war at the time. They no doubt heard that the Empire's superweapon had been destroyed by rebels, but it wasn't a headline. They might have even heard the name of the pilot who fire the shot. So what? In a galaxy of hundreds of trillions of sentients, there must be billions of people called Luke Skywalker. No reason to suppose some hermit trying to re-establish a dead religion on a remote planet is the same guy.
Since Luke was craftily "hidden" under the surname Skywalker, it must be a very common surname in the Galaxy or at least on Tatooine.The Mandalorians where busy with their own civil war at the time. They no doubt heard that the Empire's superweapon had been destroyed by rebels, but it wasn't a headline. They might have even heard the name of the pilot who fire the shot. So what? In a galaxy of hundreds of trillions of sentients, there must be billions of people called Luke Skywalker. No reason to suppose some hermit trying to re-establish a dead religion on a remote planet is the same guy.