Airwalkrr's The Sunless Citadel: IC


Another party of adventurers, locally based, delved into the Sunless Citadel a month past. They were never seen again. Two human members of that ill-fated adventuring party were brother and sister, Talgen Hucrele (a fighter) and Sharwyn Hucrele (a wizard). They were part of an important merchant family based in the town of Oakhurst. Kerowyn Hucrele, the matriarch of the family, offers salvage rights to you and your team if you can find and return with the two lost members of her family--or at least return the gold signet rings worn by the missing brother and sister. She also offers a reward of 125 gp per signet ring for each of you. If you bring back the Hucreles in good shape (of good mind and body), she offers to double the reward.

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Thugg shifted impatiently in the comfortable chair he had been provided. He didn't like to wait. He glared around the room, his arms crossed, looking something like a petulant child. He had only gone because the local bartender had told him that gold could be got here (largely to get the oafish half-orc out of his place of business), and he had since agreed to do whatever it was the giver of the gold had asked for (he hadn't really been listening), but he had not expected to be sat down and told to wait for his prize. Thugg suddenly stood up, glaring at a nearby butler who had been standing in silence at the other side of the room. "Thugg want speak with man now! Barman say shiny things here, Thugg want shiny things!" and he smashed his fist against the arm of the chair, causing it to buckle slightly. His rather prominent tusks made his cross expression even more piggish.

(Edit: OOC: I suppose this might use an intimidate check, now that I think about it? Though I don't really know what that would accomplish, exactly)
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"Calm yourself, my large friend." Tomak says to the stranger in the chair. "Shiny things will come in their time." The swordsage took careful note of half-orc. The man was obviously muscled, but then again he was part orc. His movements weren't totally smooth, but Tomak guessed he could swing that giant sword around like it was a stick.
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Voda Vosa

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"Waiting does not good to anyone, makes you look older" a young female seated on a neighboring table says, unhooding his cloack. "And I want some shiny things as well"


A young male wizard steps into the room. He scans the area noting the others gathered here for the rescue attempt. He makes mental notes of the half-orc with the very large sword, the man with the short swords, and the young blond haired woman.

Good day, I am Toram Westin. Like the rest of you, I am interested in finding and returning the missing siblings. Are we still waiting for others?


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A warrior bearing the sign of Elishar on his shield makes his way into the room. He scans the eclectic group of adventurers, and states, "I've come to inquire about the missing Hucreles. Is Kerowyn to receive us soon?"


Tomak shifts in his chair uncomfortably. "So they propose to bind us together then........" he was not against such a proposal, but was unsure about how efficient this group would be. He assumed that the other people (excluding the half-orc) were casters of some sort, which already put him on edge.


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"Huh?" Thugg said, staring around the room stupidly, seeming to barely comprehend what was said by everyone else, and to be even less interested. "Barman say shiny things, Thugg see no shiny things! Barman lie! Thugg smash barman!" The orc was visibly angry, glaring around the room. He walked to the door and reached for the knob, then paused. "Where...where barman?" He asked stupidly, having forgotten where he even met the man. "Uhhh..." he scratched his head with one massive green tinged finger, the nails of which were cracked and yellow. He seemed to be thinking about what to do next, and the gears were surely turning slowly.
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"Calm yourself big one." Tomak smiled at the half-orc's confusion. Apparently he was more orc than not. Tomak slides back in his chair, stretching his legs out and crossing them. "Patience was a virtue after all" he looked over at the half-orc"........ or maybe not."

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