Airwalkrr's The Sunless Citadel: IC

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OOC: It seems pretty clear that everyone favors option 1 at least. You can simulate this with a Gather Information check or pick a location and I will detail it for you, giving you some NPCs you could speak with.


First Post
Keralt wants to exercise a little order before things deteriorate, so he tries to find some reasonable jobs for everyone.

"There are a few jobs that need doing before we can proceed.

Merlitz, would you care to visit the Ol' Boar again and make a few inquiries?

Tomak, a trip to the healer could get us some much-needed potions, in case we run into trouble.

I'll try the constable, to see if he's heard any hint of what's in store for us.

Toram, perhaps you could try the General Store and get the rest of the supplies we need: surely rope shall be needed, and a few lanterns or torches shall be necessary. Thugg can help you carrry the supplies. How much cash can we get together?"
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I have a few gold pieces to my name. Enough to purchase some torches, a few lanterns, some oil, and perhaps a coil of rope. Toram replies.


"Not sure about potions, may be well out of my price range. I have around 50 gold left to me." Tomak shifts in his chair, he was not real comfortable admitting he carried such a large amount of money.


OOC: Oakhurst is not a very large town. See the map at the top post. Your character is either local and knows the locations listed, or at least figured out the names of those locations on the way into town. Either way, they should be pretty self-explanatory.


First Post
As people seem accepting of the plan, Keralt heads over to meet the constable and hit him up for backgound information on the missing siblings or the dangers of the Old Road and Sunless Citadel.

Voidrunner's Codex

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