Airwalkrr's The Sunless Citadel: IC


You could always visit with Kerowyn and try to convince her to give you an advance.

OOC: So are you now prepared to journey to the Sunless Citadel? I will assume silence is acquiescence.

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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Hmm interesting my good bartender, really. So you say this mage came along, and never came back from those ruins..." the woman took a minute to think, grim face. Then, her smile shined again. "Any other piece of information you could facilitate me, my good man?"


Why, Miss, Garon replies with a wide grin, I could ramble on all day about the stories, legends, rumors, and tales I've heard in me days. Just ye tell me where to start!


First Post
"Well good people, should we press on to recover our companion from the Inn, and make our way to the Citadel? Time may be of the essence to recover the lost twins. We should make haste."

Voda Vosa

First Post
"What about two younglings adventuring in the passages of the old ruin, and never coming back?" the woman says, toying with her glass.

Voidrunner's Codex

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