I'm A Banana
Infiniti2000 said:This is only true if you only play, or plan to play, at your home table. Maybe a majority of the fan base falls under those restrictions, but certainly not everyone. More importantly, at some point everyone is new and those new or potentially new players and DMs care about what's core and what isn't. The core rules help define the game and until DMs and players alike can understand the core rules, they shouldn't start changing them.
What is core for a DM's game is what the DM says is core.
What is core for organized play is what the organizer of the play event says is core.
What is core for a new player? Whatever your DM says is core.
What is core for a brand new DM who never played before? Whatever that DM decides is core (selected from these big books of options called D&D rulebooks, which go over how all these rules work).
5e, I don't think, is defined by what is core. I think D&D in general, and 5e specifically, is defined, in part, by the ability to define for yourself what is core.
I'm pretty excited that WotC is making overtures to getting rid of the inherent condescension in some people's voices when they say that's "just a house rule" by making house rules the only rules.